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Everything posted by Marc44

  1. Hi Michael, I just worked through a similar problem with my ISY that turned out to be my network switch acting wonky. A switch reboot solved my issue, but I stumbled across this post while troubleshooting and the USB connection caught my eye. Is there a guide for connecting via USB? It may have saved me some of the head scratching time spent on this issue. I literally had a support request typed up and was ready to send it along when I went back to the basement to verify the link and activity light status, that's when I noticed something strange on the network switch. (apparently I've spent enough time looking at blinking lights to notice when somethings not blinking correctly). Thanks Marc
  2. Hi einstein, Thank you for this, I have this working great on a windows box, I already have one running 24/7 so thought I'd try there first. It runs great from the command line, but I'm having some issues getting ti to run as a scheduled task I'm still playing around, but anyone have any tips? Marc
  3. Sorry missed that from before v9E
  4. s I ordered from Amazon (love that Prime shipping) Sticker on the back lists 2413S V2.2 1611 Which means the 11th week of 2016 correct? If so seems fairly recent.
  5. I received the new PLM today, simply restarting the ISY with the new PLM attached and powered on restored all of my programs (or restored them to the view). I followed the restore PLM steps from Here http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Replace_Modem_.28PLM.29 Everything is back to normal. Thanks for the help!
  6. As luck would have it, it seems like my PLM died while I was out of town last week, I guess I should feel lucky that I got 3 1/2 years out of this one. Anyway, after some quick troubleshooting, googling and reading this site I just ordered another PLM. Now that I've had some time to dig in to the issue a bit, I'm sure it is the PLM, --BUT-- ... I also noticed that all of my programs are gone, yup, all of them, even the AutoADR program, just a blank list. All other configuration looks fine as far as I can remember, but not a single program. The only additional troubleshooting step I took (besides PLM and ISY reboot) was to re-seat the SD Card, I did receive a few error pop ups with messages like "could not open file /config/insteng.opt and /config/portals.psf" {see image} those did not occur after the SD card re-seat. One other strange thing .. I did not get the "Safe Mode" pop up until after the SD Card re-seat. So ... is this expected with a bad PLM? or is there another problem? Thanks!
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