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  1. MrBill's post in substitution variable for "last changed"? was marked as the answer   
    I don't think there is a substitution for the strings your looking for.
    You can crudely get what you want by using 2 integer variables (in addition the one your already using).
    Integer variables in an ISY can have a decimal value these days (when they were originally named they couldn't), and the decimal should be set to 2 for these.  One for date and one for time.  These don't need to be state variables.
    In your program that increments the activity counter add lines to set those variables such as:
           $iDoorLastOpen.date  = [Current Day of Month]
           $iDoorLastOpen.date  /= 100
           $iDoorLastOpen.date += [Current Month (Jan=1, Feb=2, etc.)]
           $iDoorLastOpen.date Init To $iDoorLastOpen.date
    which will yield and integer variable value such as 2.16 (today).
    likewise build similar for time using [Current Minute] + [Current Hour]
           $iDoorLastOpen.time  = [Current Minute]
           $iDoorLastOpen.time  /= 100
           $iDoorLastOpen.time += [Current Hour]
           $iDoorLastOpen.time Init To  $iDoorLastOpen.time
    this will yield a time in the same format 16.38 (I assume the hours will be 24-hour format, but I've never used [Current Hour] for anything before.
    Unfortunately the separator is . instead of / or :  however this is one method to achieve being able to read the date/time in the notification.
  2. MrBill's post in Migration clarification of Z-wave backup/restore was marked as the answer   
    @K-bert The Z-wave backup is saved on the 994's MicroSD card.  Subsequently when you back up the 944 that file is picked up and included in the backup.
  3. MrBill's post in IoX & Home Assistant on Eisy was marked as the answer   
    you would still need to use Home Assistants Universal Devices integration to bring your Insteon into Home Assistant. You would NOT use Home Assistants Insteon Integration.   If two services were trying to use the modem they would both just be confused.
  4. MrBill's post in Isolated Testbed for new ISY/PLM was marked as the answer   
    Multiple ISY's and PLMs can co-exist!   There is literally nothing to do.  I have 3 setups running in my house at the moment, 2 have PLMs.   I have a production and 2 test systems running.  If I add a module to the test system it only appears in the test system etc. no interference with the system that runs my house.
    When opening the admin console you just pick which ISY you want to work with...

  5. MrBill's post in Schedule Issue was marked as the answer   
    I'd also use the program search function and look for another version of the program.
  6. MrBill's post in Programing With Schedule not working. was marked as the answer   
    No "adjust scene" is something else.
    You would use adjust scene if you wanted to change the way the scene behaves, which could be used in this case i suppose. but it works differently that you're expecting.
    Scroll to the bottom of the devices list... after the last device you will find each scene ...

    leave the motion out of the scene and turn the scene on or off from the program.
  7. MrBill's post in Admin Console - Java Settings was marked as the answer   
    After reading a stack overflow thread I decided to try using both.  (I don't have the link handy now but will try and locate it later).  Both seems to make startup noticeably faster for me.
    -xms = selects the initial memory allocated
    -xmx = selects the maximum that can be allocated.
    What i wish I knew, was how much the admin console uses regularly.  I'm not smart enough (yet) to know how to see the amount of memory actually being used.
  8. MrBill's post in State variables and programs was marked as the answer   
    this is exactly the answer... sometime tho I write programs like
          $sX is not -999999999
    which to me immediately means "for any change in $sX" without analyzing.
    Pro-tip: name variables with the first character being s, i, or c... S for State Variables, i Integer variables, or c for Constant which is an integer variable that never changes values... i.e. $cTrue which is always 1 or $cFalse which is always zero.  Using these conventions will make your programs easier to read.
    Pro-Tip, also when used in a If statement: a "state" variable is like a trigger, and an "integer" variable is like a filter.
  9. MrBill's post in Replace failed ISY with another was marked as the answer   
    Speaking of which, you might try as the first step using his power supply on your ISY... it's a known fact the blue LED can still be lit with just a bad power supply.
  10. MrBill's post in Does 5.x.x firmware require ISY Portal? was marked as the answer   
    No portal required.
  11. MrBill's post in Discounts Anyone? was marked as the answer   
    @RDLSAT Simply put, UD just doesn't use that marketing method, in all the years I've been around here it's never been a thing.
  12. MrBill's post in Unable to change the on level of a device was marked as the answer   
    It's NOT intuitive whatsoever...
    set the dropdown then push the button that says On Level to the LEFT of the dropdown.
  13. MrBill's post in is EISY stand alone like ISY? was marked as the answer   
    eisy is local just like the ISY.  does it need to communicate with the internet ever? yes for updates, but not for day to day operation.  Generally that true for Polyglot running on eisy too, but some node servers do require access to the internet if they are contacting a cloud based device.
  14. MrBill's post in ISY994 Problem was marked as the answer   
    the guide to blinking lights is here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Front_Panel_LEDs/Lights
    If red and blue are flashing simultaneously the ISY is unable to reach your network.  Perhaps a bad cable or the router might need a reboot.
    Also note: plug the PLM in first, and give it 20 or 30 seconds. It must be online before the ISY.  The PLM connects to port A.
  15. MrBill's post in ISY994 not working with Gmail for text messaging to Verizon, not due to Advanced Security issue was marked as the answer   
    email to text is unreliable. there are a couple hundred threads lately on this very topic.
    two possibilities:
    switch to using Pushover.  Will take a little bit of a time investment to learn and get things where you want them.  This has also been recommended in most threads on the topic.
    Install a dedicated email client on your phone to use with a specific separate email address, where you can have full notifications enabled.  (Spark is a good choice on iOS).
    This search might help you locate other relevant threads.
  16. MrBill's post in Virtual Devices was marked as the answer   
    There is a node server called virtual that lets you change a variable into a device node.
    Scene's don't actually have an on/off status which is why you can't check it via a program.
  17. MrBill's post in Program turning on a scene problem was marked as the answer   
    For all the switches in the scene and the one that's not right click them in the device tree and choose "Restore Device", do them one at a time and wait until the ISY is finished before moving on to the next.  
    When you started out fresh did you do it by factory resetting the PLM and each device then adding it to the eisy?
  18. MrBill's post in ISY994i Network Resources was marked as the answer   
    The biggest caveat when upgrading from v4 to V5 is whether the programs use "Adjust Scene".  If those programs will require manual intervention.
    Network resources should be fine after upgrade.   If not you can go back to 4.9 while you figure out what needs to happen, just make certain you have a good backup.   (to go backward "manually Upgrade" again but load the 4.9 firmware file, you likely won't need to restore the 4.9 backup afterwards.)
    If any programs are intentionally disabled make not of those, as they will need to be re-disabled after the upgrade.
    If he has 300 series z-wave (Z-wave version 4.81.00) then 5.0.16C is the last version that supports, 300 series.
    An un-written step that's helpful is to go to the programs tab, click on "My Programs" or whatever the top level folder is named and then right click and "Copy Folder to clipboard", then paste in Windows Notepad (or any simple editor) that won't try to add formatting, and Save As.....  This gives you a reference copy of your programs should one need fixing later.
    After upgrade do two things immediately, Open the admin console, then:
    Check Help > About to make sure UI and Firmware version match. If they don't solve that before doing anything else.  This must be correct before #2... or #2 will give invalid results. Navigate to the programs tab > Summary sub-tab and look for the color YELLOW.  If you find any that program needs manual intervention and most likely has "Adjust Scene". Then disable any programs intentionally disabled and you should be done.
    Good luck, let us know if you have an issue.
  19. MrBill's post in New router, no ISY was marked as the answer   
    Have you restarted the ISY since the new router?   If there is no static assignment in the ISY that should get it a new IP in the new range via DHCP.
  20. MrBill's post in PLM Shortage was marked as the answer   
    The insteon PLM will be back in stock soon.  As of November they are projected for March.   If you missed the news Insteon closed it's doors last April.  A new owner bought the company in June and shipping resumed late summer.  Below is the graphic that was shared with the Insteon community in November about product availability.
    There are also repair options if you have one that went bad.

  21. MrBill's post in sys.date and sys.time email notification was marked as the answer   
    You need curly brackets { } instead of parenthesis ( ).  
    Yes ${sys.time12} is a 12 hour clock with AM and PM.    Check this wiki page for other choices.
  22. MrBill's post in Can't update devices on ISY after upgrade was marked as the answer   
    You must set the ramp rate on the right, then push the button "Ramp Rate" on the left.  Not intuitive at all.
  23. MrBill's post in ISY994i reboots every 4-5 minutes was marked as the answer   
    You can stop all programs by creating a folder condition on the top folder in your program tree.  
    Create one that will never be true, like any integer variable you have = -99999999 or something like that, then . 

    Also check the error log for clues as to what's going on....  Tools > Error log.
  24. MrBill's post in Can't connect to ISY994 was marked as the answer   
    @KConoverSince you're using an ISY994i try http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY/desc
    The instructions by @tazman are for a Polisy.  Note in the case of Polisy I would use: http://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY:8080/desc rather than https://IP.ADDR.OF.ISY:8443/desc    (in short http and port 8080 go together, and https:// and port 8443 go together-- and since your home network should be trustworthy there's really no need for the extra overhead added by using https:// and 8443)
    Note:  IP.ADDR.OF.ISY must be replaced by an actual IP of the ISY, so in your case
  25. MrBill's post in How can I completely uninstall my ISY software and reload to recover the last saved version of my programs? was marked as the answer   
    @Pete C Open a ticket.  Michel will get you back online faster than alot of back and forth in the forum.
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