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  1. tlightne's post in Ambient Plugin not loading Data to one sensor to Eisy. was marked as the answer   
    Purchased and installed an additional temp sensor today and now all the sensors show and update properly in admin console Plugin nodes on EISY....
  2. tlightne's post in ZMatter Installation was marked as the answer   
    @KentinadaFrom experience not sure if it is in a WIKI someplace. I picked it up from reading posts in the UD Forums. A Zwave device can only be included in one network so if it was previously owned and returned by a customer or if Factory did a test on it and did not remove it properly it would still have the old network in it so it is best to always start with an exclusion first.
  3. tlightne's post in If device is in a folder, "Replace Device with..." command is missing was marked as the answer   
    It is no different than deleting a device you have to move it from the folder first.. 
  4. tlightne's post in when to refresh was marked as the answer   
    Refresh the app after you make any changes with AC.. Also backup UDM after doing the refresh..
  5. tlightne's post in Question about Insteon i3 and ISY994 was marked as the answer   
    It is my understanding the 994 does not support i3 devices. I am sure someone will correct me if I am not correct.
  6. tlightne's post in Admin console won't load programs - stuck in Create Scene Widgets was marked as the answer   
    From an old post maybe will help....
    Admin Console is very slow or hangs
    If the admin console is slow to respond, it is likely you need to increase the amount of memory allocated to the Java runtime (JRE). Open the Java Control Panel, select Java tab, press View button, then add or modify the Runtime Parameter -Xmx to the following: -Xmx512m Press Ok to close the window, then Press Apply to save the changes
  7. tlightne's post in Moving from Polisy to New Eisy was marked as the answer   
    Well that did not go as planned. I have restored my backup from Polisy to Eisy plugged in the PLM to eisy and booted up the Eisy. It looks like all the Insteon devices have restored to Eisy and Eisy can talk to them Zwave is another story. The Eisy is doing a query and trying to restore the Zwave devices but they are naming them as ZW not ZY devices. I removed one window sensor from the system and readded it and it is also added back in as a ZW not ZY. Just FYI there is no longer an option to restore or backup Zwave when I look in Zwave on Admin Consol...   
    I was able to run my Node servers on Eisy by doing the portal migration then reinstalling the node servers on Eisy.   
    I have updated my ticket to UD and awaiting a reply.
  8. tlightne's post in Question about PG3->PG3x was marked as the answer   
    Yes you do lose PG2 ...
  9. tlightne's post in Zooz ZSE44 Temp/hum sensors not staying awake was marked as the answer   
    There is a Keep Awake node where you can adjust the keep awake time...
  10. tlightne's post in Insteon devices not working was marked as the answer   
    The Eisy can not connect to the PLM with the ethernet port that is only for the network. Need a cable from UD to connect the PLM to EISY.
  11. tlightne's post in eisy z-wave matter not responding was marked as the answer   
    Did you do a remove on the fan controller before trying to do the add... You need to clear it first before trying the add..
  12. tlightne's post in Push node server on Polisy never starts shows disconnected. was marked as the answer   
    @bpwwer Upgraded PPG# and also 2.02 for Push and it has fixed my issues. Thank you for the quick response.
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