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Everything posted by batman99

  1. Thanks for that sub-routine. Using the http address as suggested I was able to connect to the router and discovered that for some strange reason the port forwarding was not active for port 443. Once I had switched it back on, I was able to access the ISY using the https address and gain access to my admin console!! Thanks to all the guys on the forum, another problem solved. Although I think I will still go down the DynDNS route when I get back over to Florida in a couple of months. (just for peace of mind) Dave......
  2. Thanks for that. I don't have a static IP address from my ISP, I wrongly assumed that because the router was never turned off, and that the lease time was unlimited it would not change the IP address. I'll have to go down the DynDNS route. Looks like I will have to do without my remote access for a couple of months until I can get back over to the US in the summer. Cheers....
  3. If I can remember correctly (because it took me few hours of trying different settings to get it to work) I believe that I set the router to unlimited lease for the ISY's IP address, and that I set a static IP address for the ISY . Also I was under the impression that because my router supports UPNP the ISY should have made all the correct router settings for me? Unfortunately I am not in a position to check the settings as I am 5000 miles away from my ISY, and cannot connect to it. I wonder if somebody else could try and connect to my ISY on and let me know if they have any success? That way I can discover if the connection problems are over here at my end. Many thanks......
  4. Firstly apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere in the forums, but I have been unable to find it. I have succesfully set up my ISY99i to control a few Insteon devices in our vacation home in Florida. I can easily control the devices on the internal IP address of the ISY when connected via Wi-Fi to the home network. I can also control the devices from the external IP (https) address on the ISY. (admittedly still connected to the home network.) Just before leaving the US recently I gave it one last test using the free Wi-Fi at the airport and connected to the ISY with no problems. The next day I tried to connect to the ISY from the UK, and all I get is a "page load error" that the operation timed out whilst trying to connect. I have tried on numerous different computers and on numerous different networks. Has any one succesfully connected to an ISY from outside the US? and if so do they have any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong? (bearing in mind that I do not have physical access to the ISY at the moment as I am still over in the UK) Any help would be welcome....
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