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  1. Jimmy

    Gmail/smtp issues

    Thank you for the replies. I'm embarrassed to admit I literally have not looked at the programming if/then code to trigger the notifications in years. That's how reliable the system has been. When I initially set them up, I mistakenly had two recipients to receive the notifications. And in my recent attempt to get it going after the Gmail change, I re-entered the STPM info and chose the wrong recipient. The programs were calling out the 2nd, non-functioning recipient. So all I had to do what correct the recipient and that solved the problem. Thanks so much for the help. It got me to look in the right place.
  2. Jimmy

    Gmail/smtp issues

    Hi, Like others, our gmail ISY notifications for our 3 door sensors and a motion sensor stopped a while back. Reading this thread, I was able to get thru using the 16 digit password for gmail. If I press the test button in the ISY admin app, I get the notification email in gmail. But none of the sensors or motion detectors are sending out notifications. Is there another step to this I am missing? Nothing was changed in ISY. Thanks Jim C.
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