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  1. Got it! Thanks, as I do not have the dongle.
  2. I don't have any Matter devices, so does that mean I do not need to do a Zwave backup prior to upgrading?
  3. Z-wave backup, sorry, don't see it!...to be clear I have a Polisy
  4. jkraus

    Web based AC

    OK, thanks
  5. jkraus

    Web based AC

    since no one replied, perhpas I am mistaken?
  6. OK, I was sooo happy the Yolink NS was stable and such a good replacement for the Kasa NS which I had to reboot every couple of weeks...until last night where I had to reboot the Youlink NS as it stopped working. Interesting when I did reboot it took quite a while for the nodes to be recognized again despite the NS being connected Also, I could not upgrade the NS to latest as not on 5.9.1 yet as there seems to be a lot of people with problem upgrading
  7. I "heard" this is coming, any updates?
  8. OK, I visited this topic many years ago, but revisiting it to make sure I understand. I think this means that on power cycle the Polisy will check the enabled "run at startup" programs to evaluate the IF condition and run as appropriate the then command. Do I have it right? why not always enable programs at start up?
  9. Instructions say "It's imperative that you take a backup of your IoX, Z-Wave, and PG3 settings.", I know how to do the first and last one, but how do I backup Z-Wave?
  10. I tried updateing the NS three times and it seems to then reverts back to old revision
  11. @Panda88 First of all let me thank you for the Yolink NS. I have been using Yolink for a while with remote temp measuremnt, but only recently started to integrate them into the Polisy. The results are so much better than I am having with Kasa device as the NS continuously need to be rebooted, so thanks much! Regarding the dimming function, are you saing you can control the dim from an Insteon KPL in a scene, or by program? I turns out that controlling from the KPL is not as important for my application as I thought it would be, but still curious
  12. I have the Kasa prodcution and beta both running, and often (every week or so) I need to restart the NS for the AC to reocgnize the Kasa device
  13. An update on my flickering and Insteon communication issues: For the flicker I ordered the inovelli. I did not care about any smart features for this particular switch. Unfortunately the flicker was just as bad, probly worse actually. I then installed the Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave dimmer, and it seems to have solved the issue. Again, no smart features used, just only as a dimmer switch For the Insteon communication issue, I think I am still having very slow traffic, but the more remote KPL at my pool was very problematic, so I replace the switch with a Youlink dimmer. All is much better at least for the pool.
  14. @bigDvette do you think the inovelli will stop the flicker on some LED strip lights? I ask because sometimes with a transformer involved (to low voltage) and low current demand, it can be more difficult?
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