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David D

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Everything posted by David D

  1. I guess I'm fortunate in that the PLM is still functioning as it is. I can live with it for a couple of days until the replacement arrives. I'm glad since a total failure would cause lighting issues that would irritate the wife! Gotta maintain the high WAF (wife acceptance factor) to enable future automation expansion!
  2. Lee, I'm going to order a 2413S from Amazon since I have been contemplating the dual band unit anyway. I read where they have upgraded the capacitors somewhat, so the reliability may have improved. Additionally, does the PLM retain the programming and continue to function if it loses communication with the ISY? So far, I haven't noticed any lighting issues in the house, other than my Mobilinc not communicating with the ISY.
  3. My PLM is a 2412S, not 2413S. It's old (in electronics years)! I just found and read the thread on the 2413 capacitor replacement. Maybe has the same capacitor issues?
  4. I have had my ISY99/IR Pro and Insteon 2412S PLM for several flawless years. I recently upgraded to the 994i/IR Pro and connected to my 2412S PLM and it has worked fine... Until today I was away from our house and went to check the lights using Mobilinc and could not connect to the ISY. Got home and pulled it up on my PC and got the "safe mode" error message, so I unplugged the PLM for 30 seconds to reset (I'm powering the ISY with the PLM). I'm still getting the "safe mode" message when I log on to the ISY. Also, both RX and TX lights on the ISY are on steady for awhile after powering it back up. I can see all my devices in the admin screen, but cannot see any programs (I get a "request failed" error when I select the "Programs" tab). From what I've read, it sounds like my PLM has died. Does anyone have any additional input as to what may be wrong, or is the consensus that my PLM is toast and I just need to order a new one? I've been thinking about a new dual band unit anyway, although all the reviews say they have terrible longevity issues. What say you? David
  5. Thank you! I'll give that a try.
  6. I have an ISY with the Elk module. We use Honeywell key fobs for arm, disarm, panic and lighting. I currently have the key fobs programmed to toggle our "arrive" scene and associated programs on and off. Problem is, the key fob can't know the current state of the lighting, so it can take a double press to turn the scene and programs on or off. How could I program the system so that if the scene and programs are on, a single key fob press would toggle the current state off and vice-versa?
  7. Thank you! Setting it to 8 minutes works! That has to be the quickest resolution to a problem I have ever experienced. Thanks again!
  8. Just replaced two older LampLinc modules with the newer Dual Band (2457D2) and all seems fine except that I cannot get my simulated sunrise to work. I have one older LampLinc and one new one in my master bedroom that are in a scene called Master Bedroom Sunrise. Every weekday morning, they are come on at 5:30am with a 9 minute ramp rate. The old unit still ramps up over the 9 minute period just fine. The new unit comes on immediately. I used the "replace with" function on my ISY programmer to add the new LampLinc and have checked the scene and it all looks correct. Any ideas?
  9. Thank you Michel! As always, your level of service is exemplary.
  10. Ok, just performed an automatic upgrade from 2.7.6 (I know, I know... I waited too long ) I have three KPL's. Do I need to remove and re-install the KPL's in my programming?
  11. Thanks Mark! I added the parentheses and it works now. Thanks again!
  12. Ok, I've got things to where they work (almost). What is happening now is that after Sunset, if I turn off the Dining Rm Entrance ('Leave'), everything shuts off, including the Kitchen Lamp and the Post Light. What is supposed to happen is if it's after Sunset, all lights should shut off except for the Post Light and the Kitchen Lamp which should dim to 50%. What am I doing wrong? Leave (Daytime) If Control 'Dining Rm Entrance' is switched Off Or Control 'Living Rm Keypad Button A' is switched Off And From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) Then Set Scene 'Master BR Main' Off Set 'Kitchen Lamp' Off Set 'Living Room Keypad - Post Lig' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Leave (Nighttime) If Control 'Dining Rm Entrance' is switched Off Or Control 'Living Rm Keypad Button A' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set Scene 'Master BR Main' Off Set 'Kitchen Lamp' 50% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. OK, I think I've got it working. Still need to figure out how to add Button A from a KeypadLinc so I can activate the 'Arrive' and 'Leave' programs from another entrance, but here's what I have thus far: 'Leave (Daytime)' If Control 'Dining Rm Entrance' is switched Off And From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) Then Set Scene 'Master BR Main' Off Set 'Kitchen Lamp' Off Set Scene 'LR Lamps' Off Set 'Dining Rm Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Second program: 'Leave (Nighttime)' If Control 'Dining Rm Entrance' is switched Off And From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Set Scene 'Master BR Main' Off Set Scene 'LR Lamps' Off Set 'Dining Rm Lamp' Off Set 'Kitchen Lamp' 50% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Ok, I've tried changing my program, but am having difficulty with getting it to work properly. How do I copy and paste my program here so you can see it?
  15. First, perhaps we have not been as clear as we should. One does not actually "write" programs. The ISY does this for you, based on conditions and schedules and actions you define. I believe you will have a problem with your program. It may not actually shut the lights off (it is always "after" sunset, whether a few minutes or 23 hours). I believe you should set the second condition to: "and time is between sunset and sunrise". Looking at the program options, I don't see the ability to enter "and time is between sunset and sunrise". It gives options for setting time is before or after sunrise or sunset, but not between. Do I need to enter two lines such as?: And time is after sunset and time is before sunrise
  16. Ok, can I do it using a program like this? If Status 'Dining Rm Entrance' is Off and Time is after Sunset Then set 'Kitchen Lamp' to 30% Else set 'Kitchen Lamp' to Off I would also add other devices into the program that would get shut off regardless of sunrise/sunset. but that should be straightforward, I would think.
  17. Sorry for the late reply on this. I'm having a hard time getting my head wrapped around this, even with all of your suggestions. My ADHD flares up and when it does, I have a hard time sorting things like this out. Let me chew on this for a little while. If anyone has more suggestions, feel free to make them. Maybe something will "click" and I'll "get it".
  18. I have two programs for sunrise/sunset: If time is sunrise Then set 'Post Light' Off Then set 'Kitchen Lamp' Off If time is sunset Then set 'Post Light' On Then set 'Kitchen Lamp' On The Kitchen Lamp is plugged into the LampLinc. The Post Light is connected to a KeypadLinc. I want these programs to remain in effect. Basically, I want to add control such that if we leave the house anytime from 6:00 am to sunset, hitting the 'Leave' button will shut off the Kitchen Lamp (LampLinc). If it's sunset or afterwards and before 6:00 am, I want the Kitchen Lamp to dim to 30% when the 'Leave' button is activated. I apologize if I've made this confusing! Thank you for your patience!
  19. I have two devices (the LampLinc in question and one exterior post light) that are in a "on at sunset, off at sunrise" program. Right now, when I turn off the SwitchLinc by the door ("Leave"), everything turns off except the post light. What I WANT to happen when "Leave" is activated is the lamp in the Kitchen (the LampLinc in question) to turn off if it's during daylight hours (between sunrise and sunset) and dim to 30% at night (between sunset and sunrise). This way, if we leave the house after sunset, we're not shutting off the kitchen lamp and coming home to a dark house.
  20. I know this is probably a no brainer, but I thought I'd opt for the quick answer since writing a program the wrong way will result in lights going on or off at the wrong time and upsetting SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) (Yes, it's happened before...) I have a SwitchLinc next to the door that we go in and out of that is our "Arrive" and "Leave" switch. I also have a LampLinc that is set to come on at Sunset and off at Sunrise unless otherwise controlled. What I'd like, is for my "Leave" scene to dim down this LampLinc to a preset level (say 30%) IF it's after Sunset or off completely if before Sunset. Like I said, I know it's simple. I just want to get it right the first time so I don't mess things up and make my wife (and subsequently ME) uncomfortable!
  21. I guess it depends on the wife. Yes, you must add the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) to every equation!
  22. You suck. Actually, glad you had a nice time.
  23. Perhaps you can celebrate Festivus now!
  24. Would you add that to the "else" statement as well?
  25. I'm glad everything came back up. It had me concerned that I had something looping, even though I haven't had any evidence of that before. Thanks again for the help!
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