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Dr Pepper

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Everything posted by Dr Pepper

  1. Not repeated resets. Repeated adding and removing the device. Typical poor SH Quality.
  2. When I get time I will try and figure out how to hack that. I want to see if I can build it into the side of the canopy so I can see the temp at a glance. On to hacking a EZ Flora to control LED lighting (red, green, blue, white etc).
  3. Ok got it. I had to remove and add 6 (maybe it was 7) times and finally its working. It updates every 60 seconds to the ISY. I swapped the sensors to the probe reports and its also working fine. Thank you all. PS The only thing I cannot get is for the backlight to stay on all of the time since its plugged in. Not the biggest feature to not have but would be nice.
  4. No it was 39F when I plugged it in because it was below freezing outside and sitting in the mail truck for hours. Again its not displaying the temp in ISY or Mobilinc but everything else works fine.
  5. Its been running 24 hours and never reported the temp. I was ice cold almost 39F here when I plugged it in and It went up to 71 since then. Humidity and setpoint etc update on a query. But its not reporting the temp.
  6. Yes the UDI portal has some aspects that are better than Mobilinc Portal. But to not work with UDI to make the app work the same on their portal and add features that will only work on the Mobilinc Portal leads to customer dissatisfaction as you can only have one. And when asking for tech support to just get the our portal is better than UDI portal instead of trying to resolve the issue gives me the impression they are only out for my money not my satisfaction.
  7. I only did a reset once. I will try and delete, reset, re-add etc again in a little bit. I messaged the seller who I bought it from used and he had never heard of an ISY. He also would not say what controller he was using or if it reported the temp.
  8. Its on DC power not battery and a query does not bring the temp back only humidity and set points etc.
  9. I cannot get the temp to show in the ISY GUI or in Mobilinc. That is for the internal temp sensor not the ext. Does anyone have that working? I want to be able to view the temp for the wireless T-Stat on my phone and also use certain thresholds to act as triggers.
  10. I spent several hours cleaning the new aquarium. Its larger and in a different location than the last one and I need to get a system down to do it quickly. Looking to automate various lighting IN regards to your day I have slowly added appliance lincs and outlet lincs to shutdown a lot of "vampire" devices at 12:30 am and turn them back on at 6:30 am as well as when we arm the alarm away. It definitely helps.
  11. Stu there is no result of the query that is the problem. The temp is not showing in the ISY with no modification yet of the T-Stat. I want to see the internal temp sensor result in the ISY. Once I see that I can swap the sensors.
  12. Ok I received the thermostat and I enrolled it in the ISY. It is not showing the internal temp sensor reading in the ISY or Mobilinc (unless Mobilinc is still catching up). I did a factory reset and made sure its looking for the internal not ext sensor. I can control the thermostat from the ISY and also Mobilinc but it does not show the current temperature. Any ideas?
  13. Cross zoning. I forgot about that. Thanks I will add that to.
  14. We have a lot of that here to. Plus a drive by shooter once. My cameras caught the shooter and also someone that did a hit and run on one of our cars. I have one Insteon motion aimed at the driveway but its really not covering well. I plan on adding two more at the end of the driveway and aiming at the cars but directed/aimed towards the house not the street so they wont trip on cars driving by. I can have them set to highest sensitivity then and adjust down if I have to . If I hide them well nobody would ever know. Biggest problem is the battery life and knowing when the batteries are dead. I have one PIR in my laundry room about 2 years now on the same battery and its constant traffic. Another in my workshop that gets 1/10th of the traffic and the battery lasts 3 to 5 months tops. Just your typical quality issues with Insteon.
  15. Yes I drank the Kool Aid on that one and bought the Android version after the iOS. iOS is ok when it works (often just hangs there which is why I contacted support twice in the past year or so and only got the sales pitch to move to their portal because its so much better blah blah blah) but the Android I wish I never wasted my money. Paid for it and when I realized it was useless asked for my money back. Never got a reply to that one and dont even remember what I paid its been so long. Mobilinc could be really good and may be with the Mobilinc Portal but with the UDI portal its not fully supported for all features. But there are other features of the UDI portal I use and I dont want to pay for both (not even sure you can have both). There should be one portal not two and support all features. I dont like the idea of a portal war between two companies its kind of a turn off. Yes they are both trying to make money and thats fine and they both need re-occuring revenue to survive but it still sucks for the customers.
  16. Having two competing unequal services (portals) that you pay for a year at a time is very frustrating. Say the "other" service adds a feature you want and you are locked in to the service for another 6 months or more leads to customer dissatisfaction. Support from UDI seems better (no issues). Contacted Mobilinc twice for app support (it just sits there for minutes updating before you can turn on a light even though its been running in the background) and they just touted how much better they are than the UDI portal but never addressed the problem I was having other that look at the FAQ in the footer of the email. I asked a specific question and was blown off with a sales pitch for their portal to get me to move over from the UDI portal. Mobilinc seems to just want to get more money from the customer not maintain customer satisfaction like UDI does. My opinion and I am sure I will be slammed for stating it.
  17. I only need to send the one temp for the water. It would have been a tad easier if the ISY had been updated but its a really easy mod. I only asked since so much time has passed since it was answered and so many cuts of code released on both the 4X and 5X paths.
  18. That was not the question but thank you. Ok so the ISY was not updated to handle the external probe yet. Thank you
  19. Sorry old thread being dug up and things may have changed. Does anyone know if the mod is still required or will the ISY now see the remote probe without the mod (swapping the sensors)? I upgraded to a 60 gallon tank and I want to monitor the temp and send a under/over temp message. Thanks
  20. I believe Aeotec has one that should work. I forget the model and the upper limit on the range. If nothing else works an Insteon T-Stat would probably work. I got mine as part of a starter pack and paid $99 for the T-Stat and a few other products.
  21. SH had some QC problems and myself and a few others I know of saw where they did not solder the hot or neautral wires correctly to the PCB and over time they started to arc. That was a couple of years ago so depending on how old they are it could be the problem. If all else fails to correct the problem you can check for that if you have to replace with switch.
  22. On Christmas Eve day my 2441TH would not stop calling for heat. It was set for 70F and it was reading higher than that and calling for heat. It basically ran away and said it was 90F at one point and still calling for heat even though the set point was 70F (I hit the emergency cutoff for the furnace). I reset the power 4 or 5 times and then finally pulled it off the wall.. I was going to put the Zwave TSTAT back on Christmas day but when I powered it back up for $h1ts and giggles it was fine (and has been since). SH quality is still not on par with other HA mfg's. Still have switches fail occasionally, flaky keypads (keypads hate power dips and blackouts) etc
  23. Personally I think it is deceptive to raise your prices almost equal to the percentage off. That is why I cannot see ordering anything from Smarthome. Usually Amazon has better deals. I probably received a few emails a day since Thursday or Friday about this sale. It gives them an image of being desperate. I also see that they dropped a lot of products. I guess they cant compete on price and their customer service is HORRID!
  24. Nice! What engraver are you using?
  25. My date was March 31st. It is now April 11th. Not really that big of a deal but a little frustrating
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