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  1. Same issue here. I just installed a new Yale lock (YRD226ZW20BP) on my front door. Everything about the lock is working great but the "unlock" command doesn't seem to have any affect on the unit at all. I've healed the z-wave network a few times and even moved a repeater to the outlet directly next to the lock and nothing. I can lock the lock, query the lock, update users and settings on the lock, I just can't unlock the lock. I have another yale lock (YRD240-ZW-0BP) that works like a champ so I'm not sure if its this unit or something to do with the new zwave plus module or what. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. So, I know a lot of folks are resistant to using IFTTT because of the lag, but I've accomplished the same thing using my phone and tracking its connection to my router. There is a recipe on IFTTT that tracks a specific devices connection status to your home router (onhub specific). When my phone disconnects it sets a home/away variable to 1 and sets my home in away mode. Once My phone connects, which happens once I enter my street, it triggers the variable to 0, which sets my home to home mode. The trigger is pretty instant, and I haven't really noticed a lag at all. I combine the set up above with an automatic pro for redundancy. When I turn off my car at my house it triggers a variable to set my home to home. When I start my car at home it sets my home to away. This way I can be home but away from the house walking the dog and my house doesn't go crazy and lock doors or make it difficult to get back inside if it starts raining.
  3. Hi All, This thread has been awesome. I've successfully integrated my Sonos system with my ISY, however I have a question that expands on some of the dialogue previously posted. I have a movie scene that when activated (via keypad linc) plays a movie theme from my sonos playbar before switching back to tv mode. I would love to fade the movie theme volume from 10 to 40 over 3-5 seconds and not shock everyone with quick transition from silence to music. Is there a way to enable a fade up in volume within my program, or am I stuck manually manipulating it with a remote?
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