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  1. @Brian HThanks for the quick response. I actually have 2 applications. In application #1, I plan to replace a photo sensor switch on the outside of the house that is now shaded by some very healthy landscape. So, if I understand your reponse correctly, in this application I would just tape off the Yellow and Purple (thanks for correcting me) wires coming out of the module. I application #2, I would like to keep the switch active, but would like to have to have the ability to activate the light from a scene in my eisy. So, if I understand your response again, I would attach the yellow wire to the load terminal of the swtich. Did I understand correctly. In application #2, what do I do with the Purple wire? Thanks again. If I would have looked at the Start Up Guide maybe my questions would have been answered.
  2. Quick question on the installation of the 2443-222 On/Off Micro Module installation. I have looked at the installation diagrams. I understand where the load, line and neutral wires that orginally go to the switch are go with regards to the micro module. However, I am unsure where the Yellow and Blank wires from the module go. From the installation diagram, it looks like the Yellow wire from the module goes to the load post on the switch. Where does the Black (or maybe it is dark Blue) from the module go? Thanks
  3. I have a set of lights at the end of my driveway that are turned On/Off from the Photo Electric Cell that is attached to the house. The outlet box is in the front of the house (which faces South). Over the years, the landscape has matured quite well such that it creates a rather nice shade for the Photo Cell. Occasionally, the lights will stay on well past sunrise even close to Noon. I was wondering if I could replace the Photo Cell with the Insteon Micro On-Off (2443-222) device which would be part of a Scene in my eisy that would turn on the lights at Sunset (or some time after) and turn them off at Sunrise? Thanks
  4. i changed 2 parameters - Ramp Up/Down time and the time interval for OFF. The sensor is controlling lights in the hallway - 2-way switch configuration. To the best of my knowledge nothing other than someone in the hallway is triggering an event.
  5. Just wondering if anyone has some good suggesitons on how to get a reasonable "long" battery life from Battery type 123 when using a Motion Sensor 2. I have several Motion Sensor 1's installed controlling outdoor lights like the driveway, patio, front door, etc. They are setup to trigger only at night. The 9v battery lasts quite a long time even in the furnace temps in the SW. I have 2 installations of Motion Sensor 2 controlling lights in hallways. The first one was installed as a Motion Sensor 1 because the ISY firmware had not been updated at the time of the installation. The 2nd Motion Sensor 2 is installed as a Motion Sensor 2 since it was installed after the firmware update. The traffic in both hallways is very similar. The first Mortion Sensor 2 battery will last as long as the 9v batteries in the Mation Sensor 1. I am lucky to get 4 weeks out of the battery in the 2nd Motion Sensor 2. Any suggestions?
  6. Every time my system reboots after an upgrade I receive the following messge in the Notificaiton Center Notification Node Server Free Edition Startup - Please upgrade to Stand Version to get all features. IMy device is an eisy. All firmware and software is up to date. I guess I having been living under a rock. Of course, I am not a real power user, but do enjoy the benefits of the automation it provides. My primary automation devices are Insteon. I know I can have my Rachio controllers, Ecobee Thermostats, and Ring devices integrated into the picture. I am also looking at some automated blinds which I asked about in a different posts. Now, I am curious what I am missing with regards to the Notification Server. I have been looking at some of the posts pertaining to the topic of Standard Notification Server. However, I must my slightly dense because I am not seeing the big picture. So, if someone wants to tackle a simple explanation I would really appreciate it. Also, what would be the steps to installing the Standard Version? If I decided to not install what am I missing? Thanks
  7. @paulbates @Techman Thanks for the inputs. I will probably integrate the second MS1 into the existing scene. I will experiment with your suggestion of a program for the OFF while the MS1's would transmit the ON signal. I did see the ON Only selection in the Options setup. Of source, I really have not been having any problems with battery life with the MS1. In fact, I have a series of programs monitoring the battery life in all my MS1's. It sends me a text when the battery is low. I will probably setup the new configuration probably after the predicted storms this weekend since I need to take down the existing sensor in order to press that magic button in the battery case on both MS1's. I have one of the first MS2 sensors. When I installed it the ISY firmware had not been updated for the MS2. So, it is actually defined as a MS1 in my network. Battery life is similar to 9V in the MS1. This is in a hallway that gets quite a bit of traffic. Timer is set for 30 seconds. All of this is in the MS setup and scene. No program. I have another MS2 in a similar hallway. It was installed after the ISY firmware update so it is defined as a true MS2. Lot more options available in its definition. I tried the ON Only suggestion from above. I never saw an OFF status reported. Not sure if there were some additional options that needed to be set. I then set it to report ON and OFF. That appeared to work, but that is what I originally had in the setup with the scene and not long battery life. I wrote a simple program: If {motion sensor} Status in ON Then SET {light scene - since it is a 2-way configuration} To ON Wait 30 seconds SET (light scene} to OFF Looks simple. However, the OFF never occurs. Not sure what I did wrong. I am currently running with eisy with 5.8.x firmware and IoTx.
  8. I have a rather large driveway and parking area outside my garage. I currently have a single Motion Sensor (MS 1) controller the driveway floodlights. The detection pattern does not cover the entire driveway/parking area, so I was thinking about adding another Motion Sensor (MS 1) in order to increase detection coverage area. Can I add another Motion Sensor to the Scene essentially in an OR condition to manage the lights or will I need to create a program with the OR condition as part of the IF statement? For my outdoor applications and where there might be lots of detection traffic, I prefer the MS 1 over the MS 2 because of the battery longevity. The 9V in the MS 1 will usually give be about 9 months of power while the 123 battery in the MS 2 might give me 2-4 weeks of power. I really do not enjoy climbing up on the ladder once a month to change the batteries. Thanks for your inputs.
  9. Thanks for all the great recommendations. Looks like have some work ahead for me.
  10. I was watching an episode of This Old House this other day. They were talking about Home Automation. Most of the discussions were realted to lighting control which is rather simple with Insteon devices and eisy. What caught my attention when they started talked about automated control of window shades and blinds. Most of what I have read about is proprietary solutions which require an additional app to the home automation collection. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has tackled just a task with Insteon devices. If you could describe the solution, including what window coverings you used, I would much appreciate it. That is one of the projects my spouse would like to tackle in 2024 Thanks
  11. Not sure I am really in the right forum or topic chain. I converted to to an eisy when my 994 decided to go on a permanent vacation. Installation was smooth and I am not having any problems with it. My installation is Insteon devices and I am very appreciative of the new Insteon company getting the supply chain back in smooth operation. My question revolves around dimmable LEDs. A few months ago, I purchased some Ecosmart dimmable LEDs that are the classic clear glass bulb style where you can see the "filament." They are a really beautiful. I have 2 installations of the bulbs. One is associated with a 2477D Insteon switch while the other is associated with a standard on-off switch (I just received a new 2477D - I was waiting on the color change kits - not installed yet). After initial installation everything worked as expected. The bulbs attached to the Insteon switch ramped up and down according to the programming for the switch in the eisy. The one attached to the standard switch also operated as expected. Now, let's fast forward a couple of months. The bulbs are now acting like something else is controlling them. The bulbs on the standard switch now ramp up at about a 10 second rate when switched on and instantly go off when switched off. The bulbs associated with the Insteon switch act very similarly. They do not ramp up according to the eisy profile. They do ramp down correctly. When I perform a FAST ON through UD Mobile or Admin Console, they ramp up at about a 10 second rate. A FAST OFF functions correctly. Changing ramp rate in the eisy has not affect other than ramp down. So far, it appears to be only these bulbs that act as though they have their own minds. Really do want to purchase new bulbs. Thoughts?
  12. @DennisCI deleted the one file I mentioned above plus I updated the Java Security setting as suggested by your link above. So far everything is now good. Admin Console (I guess we now call it IoX) opened as expected. Thanks.
  13. Apologies for taking so long to reply. First, I am on a Windows 11 (PC) device. Second, only the "ud_finder.state" file is in the directory you mentioned above. None of the other files exist. Only one (1) dot State file is in the directory.
  14. I upgraded to the EISY (from ISY) a few months ago with no apparent problems. It has been performing as expected. I also installed UD Mobile on my Android phone. It has also been performing as expected. Give everyone 10 Gold Stars. I have been making sue I keep up with the firmware updates followed by the System Reboot. I really do like the Reboot reminder that is given when you log back onto the Admin Console. I recently updated to version 5.6.2. Everything went as expected followed by the reboot reminder and the subsequent "reinstall" of start.jnlp. I typically perform a backup after these updates which I did after starting the Admin Console again. Fast forward about a week to today. I attempted to activate the Admin Console on my PC. I get the UD splash, but the Finder Window never appears. Everything appears to be working correctly. Programs and Schedules run. I can access everything through UD Mobile. Just cannot access via the Admin Console on the PC. I even performed the Clear Java Cache and "reinstalled" start.jnlp. Nothing. Any hints on what I am doing wrong since everything appeared to work correctly right after the firmware update. Thanks
  15. I am new to PG3(x) since I upgraded to an eisy from an ISY that decided to die. I am just curious why I should be interested in the features of PG3(x). I looked at several of the Node Servers that are available. Many of them are related to devices I have installed in my home (Ecobee thermostat, Rachio sprinkler controller, Ring security devices, SolarEdge inverter, ...). I currently access all these devices through the apps that are recommended to be installed during the installation process. So, I am just curious what these Node Servers provide beyond the app features. Please accept my apologies for what might appear to be a dumb question to many of you. Thank
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