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Community Answers

  1. 5.3.0 is pretty old. many bugs have been repaired since. at some point you should consider upgrading. The most important question is what happens when you attempt to turn the scene on or off via the buttons in the admin console? does it work from there? Next move to the programs tab and click then right click the program name, choose Run Then and then do it again and Choose Run Else. did it work from here?
  2. is sync actually still around? my memory is that it flushes the disk cache to disk, but doesn't shutdown. Not sure why anyone needs that with eisy et al. When we ran a live multi-user system it was used in backup scripts after all users had signed out or been forced off.
  3. As @Teken explains in the thread linked below there are 3 different link sensor behaviors re: reset
  4. not an expert here but suggestions, is the java control panel set to high or very high? If very high then try high. Looks like you can create an exception list too, but I have absolutely no idea what needs to go there..
  5. What does the "more information" button reveal? I expect the certificate expired.
  6. to add to @Brian H comments, the fastest way to know if you have Pro vs non-pro is to look at the admin console ribbon... if you see these two buttons at the end of the ribbon you have pro, if they are missing you have non-pro. The second fastest way to check is Help>About.... the section about product will contain the word "pro" probably on the first line of that section. If you don't have pro, it can't be added anymore because the 994 is deprecated.
  7. I'd start by disconnecting that and testing without it. If the problem is localized to one circuit and you already know that then unplug, unscrew, disconnect everything on the circuit, then add back one at a time.
  8. that sounds like a GUI defect.... please open a ticket to best document for UDI. Include screenshots and virtually the same report you've made here. https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets/
  9. MrBill

    ISY backup fails

    If you read many HA forum or reddit posts, someone will inevitably say they use a SD card on a Pi4 for HA... and the replies will go nuts with people posting that it is an insane practice to even think about running HA on an SD card, and that the only correct method is to use an NVMe SSD. That said, I run HA on a microSD card... first one failed after about 18 months, second one is a better quality card. At my son's house his first failed after about 12 months, the second a better quality card failed in under 30 days (I'm guessing that was manufacturing defect). One thing about HA tho is I always have a current backup because they occur every night automatically and upload to google drive. (there's a nice add on for that) the ISY994 is on it's way out. but in general I've been harping for 4 or 5 years that a high quality card with an A1 rating should be used. Watch out for the fake claims and fake names made by manufacturers tho, the memory card industry using fancy marketing names to attract and upgrade buyers.... A1 rating is the thing to look for.
  10. MrBill

    ISY backup fails

    I disagree. With an ISY994 it's not a question of IF, but WHEN. The most problematic thing an ISY is constantly write and re-write log files. Over time that will result in failure. New larger cards with the A1 rating will help, but not completely alleviate the issue. (note the ISY doesn't have the hardware component to take advantage of A2 rating features, A1 is fine which is what most 32gb and smaller cards have anyway.) It's also worth noting that my logfile turnovers were much smaller prior to node servers. Prior to nodeserver the log file had months worth of entries. After nodeservers the logfile held less than 24 hours.
  11. sounds like an issue with a program, as a troubleshooting step try disabling all your programs. do this by clicking "My Programs" folder and creating a folder condition that will always be False. I have a variable named $sTest that I often use for this, If $sTest = -99999999 If the problem goes away you have a program that is doing it.
  12. I agree that "Last Finish Time" doesn't contain information that's very useful. However, isn't "Last Run Time" exactly what you're looking for? for the Else to run, the program had to have started, there for this would be included in "Last Run Time" and be the same as "that shows only the last time when the "If" actions started to execute." ....Or maybe you want a column that shows the "last time the IF was evaluated TRUE"?
  13. When I'm helping someone debug their programs, its defiantly better if they are posted into the forum as TEXT. Why because it's easier to copy and paste the program then make changes to it.... If I actually have to type what's in your screenshot to share a proposed change it may not happen. If I can copy and paste it's much more efficient.
  14. also, what node server is it specifically, in slot 2?
  15. I agree, and I would suggest body... i can't remember why I think this, but it seems like there is/was/might be a long standing bug around displaying variables in the subject line. Once it's working them move to putting it where you want it.
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