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    Philadelphia, PA

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  1. shlepr

    New IP Address

    How can I upgrade my ISY if I can't even get to my ISY through the admin console? And, why would I want to introduce a new version when I am having issue connecting to my current version. I just need to be able to change the IP address on my ISY so that it matches the network of my new router that was given to me by my ISP.
  2. shlepr

    New IP Address

    I don't have the old router as the old ISP removed it. I have the ISY launcher installed on my PC. Thats how I found out that I couldn't get to my ISY. Anyone know where I can download the ISY Finder program?
  3. shlepr

    New IP Address

    Hello, I changed ISP's and now have a new set of addresses in my network. My old network was on the 10.0.0.x network and my new network is 192.168.1.x. I believe that I setup my ISY with a hardcoded IP address. My questions are: 1. How do I change the IP address to the new network 2. Where can I download the ISY Finder program Thanks, Cliff
  4. Actually, what I want is to know how long the power has been out. So, my thinking is to capture the time every minute and push it into the 'init' stage. Then when the ISY goes down because of a power failure, then when it comes back up, I can take the 'init' variables and send that with a notification with the current time. Just comparing the two times would give me the amount of time the power was out.
  5. Is there a way to be a little more granular in the time? What I am trying to achieve is to be able to get a notification when power has been restored and then in that notification, know exactly how long the power has been out. Thanks
  6. I guess I had the wrong impression as to how these leak sensors worked. I thought they tripped back and forth depending on if the contacts were wet or not. I didn't realize I had to physically reset the sensor after it 'tripped' to wet.
  7. When a leak sensor detects a leak and then is dry, how long does this portfolio of programs change the variable from "9" back to "1"?
  8. Thanks again for the reply. I must have been having a senior moment. I felt so foolish when I finally figured out, with you guidance, how to put variables into the notifications.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply. But, I want the value of the state variable I setup, sLeakSumpPump. If I follow your format, what do I put in for xxx and yyy? Thanks
  10. Thanks for this great set of programs. I just installed two leak sensors and they tested good. Just waiting the 24 hours for the heartbeats to check in. One issue I am having, sort of off topic, is that my state variable sLeakSumpPump is not getting 'translated' in my email notification. I put it in as ${sLeakSumpPump} in the email customization, but when I get the email notification it shows as ${sLeakSumpPump}, not the value of the variable. Is there something special I have to do to get the value of my variable to show up in my email notification? Here's a screen shot of my email customization. The other system variables come through just fine. Thanks for everyones help on here. This is a great forum.
  11. Thanks for the followup. I just realized that I populated the 'From' field with just some text. When I removed the text and then checked the 'Use Default' button, it all worked. Thanks again.
  12. I am having the same issues with notifications. I have two separate notifications setup. One is an email to my comcast email and one is a text message through AT&T's texting email service. Both work just fine when I do a test, but when run within a program, neither one works. The programs are pretty simple. Basically: If Time is 12:00:00PM Then Send Notification to 'Alert' content 'Daily Email Alert' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Any suggestions or tips? Thanks
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