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  1. MrBill's post in Unable to log into Polyglot 3x after "Unmanaged" node servers removed. was marked as the answer   
    If you log into the portal there is a method to create a node server for occupancy (Select Tool > Occupancy Node Server), that appears in the Polyglot interface as "ISY Portal"

    It will always appear "Unmanaged" in the PG2/3 interface because it is not managed by Polyglot and it is using a slot, but managed by the ISY portal.
  2. MrBill's post in Error deleting old mobile and geofence from occupancy was marked as the answer   
    @JPStokes  Try deleting that slot in the admin console.

    Note: your slot number is very likely different than mine.

    if that doesn't work, or if it comes back, then open a ticket.  they will likely need to manually remove the old on the backend.
  3. MrBill's post in Help, I'm in Isy -> eisy migration hell! was marked as the answer   
    Do you have Insteon support checked on the configuration tab? 
    Also read the migration instructions https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Migration
  4. MrBill's post in Large amount of "bad" memory in system status. was marked as the answer   
    known issue.  there's at least a dozen threads with the same question.   You don't have bad space, it's a bug that's been around since Polisy was released.
  5. MrBill's post in Simple On/Off program won't execute was marked as the answer   
    Check Help > About
    It sounds like firmware and UI are different versions.  They must be exactly the same.
  6. MrBill's post in Need clarification on passwords for SSH access to eISY and assiging Users in Admin Console was marked as the answer   
    yes.  log in via ssh and type 'passwd' (no ticks marks).
    unless something has recently changed only the admin user position can be configured, User 1, 2, etc simply don't work.  They've been in the interface since early v5 and have always been non-functional.  
    Assuming you're asking about admin console users, see above. 
  7. MrBill's post in Cannot Access ISY Admin Console was marked as the answer   
    this is good, it means you know the IP address of the ISY.
    In the Finder window click Add.  Enter the URL as follows:
    if it's a ISY994, use:   http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY/desc
    if it's a Polisy or eisy, use: http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY:8080/desc
    of course you will be replacing IP.ADDR.OF.ISY with the actual numbers you found. 
    if that doesn't get you in, do you have 2 routers and 2 DHCP servers working on your new EERO setup?  if so, that means you have 2 networks and they can't pass traffic to each other.
  8. MrBill's post in Comment out a debug line in a program was marked as the answer   
    You can't, if the line is present it is included.
  9. MrBill's post in Manually writing a Program? was marked as the answer   
    If you're trying to figure out how to include a date in a schedule, uncheck "Daily"

  10. MrBill's post in NFC or RFID tag for unlocking smart locks was marked as the answer   
    I've recently started using NFC tags... they are wonderful. 
    Not sure if you're in the Android or iOS camp, I use iOS.  Using iOS you would need to use the Shortcuts app to create an automation for NFC tag, the action in the NFC tag needs to use IoX's REST API to do something... (such send the node a command). 
    I'm currently using NFC tags with HA instead of ISY, I once knew now to build a REST call for the ISY in the iOS shortcuts app so i know it can be done.  I don't see my notes on that anymore tho.  It occurs to me the issue I had at first was with passing Basic Authentication but I ultimately figured that out.
    A tip I learned from a youtube video was to build the actual "action" first as a shortcut, get that working, and then set up the "automation" to just recognize the NFC chip and run the shortcut already created.   Doing this makes sharing to another device easier, because the shortcut is shareable (although not as simple as it should be) and the automation is not shareable.
  11. MrBill's post in Make individual Flume values available was marked as the answer   
    I confess I'm not using this nodeserver, but the documentation says this is available now.
  12. MrBill's post in Moving back from Indigo was marked as the answer   
    a PLM connected to Indigo, correct? 
    In that case the ISY wouldn't have the links table, and i don't know that it can be read from a PLM to a new controller.  I think Restore Modem in that case would clear the PLM because that's writing new links to the PLM, and there are none in the ISY.
    @DennisC read your comments differently than I did, I'm not sure what his thought was...
  13. MrBill's post in Interfacing Polisy with AXIS IP Cameras was marked as the answer   
    You need to use the program ID number not a name.  and un-brackedted RunThen as in this example:
  14. MrBill's post in Program Order was marked as the answer   
    Program 1

          Run Program 2 (if)
    Program 2  (Disabled)

        wait X
    If which Program turns false.  Assuming since "because the If is disabled" you mean Program 2-- because the If is disabled in program 2 the then body will continue.  If you mean Program 1, as written now nothing will happen if Program 1's If becomes false... However If Program 1 becomes true again (even without becoming false first).  then Program 2 will restart.  to avoid this make program 2 like this:
    Program 2  (Disabled)

        Disable Program 1
        wait X
        Enable Program 1
    Nothing here will run the Else in Program 2.
  15. MrBill's post in Program Order was marked as the answer   
    Program 1

          Run Program 2 (if)
    Program 2  (Disabled)

        wait X
    If which Program turns false.  Assuming since "because the If is disabled" you mean Program 2-- because the If is disabled in program 2 the then body will continue.  If you mean Program 1, as written now nothing will happen if Program 1's If becomes false... However If Program 1 becomes true again (even without becoming false first).  then Program 2 will restart.  to avoid this make program 2 like this:
    Program 2  (Disabled)

        Disable Program 1
        wait X
        Enable Program 1
    Nothing here will run the Else in Program 2.
  16. MrBill's post in Unable to launch start.jnlp was marked as the answer   
    64 bit java works fine on win 10 and win 11, been using it for years.  No reason to limit memory use to 4gb, even if the admin console should never need that much.
    Twice I've had to nuke the temp files stored in \users\<username>\AppData\ which is a hidden folder, so you must first make certain is set for visibility. 
    (Full Disclosure: the first time java was broken bad.  Michel spent an hour trying to get it to work, Michel even tried to give up, but we tried one last thing.  The second time I needed to uninstall java and nuked the appdata workspace just because I knew I could, not because I knew I needed to.)
    Uninstall java Open file explorer and click in the tree to reach 😄\users\<username>\AppData\ search for "java"  (note: other windows settings and preferences for your user determine where "Java" folders get created.  (generally they appear under "sun" and "oracle" folders.)
    Delete any "Java" folders under 'sun' or 'oracle' folders. You may find a lot of folders, if it's an older computer and you've never done this. Reinstall Java 8 with a fresh download https://www.java.com  
  17. MrBill's post in SMTP setting default. Get emails from eisy, but not to Tmobile as text was marked as the answer   
    Email to text fails miserably. AT&T and Verizon have not worked in awhile.  Likely too many users reported the default sender, or some other anti-spam test is failing.  Move away from email to SMS.
    1) I installed spark mail just so the ISY had is own email client on my phone.
    2) I’ve also used Pushover with and without the notification nodeserver.
    3) other option is using UD Mobile to send Push notifications.
    all of these are faster and more reliable than email to SMS.
  18. MrBill's post in Is ISY Portal Node Server still needed? was marked as the answer   
    It was never "required".  I use it for Locative/geofence.
  19. MrBill's post in Backup SD card in ISY? was marked as the answer   
    If you have z-wave run a z-wave backup first.  Admin Console > Z-wave > Backup
    Then Admin Console > File > Backup ISY  (this step will save the file to your computer, the saved backup file will include the z-wave backup if you made one above.)
    If your MicroSD dies.... Insert a new one (32gb or less, look for the A1 rating).  After booting you must install the apprioriate firmware file first (help > manually upgrade) then after the ISY reboots at then end of that, Restore your backup file.
    There is no supported method of making card images to backup or using other software.  I've seen other people say they've had success doing that, but note the only SUPPORTED method outlined above.   I'd follow it in case you ever nned UD support to help... they don't help with image copy methods.
  20. MrBill's post in Volume control with network resources and other controls was marked as the answer   
    Actually there is, the REST API.  I used to have a portal monitor that used the API.  A network resource called from one program, set a variable via the portal, and a second standard heartbeat type program monitored the variable being set over the portal.  IIRC I created for a forum post somewhere.
    What there is no way indeed to do however in OPs case is capture a value using a network resource.
  21. MrBill's post in Notification on mobile with variable substitution was marked as the answer   
    Try it with the variable ID number instead of the name.  ${var.1.12}  Or whatever number your is...
    According to the wiki, it should also work with variable name Substitution variables are available inside custom email definitions in the form ${<variable name>} which would seem to transalte to ${decGarageOpenTime} in your case, I've never used names in the substitutions tho, i've already recently become away of the name form.
  22. MrBill's post in 6-Button 2334-2 adjust scene issue. was marked as the answer   
    so I think what you're saying is that you want this 40% to be 100%?

    If so then figure out the correct series of dropdowns for "adjust scene" to change it.   For this scene you need two adjust scene, one for the isy or the root level of the scene, then you need one for the RED controller (which you have hi-lited in screenshot I repasted a portion of.
  23. MrBill's post in Migration from ISY994i ZWave node naming issues was marked as the answer   
    I don't use z-wave so I can't point you to the documentation, however just reading this forum I've been aware since 4th quarter of last year that ZMATTER changes the designation. to ZY, I don't remember why but there's probably a post.
  24. MrBill's post in Upgrading from 4.9.0 to 5.x - how to? was marked as the answer   
    Upgrading from v4 to v5 isn't too difficult... read this post from yesterday.
    I forgot to mention in that one, the first thing to check when your logging into version 5 the first time is help > about to insure that the UI and firmware versions match.  if they don't do not pass go, solve that problem.  The second thing to do one your firmware and UI versions match is to check Programs tab, Summary sub-tab and look for the color yellow... if you find any that program needs manual updates (probably from use of "adjust scene")
    5.3.4 is here.  If you have a 300 series z-wave board (z-wave version 4.81.00) then you need 5.0.16C instead.
  25. MrBill's post in Firmware and UI not matched. How to correct was marked as the answer   
    First get rid of any files named admin.jnlp or start.jnlp that you have laying around.
    next clear the Java cache including Installed Applications and Applets (which is a box you need to locate and check, it is not selected by default)
    are you using a Mac or Windows?
    Windows it's best to use The Launcher.  The first time Launcher is run it should also install an icon on the desktop called IoX Launcher, use that to start the admin console in the future.  The first run does two things 1)install desktop icon, 2)start admin console.
    Mac it might be the same launcher (use link above), (some users have no issue, other users can never make Launcher work on Mac)... if launcher doesn't work for you... download admin.jnlp from the ISY... https://IP.Addr.of.isy/admin.jnlp and move it to your desktop.  (Anytime ISY is upgraded that file must be replaced after firmware upgrade.)
    Launcher should get the correct admin console each time it's opened from a cloud source.
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