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  1. Indeed Bob! You contribute tons to the success of Polyglot, Polisy, ISY, and UDI. Thank you!
  2. After reading the following article https://www.manula.com/manuals/pws/davis-kb/1/en/topic/weatherlink-live my head is exploding. It appears Davis wants to control when the WLL will spew even current conditions data. I'm having trouble understanding whether The article is referring to data from the WLL or data from a WeatherLink.com account generated by WLL data. This v1 vs v2 api is beyond me. I really have zero interest in seeing my data via a weatherlink site. I use a third party application to collect and graph all my data. The sole purpose of the WLL pursuit here was to hopefully be able to capture real-time extra sensor data for use in ISY programming decisions. I’m still lost if that is possible and am unwilling to spend $200 to find out. Does any of that info lead you to believe we can pull data off the WLL before having anything to do with weather link.com and their account/subscription/data control requirements?
  3. Hmmm. That’s the thing- I’ve been on the fence about getting the WLL because I can’t seem to find out if it is capable of even fetching or passing extra sensors data. The documentation says ‘any 8 sensors’ but Davis has, in my experience, always been less than transparent regarding limitations or work around of their products. I will dig further (or someone could chime in). I would be willing to share My station data if it turns out there is data to be had!
  4. Does WLL work with extra sensors? I have 2 extra Temp/Hum sensors Garage & Shed, and two extra Temp sensors Pool & Pool Heat Return attached to my Davis Vantage Pro. I have yet to learn they will be accepted and transfer through the WLL.
  5. Orchestrated Mobilinc was ok for a good stretch of days after an ISY reboot but reared its head for the last two days now. I will send the error log as you suggested. ...and everything always returns to normal for a while after a ISY reboot. 8/10 - well thats no longer true OM is inoperable. The ISY bogs dreadfully and has the ’Socket Open Failed java.net.SocketTimeoutException’ syndrome. i created a ticket. :-/
  6. It (the Mobilink Disconnected... issue) has gradually been happening more and more over the years until it is finally 99% of the time failing. I surprised when it works. Fixed IPs all around (always have). Changed the ISY’s DNS a few days ago to and was happy for about a day. Wife thinks Wi-Fi around the house (generally she means internet use) is slower and slower. I test a phone (over Wi-Fi) based speed test and it’s always good ping and up/dn speeds. Is it possible my router is just dying a slow wifi death? There are many switches in my network tho too. Like a star network with stars on several of the points of which the ISY & Polisy are on one. Not sure how to ts this problem out.
  7. Yes, part of it. Here is how it looks for me at this point. Tho its possible there's more data than the poly is written to ask for, it's strictly fetching only what I'm sending it (No ET), or I'm really don't know what I'm talking about.
  8. So I'm guessing the reason why its pinging so much is its a hit per forecast days requested, times the frequency of the polling perhaps?
  9. Newly set up policy to get Aeris Weather. Its working. First full day exceeded my 1000 hits per 24hrs. I think I must adjust the 'short pole/ long pole' settings? Are these seconds?
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