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Thank you fo the offer. I’m good now. I do have a number of filters.
I understand. I had tested the switches on that breaker by 1st turning off all other breakers on the barn panel. No improvement so I figured that my problem is on breaker 14. Nothing else was on. So I turned everything back on and one by one disconnected the red (load) wire on the insteon switches. No change. The only 2 other devices on the circuit are a power rollup hurricane door and 2 large ceiling fans (DC motors) that are on a switch and generally controlled by remote controls. I have switched both devices off and no change. Do I need to actually physically disconnect the fans and the roll up door to see if one of them is the problem? I expect there must be something going on with one of them. If not, I am about at the end of any ideas. Unless I can actually identify the source of the interference, I can't filter it.
Ok. I tested 2 of the barn switches. One is good and the other isn’t but I’m getting closer to the end of this mystery. The one that’s ok is on breaker 20 which hasn’t been a problem most of the time. The other switch is on breaker 14. There are 3 switches on that breaker and all are problematic. So there is still something on that circuit that is messing up the communications. The phases are coupled using the range extenders. Also the factory reset seems to have cleared the red flashing problem. I do have the room to add an XPF filter to each switch if I need to. Everything on the breaker is wired in and I can still do some additional testing - maybe disconnecting the red(load) wire on each to see if I can figure out where the problem is. That circuit has had so much added that maybe the filters are the only sure way to isolate them. I’ve just never used the wired in filters. I have everything that’s plugged into breaker 14 circuit on the plug in Insteon filters. with all of my amateur testing my best judgement is that phase a in the barn is fine. Phase b is fine on breaker 20 but there seems to be interference on breaker 14 (where I have 3 switches).
Thank you. Makes sense. I will try it and see how it works out. If this doesn't clear the problem, I will probably need a few XFP filters. I do remember having issues in the barn and tried to use a separate Insteon Hub back there. Not a good solution and that might be what I'm seeing with the communications problem. I'll check through all of the switches in the barn to see if I can clear it. Again thank you for your patience and help.
I've heard 2 different approaches to getting rid of the red blinking light when you manually activate a switch: 1. Do a Factory Reset. 2. Remove the device from all scenes. Delete the device, do a factory reset then add the device back. Looks like #1 is preferable and easier but then would need to either restore or write updates to the device? Not sure I understand the difference.
I also notice that if I manually activate one of the switches I get a red blinking 8 times but it shows correctly on the isthmus admin console. I searched Google fir red flashing Insteon and I came across a thread that suggested that a possible problem could be that when I changed to the isy from the prior hub, that I may have the switches that still have the old hub stored and it is trying to get a response from the hub that’s not there. the suggestion was to take the device out of the scene then delete the device then factory reset and then add it back. Then test to see if the manual still has the red blinking. When the person in the forum tried it his problem went away. So I think I’ll try one switch.
I hadn't tried that. Yes, I can turn the 2 switches on and off from the admin console. When I open the admin console the 2 switches have the green horizontal icon. I can turn the lights on and off and that's they way it remains unless I do a query or try to write to the device. Then I get a red !. But it all now works but there is just something not quite right with the communications. And now I see that actually the Alexa and ISY are both doing the same. Alexa just doesn't have a red !. Than you all for your help in getting to the bottom of this. I am going to now review all scenes and programs and get this barn working the way it used too. Thanks again.
I just tried to query both switches. They had the green icon. They both changed to red !. I then queried both red ! and both remained red !. There is something different that I don't understand between the ISY interface and the Alexa (ISY Skill).
I thought I had figured out the offending devices but not so fast. All was ok with the installation except for 2 switches on one breaker (14) in the barn. I have one switch on the same phase in the barn on another breaker (20)that works fine and another switch on the other phase that works fine. So I went out to the barn with my iPad with Alexa (using the ISY skill) and could turn the aisle lights on and off IF the exterior lights were off. If the exterior lights were on, I couldn't turn them back off and couldn't turn the exterior lights off. So I took the 4 LED bulbs out of the exterior fixtures and tested. All worked fine and I could turn the fixtures on and off with no problem. I added 4 incandescent bulbs and I was still fine. So I went back into the house and started the ISY Console and 1 switch had the a red exclamation point next to the Barn Aisle and a Green (not ok) icon next to the Barn Exterior. And the 2 switches don't work from the ISY admin console. The other 2 barn switches are ok. Obviously something is different about how the ISY console and Alexa (with the ISY skill) talks to the switches. I assume they both use the PLM? Any ideas how to resolve this. Do I need to use the Portal to update? PS: Someone just went into the barn and turned on the Aisle Light and the exclamation pint changed to the Green Icon. So there is some communication but still a problem.
Thank you for all of the great advice. I will get to disconnecting the lights in a few days. I need some time to celebrate. I got my first Covis19 vaccine shot this morning. I'll report back how the disconnecting goes. All three switches are in surface boxes on the inside barn wall. And once we see if everything works great without the lights I'll need add some boxes for the XPF filter. Thanks again for all of the great help.
LEDs are the probable offenders. I have 3 Insteon switches and each one controls different sets of LED lights. And on the same breaker there are 6 additional LED 4 ft fixtures each of which are individually switched. One other thing that argues for the LEDs being the problem is that for 2 of the switches, I can typically turn the lights on but not off. So I think my best way to prove this out is to turn those 6 non-Insteon switched lights off, then disconnect the load (red) at the 3 Insteon switches. The fixtures are different on each of the switches so I can add back until I get a problem. If I get good control of the Insteon switches, I’ll need to add the filters as needed at the switches. Does that sound right?
All devices are dual band. All switches are 2477S. I have a dual band on/off module (2635-222) on the other phase and it is working fine. I also put a range extender on each phase and they are indicating all is good. I tested with the 4 taps and it indicates good. So it looks like only the circuit on breaker 14 is the problem. The devices that are not working are all on that breaker. There is nothing plugged into that circuit so that's why I was thinking of using the XPF or XPNR filters. I'm just unsure of where to wire one or more in.
I have added the FilterLincs to every place there seems to be any possibility of a problem and it has made the house and garage stable. Barn has 4 connected devices ( and one that isn't): Barn Aisle - has green icon that indicates you should update device I think. When you do, you get a message that it cannot communicate and the icon chances to a red exclamation point. - On breaker 14 on 1st phase. Barn Apartment: Ok (On 2nd phase) Barn Attic - On breaker 20 on 1st phase. Barn Exterior - has green icon that indicates you should update device I think. When you do, you get a message that it cannot communicate and the icon chances to a red exclamation point. - On breaker 14 on 1st phase. Barn Exterior Floods. - On breaker 14 on 1st phase. Not connected right now. I did go through the breakers and turned all off except for 14 and there was no change to the response to the devices on breaker 14. Attached to the devices on breaker 14 are Barn Aisle (6 LED 4 foot flourescents with the old ballasts removed). Barn Exterion (with 2 LED exterior fixtures). Other items on the circuit are more of the 4 foot LEDs and 2 roll up hurricane doors. These are rarely turned on. Is my next step to install either XPF or XPNR filters to see if that fixes the problem. I think I would try the Barn Aisle and isolate the 4 foot LED Florescent lights (or isolate the switch?). I think I would want to install the filter right at the switch but I am not clear on exactly where I would do it.
That’s interesting. I replaced 10 four foot fluorescent fixtures with led bulbs and removed the fluorescent ballasts. So the leds have some sort of ballast built in that could have noise? That’s going to be a problem since they are all wired into a few circuits. Are there filters similar to the FilterLinc available for wiring in to isolate the led fixtures? I tested the other phase yesterday and it works fine. That is until later in the evening when the 7.5 HP irrigation pump came on and then I couldn’t reach the test device. This morning with the pump off I can reach that device again. So I’m at least planning to pur in a pair of range extenders to link the 2 phases.
Great progress. All devices in the house and garage work as expected and I have updated my programs to correctly control all of them. Thank you all for your suggestions. My only area of problems now is the devices in the barn which is a separate building a bit farther away than the garage. The 3 devices in the barn appear normal at times. some will have a red exclamation mark and at other times will have the green icon that indicates that I should update the device. They can all have the red exclamation mark, or just one. I can't seem to figure any pattern. 2 of the 3 have been on the system for years and I was able to add one a few days ago. All 3 are on the same breaker - so same phase. It feels like a weak signal. I am planning to start by turning off all breakers to see if I have any better signal. If not I will review all devices on the breaker. Any other suggestions?