The AV program is going to vary with the particular workstation and I have none on the iPad or smart phone.
I'm going to verify that the port forwarding and internal IPs still line up. I'll report back.
On the certificate, I would like to learn how to install one. Six months ago, I added the standard "trust this non-certificated URL" exceptions to Chrome and Firefox. Since I sync browsers fully across client machines, I only had to add the exceptions once per brand. Recall, though, that these non-certificated exceptions were working fine for six months. In addition, I am not getting the typical "certificate" warnings on any of the browsers. I get the "not found" and unable to connect" messages, depending on the browser. It is also possible that browsers change their rules without notice but the chance that Chrome and Firefox would do it on the same day is slim and, in addition, my other trust this URL exceptions are still working fine (I have cameras, remote storage, etc. on the same LAN and router).
. . . just the ISY in the crowd.