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  1. Back up and running. Re "safe": nothing was screwed up other than the off-line issue. Support had me up and running quickly and simply. (Highly recommend NOT installing packages late on a Friday.) SRS out.
  2. Roger that. No goofing here. Was just trying to determine if ssh connection possible. Ticket rules.
  3. Thank you for the read. I had skimmed through that and related. I think a ticket is the ticket. I did submit one on Friday #26592. I just thought I'd try connecting via ssh just to see if I could. I replied YES to the ssh question and received: ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to [IP addr] port 22: Unknown error
  4. I read someplace on this forum that I should try to connect using ssh. I found a discussion of how to do that via the Windows command prompt and I receive the message "The authenticity of host [IP address] can't be established... Are you sure you want to continue connecting?" Am I sure? FYI the UD Mobile error message is "Error. Connection Type: oAuthPortal. 03 Controller not online or not communicating with Universal Devices Portal... Try reboot." I did try reboot... It seems connected to my network, see ssh post prior.
  5. I shall. Thank you.
  6. I purchased eisy with zwave dongle May 2024 and migrated from isy. All well. Today the admin console notified me of available package updates. I clicked on the button to upgrade packages. I received 3 notifications of upgrade in progress then nothing for over 30 minutes. I logged out of admin console and tried to reconnect but Eisy not found. I tried adding http://192.... discovered using arp -a. Eisy not found. UD Mobile reports offline. I single-clicked the multi-function button on the eisy thinking it just needed a nudge. Nothing. After an hour since start, I powered down, unplugged, counted to 30, and plugged back in. Power button turned from red to green. But still offline. I cannot view logs through the portal because, well, offline. Am I going to have to do a hard reset and reload everything? I do have a recent backup so it would be the very end of the world but if there are other ideas I'm all ears.
  7. SRS

    Z-Wave Thermostats

    That's what I have as well, same Honeywell ZWave experience. Yeah, I've had no problem from UD Mobile (nor from the Alexa integration) and, in fact, now that I have that all up and running I've forgotten to go back and see if I still have the issue in the admin console.
  8. The update came through and fixed the issue. Thank you!
  9. Thank you! I'll let you know...
  10. I don't see an update available yet through the App Store (iPhone). I guess I can't unlock until it's available? (Right now, clicking on the Home Tab top menu just tells me I'm locked and to go to the Settings tab.)
  11. I had set a lock on edits via Global User Preferences in the Settings tab. Now I want to unlock but the only option displayed in the Settings tab is Systems. That's it. Should I just re-install UD Mobile and, if so, any tricks/tips to ensure I don't delete everything in the process?
  12. Aha! "Display Status." Thank you.
  13. Q: In customizing thermostat displays, it appears I'm only able to set a user mapped value for Current Temperature, not for any of the other properties (such as Mode). Is this a UD Mobile constraint or a characteristic of my thermostat? Am I missing something (likely as I'm a newbie)?
  14. FYI, lots more customizations than I realized. I think I can make this work even for family members. Mobilinc was simpler; UD Mobile infinitely customizable == work. Once I'm there, though, I expect it to hum along.
  15. SRS

    Z-Wave Thermostats

    Completed migration of most z-wave devices from isy994i to eisy. I'm getting odd behavior controlling the z-wave thermostats: - admin console happily queries thermostats - admin console will not change mode, temp, etc. of any z-wave thermostat (BUT, it will turn my z-wave outlet(s) on/off) - HD mobile will change mode, temp, etc., then admin console happily displays result - Alexa connectivity also will let me control thermostats Is this expected behavior of admin console? Am I missing something obvious?
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