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Everything posted by blakevh

  1. Working for me now too. Must have been a Y2025 problem . I place my bet that something expired.
  2. Tesla has now implemented a monthly fee for using the official Tesla API for controlling and accessing information of your Tesla vehicles and energy solutions. I wonder if the UDI Tesla EV2 and UDI Tesla PW2 node servers are going to need to switch to a monthly charge to cover the Tesla API fees?
  3. Alexa is happy again. The portal is online for me.
  4. Another portal (mine) showing offline. Alexa is not happy
  5. The certificate expiration issue is being worked on. Tickets have been created and responded to by Michel Kohanim.
  6. Check out this thread. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/29990-cant-access-alexa-skill/ The my.isy.io certificate has expired.
  7. Me too. Tracking certificate expiration is a common problem that we have at work all the time.
  8. Not sure when it happened, but the iBlinds control is only showing the ability to be turned on or off. If I remember correctly, there used to be controls that would allow the blinds to be partially opened. The iBlinds motor control supports both on/off (x25 V0 SWITCH_BINARY) and partial opening (x26 V4 SWITCH_MULTILEVEL), and I really want to be able to partially open the blinds. The z-wave iBlind ZW 002 Class C Motor Ctl node details are as follows: ---------------------------------------------- ZW002_1 uid=2 type=4.17.7 mid=622 tid=17235 pid=23089 model=0 - x5E V0 ZWAVEPLUS_INFO - x26 V4 SWITCH_MULTILEVEL - x85 V2 ASSOCIATION - x59 V0 ASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO - x72 V2 MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC - x86 V0 VERSION - x5A V0 DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY - x73 V0 POWERLEVEL - x25 V0 SWITCH_BINARY - x7A V2 FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD - x80 V0 BATTERY ---------------------------------------------- The following was in the release notes for 5.0.16. Does this mean that the control now is only on/off , or that it was supposed to fix the admin console so it supported more than just on/off? 0000697 - ISY only allows on/off for iBlinds control Note that in my house I have both a 4.7.3 firmware unit (with Z-Wave) and a 5.0.16 firmware unit (without Z-Wave for testing Node Server integration), and I was using the 4.7.3 device in this example. And I was able to use Alexa to send a partial open command so you see the status is 19% below, but admin console only has on/off/query buttons and nothing else (there is nothing behind the About box). I am eagerly awaiting the final release of 5.0.x so I can put it on my main ISY.
  9. I really like the integration with the Amazon Echo and think that Universal Devices is doing a great job. The systems works great together and it is just so fun having a voice interface. The migration to the new Echo V2 skill is well documented and straightforward. One little suggestion, could we have more than two days notice when we need to migrate from an older system to a new one? I only received a beta notice a month ago, and now two days before the V1 skill is being retired there is a migrate or lose functionality notice. The migration was smooth and easy, but I could easily have been on vacation, or even out for the weekend and would have come back to a non-functional system. Maybe I missed an earlier migration notice? Thanks, -blake
  10. I have a huge grin on my face as it is such a pleasure to use the ISY Portal with the Amazon Echo as an audio command control interface to my home automation system. I have put together the HUE bridge on a Raspberry Pi and that worked well enough, but the configuration is probably beyond what most want to do. Now I have the ISY Portal configured it is easier to use and the control response is just as snappy. I was worried that going through the cloud would add too much latency, but that has not been the case at all. I have two Echo's and the whole set of controls is working great. "Alexa, say thank you to Universal Devices"
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