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  1. Thanks for digging so deep guys. My dreams of a couple of easy "nuke it and start over" seems to be out of the picture, so it is ticket time!
  2. Concur. That's why it feels like I need to whip it out and start over. It was via Universal's custom cable USB Attached 65, and the table is attached as well. Reiterating from above - when I start the admin console I get about 9 "Failed communicating with" errors, so there is definitely some missing links? PLM Links Table.v5.7.1__Wed 2024.07.03 03.19.25 PM.xml
  3. Yes (I think original, and yes later), yes, and yes. The challenge at this point seems to be only some of the devices are failing so I've clearly got in an inconsistent state. It feels like I need to nuke all the link tables in the house?
  4. Summary: swapped ISY to EISY, tried new USB PLM, swapped back to Serial PLM, maybe Deleted modem, now screwed... How I got here: Got an eISY to replace my ISY994. Also bought a new USB PLM Did the swap over from the ISY to the eISY. Initially started to use the USB PLM, then realized I could use the old serial PLM with less efforts. Seemingly got everything working correctly. When adding a new Insteon scene I think I might have accidentally hit the "Delete Modem" command Devices didn't respond to commands, so I did various permutations of Deleting/Restoring the PLM, Restoring devices, etc What I get now: the eISY can connect with the USB PLM and some of the devices will respond. When starting the admin console I get "Failed communicating with" errors for 8 or 9 devices (devices I think I tried to communicate with when the serial PLM was attached?) What I think has happened: It feels like I've got parts of 2 PLMs in various link tables in various devices and the only way to 'fix' this would be to start over. While I have read and re-read the Restore/Delete PLM user guides, I can't seem to figure out the correct process to nuke all the links in the house, ensure I've only got one PLM in the system, and rebuild from the admin console. Any help appreciated!
  5. I've got 2 houses, one with an ISY and a new one with an eISY. I'm trying to set up the new house (eISY) with Alexa. I go to the Alexa app, search for "ISY Optimized for Smart Home v3", choose Enable, and then it asks for my.isy.io login. I give it my credentials, but it discovers the devices from the ISY at the other house. How do I get it to prefer/see the 2nd house? Thanks!
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