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  1. jkraus

    ZMatter USB

    any reviews on it's range? I curently have the Zooz USB (I think 700) and it only works a few rooms away
  2. jkraus

    Dimmer switch

    I have a youlink temps sensor and it works fine. What about the dimmer switches? Can they be put in scenes and are they a good replacement for insteon ones?
  3. OK, question on installing the NS: I have three powerwall 3s but only see two of them on my wifi network. Can I pick either one of the two for the IP address? The configuration says it neeed a reset token, but the web address does not work for me : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.leveugle.teslatokens
  4. gotcha, thanks
  5. OK...should I move to the beta?
  6. OK, just to make sure I am doing it correctly (only using prodcution version), I should just be able to add it to myTapo app on my phone and it should show up on the NS, correct?
  7. OK, deleted it and reinstalled the 3.1.4 in a differnt slot, now working on my older ones (but of course did not find the new one that I had added yesterday)
  8. was all working last night just could not add any new ones. I see ther is a beta in the non-prodcution store, tried that also, but that would not even start, so deelted it. I am running the prodcution version 3.1.4 but now nothing is working, shoot was depending on this more and more
  9. oh man please help, now nothing is working not even my provious ones, I reinstalled the NS it says active and found the nodes but none of them work
  10. shoot restarted it and now nothing is working
  11. no don't think so I paid for it
  12. OK trying to add a new Kasa device (tapo actrually) but wehn I put iin my Tapo app it will not add it to my Poilsy, I have reboodted th NS a few time and all of my other ones are there but not my new one
  13. jkraus

    ZMatter USB

    Thinking of ordering this, is it plug and play? I currently have the zwave zooz USB dongle on my polisy, do I just substitute this device? Thanks
  14. Does anyone know if there is a way to use the Tesla Powerwall notification when the grid goes down, so that I could use it in a program to shut down non-essential lighting to save battery power? Don't know if this is possible, but would be cool!
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