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David D

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Everything posted by David D

  1. Thanks Rand. Right before getting your reply, the cpu usage went back to normal, although the "System Busy" message was still there. I jumped the gun and hit reboot before checking the ISY lights . After reboot, the "System Busy" went away and is now in the "Ready" state. Any recommended settings or programming to account for power outages?
  2. Update... I re-started my computer and things are showing up now, but I have a "System Busy" and Java is working myCPU to death (93-99%). Is this normal?
  3. Yes, last night we got the first major snowfall we've had in Richmond, VA in years. Lost power around 9:30 last night and it just came back on. I logged onto the ISY to see how it fared. The first thing I noticed is that there aren't any devices showing under "Network". I hit Query and nothing shows up. All my Programs seem to be there, and the time and location are correct. What do I need to do to get back to "normal" and is there anything that I should consider programming-wise to account for the occasional power outage? Thanks!
  4. Like the heading says, am I supposed to have two "QueryAll" programs in "My Programs"? Both are set to run at 3:00:00am.
  5. I too am guilty of "over-thinking" things (engineer's disease). Glad to be of assistance!
  6. You will most likely have bypass/remove the touch control. It may be simply a matter of unplugging the lights from the touch control box and plugging them into the Lamplinc.
  7. Thanks! So far I'm lovin' the ISY/Insteon setup. Thanks again for the help!
  8. OK, I think I got it. You create a Scene and place the appropriate Keypadlinc button in that Scene by itself. Then write a program that turns that Scene on or off as you desire based upon the condition(s) of the devices you are controlling. I tried it last night on the aforementioned button and program and it worked just fine. My new ISY replaced an Ocelot, so I'm still in the midst of shifting gears and getting familiar with the ISY!
  9. Please forgive me if I'm missing something, but I want to make sure I've got a grasp on this. For example I have a KPL button (A) in our Master Bedroom that acts as a Bedtime and Wakeup button. When switched off (Bedtime), the living room lights go off, the kitchen light dims (X-10), and the outside post light is set to 50%. When switched on (Wakeup), the living room lights are switched on, and the kitchen light is brought up full. I'd like to keep the A button sync'd so that it matches the status of the lights so that it is on when we go to be so it can be switched off. The kitchen X-10 module can't be part of the status equation as it's your garden variety Radio Shack Lamp Module, but the living room Lamplinc could provide the necessary status. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
  10. +1 on AWESOME! THAT'S what I'm talking about! Keep us posted with your progress!
  11. What I have in mind is something similar to the interfaceGO setup. I also have a Dell Axim 50V PDA that might get pressed into service as a touchscreen remote for the coffee table. It would be great to have an ISY interface that would be suited for PDA and iPhone/iPod Touch. Is that the concept that you're working on?
  12. I apologize if I've missed something in my searches, but there doesn't seem to be much activity on this subject lately. My wife and I both have iPod Touches that we use extensively and would very much like to use with our ISY99/Insteon setup. Is there any work being done on a mobile device solution that is iPod compatible? I've looked at Smarthome's Smartlinc, but it seems to me that a more direct interface to the ISY would be cleaner and more flexible.
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