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jason hart

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Everything posted by jason hart

  1. Thanks Michel, I was thinking that a password or OTP could be included in the email either in plain text or in an XML format. The idea is that a piece of software on my blackberry which current detects my location (using the built-in GPS) has capacity to send an email to the ISY. I also have a SOFT Token on my BB, but a password in the email would also suffice. I have a RADIUS server at home which could authenticate the OTP from the ISY, obviously most people do not have this, so a simple password would also work. Just nice to have... Rgds jh
  2. The outbound email feature for alerting is excellent. I would like to also be able to send the ISY an email and have it control things. There are two practical uses of this : a. a web browser with java is not always convenient but my blackberry is and can receive information quickly. b. my phone/blackberry have a GPS and I would like to be able to have it send my ISY emails when I am in certain locations e.g. on my way home, my mobile device can send the ISY a message which opens the gates, turns the lights on when I am a few minutes away. Hope you find this idea useful.
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