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  1. I have a home filled with Alexas and Insteon Devices and an Insteon Hub that keeps breaking. I also have a UD Polisy and and Insteon USB Modem and would like to start controlling things with the Polisy. I have no idea where to start and what to do. Can anyone give me a quick list of what SW/HW I need and how to go about it or tell me where to go to find it? THANKS - Bruce
  2. PLM and ISY are a few weeks old. Restore didn't seem to do anything but ISY Reboot seems to have solved the problem. Thanks again guys! ~ Bruce
  3. The console doesn't update when I control them manually or with my RemoteLinc. They remain frozen at the same set values.
  4. After working for a few days, the current state of my controlled lights seems to be frozen which is causing my programs not to work properly. I can turn lights on and off from the bottom of the main page, but while the lights are responding, the Current State is not updating. I have an ISY994i/IR PRO and Insteon dimmer switches and lamp modules. Any ideas? THANKS - Bruce
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