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Edmund Lam

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  1. I added a 250G m.2 and rand the scripts. It looks like ZUDI is still mirror and we are still using the eMMC. I guess I have to manually remove the eMMC partition mmcsd0p3 from the pool. [admin@eisy /dev]$ zpool status pool: zudi state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 3.43G in 00:00:33 with 0 errors on Tue Feb 27 16:38:12 2024 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM zudi ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 mmcsd0p3 ONLINE 0 0 0 nvd0p2 ONLINE 0 0 0 errors: No known data errors [admin@eisy /zudi]$ zfs list zudi NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT zudi 3.27G 45.7G 24K /zudi [admin@eisy /zudi]$ gpart show => 40 120831920 mmcsd0 GPT (58G) 40 132096 - free - (65M) 132136 106020864 3 freebsd-zfs (51G) 106153000 14678960 - free - (7.0G) => 40 488397088 nvd0 GPT (233G) 40 131072 1 efi (64M) 131112 461373440 2 freebsd-zfs (220G) 461504552 8388608 3 freebsd-swap (4.0G) 469893160 18503968 - free - (8.8G)
  2. I want EISY to see my IOT vlan (wifi) and also be on my main lan (wired).
  3. Has anyone installed HA on the EISY. There are versions which run in virtual environment (Jail). The EISY hardware and OS should be able to support this. It means one less RPI. I am trying to find a way to integrate ESPhome (DIY automation) with Insteon devices. I am looking at using HA to bridge between ESPhome and Insteon.
  4. I stuck a TPLink TL-WN821N USB to Wifi adapter on the EISY. It sees it as wlan0. Why can't we see the onboard Wifi wlan0 ? EISY has both RJ45 and Wifi.
  5. Is anyone working on a node for EspHome devices? No hub needed, the devices have IP and reachable by Wifi over TCP/IP. The ESP8266 and ESP32 are Arduino on steroids with Wifi and BLE. This is for DIY devices, sensors, etc... https://esphome.io/index.html
  6. Is there a way to delete all the links which are not managed and mapped by EISY? Having moved to EISY and a working device/scene map. Is there a way to purge all the old links which were programmed into my 60+ devices and only have the ones managed by EISY. Some of the devices have ancient "hard link" from 2008 when they were manually bonded/linked.
  7. 2486S/WH6 Keypad v.36 Is this broken or does the device not support changing the backlight setting on the buttons. I set the on and off to 2/2. Even 15/7, no change. Update appears to be done, but no change in illumination.
  8. If I enable the Wifi by unhooking the RJ45, will both interfaces be seen by the kernel on subsequent boot? ifconfig should see 3 lans, lo0 (local), re0 (RJ45) and whatever the Wifi.
  9. I ssh-ed in the kernel only reports re0 (LAN). No wifi devices reported by dmesg. I want EISY to access my Wifi IOT LAN which is on its own subnet.
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