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About TJF1960

  • Birthday 11/26/1960

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  • Location
    Wheatland, CA

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Community Answers

  1. Integer variables will not, by themselves, initiate a change in condition. You need to add something to the If section that will trigger a program evaluation. Like: If $outsideHighTemp > $fanOnTemp and it is 10:00 AM Then Allow the programs in this folder to run.
  2. Awesome! Thank you so much @gzahar! Are these published somewhere that I couldn't find or did you figure it all out? Thank you again! -tim
  3. Hi @Goose66, I am wanting to add name substitutions for the various panel status values for notifications but I have not been able to locate what the various node definitions map to in the admin console. For instance, GVO sends its value to what slot in the admin console on the Alarm Panel page? I have figured out that ST maps to System Alarm State but I could use all the rest. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Tim
  4. Hi @TriLife and @sjenkins, You nailed it! Thank you both so much! -Tim
  5. Hi @TriLife, Thank you, that did fix the AC ns pages for each device and I can confirm that the status changes however that did not fix being able to select the status of a switch in programs. The only sonoff status that appears in program condition dropdown is the ns itself. Then it must have been an earlier rev than .35, I am sorry, I have no idea. I generally stay up on updates as they roll out. All I do know for sure is that last week when I updated to .37 is when the status in programs disappeared. Thank you very much again for your help. -Tim
  6. Hello @Michel Kohanim, The youtube node servers subscription is ending tomorrow. When I try to purchase the portal responds with no options to purchase. Thanks! -Tim
  7. Hi @TriLife, Well, shoot, I tried installing V35 again (it does say v40 in the store) but it is not loading IOX properly. this is all I get. The status area is squished down so you cant see the status window and the three buttons on the bottom are missing. Nothing I tried work populate IOX properly. I wonder if its just me or it is a bug?
  8. Hello @sjenkins, Question, is the MQTT in the Non-Production location a revision before the latest changes. I rely on the status of the swtiches for a number of programs and thought I might switch over to non-production in the mean time until you have time to fix. Thanks! -Tim
  9. Hi @sjenkins, Switch status not showing up in dropdown programs is new as of .37 Many of my programs use Sonoff status in order to work and control things. -Tim
  10. Hello @TriLife, I agree with you, version B, back-rev on production. edit: I did try non-prodction but the AC page for all of the devices didn't load all the way, tried numerous closings and openings and reboots. I meant to take a snapshot but forgot. Attached is after reverting back to production. Everything in the red circles was all squished down and the three buttons on the bottom were not visible. Thank you for working on this before your big trip, its the last thing you wanted to do I am sure what with getting ready. Safe journeys! -Tim
  11. I am no expert, this was the first time using explorer so use at your own risk. It worked for me but I may just have been lucky. I deleted everything under "tele" and "tasmota" and 'stat" if I remember correctly. I then installed the ns and configured and it worked. However there is another problem that I found before doing this. In the condition of programs the switches show up under Control but not Status. So you cannot monitor status of a switch in program. Now I don't know if it is just me or if everyone will is affected. This problem presented after upgrading to .37 and unfortunately didn't change after deleting the files in gen.mosquitto. Maybe you can confirm the loss of status in program conditions. -Tim
  12. Hello @sjenkins and @TriLife, Success! I deleted each switch, then deleted the ns. Opened MQTT Explorer, deleted all files I could. Reinstalled ns and configured. All switch status now reports in AC. You guys ROCK! Thank you so much! -Tim
  13. Hello @sjenkins, I was having the IOX status issue as well, in another thread: Just sent you a pm with log. Thank you! -Tim
  14. @maxnorth, thanks for your help earlier. But I didn't get anywhere either, lol. Say, can you tell me how to down grade to v35? I have never done it before. Thanks! -Tim
  15. Thank you. The outcome is the same. I deleted the entire MQTT node servicer. Reinstalled and pasted the devlist back in and restarted. I noticed that the switch that works provides much more detail in the log than the switch that doesn't. -Tim
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