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Everything posted by bagrubes

  1. Yes everything seems to come naturally for Stu
  2. Thanks Stu. You just made an interesting comment. I know you told me on another forum you were using HUB1 HUB2 and ISy. Is it bad practice to have the same devices on the ISY and the HUB? Or are you saying If I create a scene I need to have them identical on both? Can you explain?
  3. I am having trouble with Alexa/Echo and I think it might be related to Adding my ISY and my replacement HUB 2. My HUB died and I could not unlike everything from the hub before I fired up my replacement. Alexa has started saying that command does not work with that device. I have posted on Insteons website. So I am not sure if its the ISY causing bad links so I was going to start over with the insteon HUB and ISY.
  4. I want to remove all my devices from the ISY and start over 1 by one. Do I just right click the device and select Delete or do I need to remove device some how?
  5. Sorry to be Stupid But I can not find an option to remove device or unlink device? The only option I see is delete device? if I right click on the device i do not get remove links.
  6. Question I am new to the ISY. I have read some documentation on how to remove a device from he ISY but it seems to be old or old version. How do I unlink devices properly in the ISY and remove them> in the wiki docs it say go to menu and select remove but I do not see that option?
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