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  1. Installed 10 and everything works as advertised. Any new beta is always a question. Users that don't want to beta test should wait for the official release. But somebody has to beta test, so......... Kind of an Occam's Razor.
  2. I am seeing similiar activity's. I have lights go on in the middle of the night when nothing is going on and nobody is up. I was on 3.3.5 and went to 3.3.7. No errors in the error log. No power hit. In the event log, things just happen. It's like there is a gremlin running around and tripping off various random events and status's. In some of the events, a state variable gets changed for no apparent reason, and of course the programming goes from there. These are not time based programs. Two nights ago a 4 way circuit with no variables turned on.
  3. Darn, It didn't make sense to me either, but, things are fine at the moment. I will post again if the problem re-occurs. Getting ready for 3.5.6 now. Might as well be on the leading (bleeding) edge. Thanks again.
  4. The IP did change, but I had adjusted that several weeks ago when I installed the new ISY. I think I have the problem resolved. The Network Settings in the Dashboard were not correct. Once I set them to the correct settings for Default operations for ISY994 Series:(Per the Network Security Guide) 1. SSL 3.0 2. Low Strength Things are working fine again. Thanks for the assistance and patience on this. I know you guys have alot on your plate. Please keep doing the great job. Happy Holidays.
  5. Forgot the Java version, Version 7 Update 9
  6. I am running windows 7 and using the ESET smart security. I never had these issues prior to 3.3.5. I was just wondering if any else is seeing this or am I an isolated case. I have been using ISY for serveral years and not seen this behavior. Again, I am not saying it isn't something on my end, just checking.
  7. Been on 3.3.5 for a couple of weeks. The interface between the Admin Console to the ISY locks up frequently. Have to close and restart the admin console. Also notice that if I try too many scene tests in one session, the connection to the ISY quits working. The event log at level 3 stops doing anything in all cases. No time stamps or events. Today I was modifying several programs and several of the program folders lost track of the programs in the folders. After close and restart the admin console everything was back. Also can't seem to create scenes with more than two or three devices via ctl click at a time without it locking up. I am using the http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.3.5/admin.jnlp to start the session. I have also cleared the Java cache serveral times with no apparent impact. I am seeing this from 2 different computers on the same home network. (obviously not at the same time). I have confirmed that the UI and the Firmware are both v.3.3.5 via the help about. Time stamp is 2012-12-04-23:55:11 I have even done the power cycle on the ISY and it still continues. I have around 65 devices, 68 Scenes and 125 Programs. I am using a new ISY 994i/IR PRO(1110) and the 2413s V 1.7 Dualband PLM Is anyone else seeing this behavior?
  8. Followed the directions and it installed just fine. Everything appears to be working. Thanks for all the hard work.
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