Please forgive me if I'm missing something, but I want to make sure I've got a grasp on this.
For example I have a KPL button (A) in our Master Bedroom that acts as a Bedtime and Wakeup button. When switched off (Bedtime), the living room lights go off, the kitchen light dims (X-10), and the outside post light is set to 50%. When switched on (Wakeup), the living room lights are switched on, and the kitchen light is brought up full. I'd like to keep the A button sync'd so that it matches the status of the lights so that it is on when we go to be so it can be switched off. The kitchen X-10 module can't be part of the status equation as it's your garden variety Radio Shack Lamp Module, but the living room Lamplinc could provide the necessary status. What would be the best way to accomplish this?