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Everything posted by Davonavo

  1. Having problems printing Admin Console - My Lighting on Windows 10 computer. Procedure says press Windows logo button and Prtsc button. Screenshot will appear in Pictures / screenshots. First attempt in Windows 10, was possible in Windows 8. Seems there was a special procedure to follow, which I wrote down and promptly forgot. Where am I going wrong?
  2. Looking for a sounder closer to the center of normal hearing range. Piezio buzzer is too high for me. The old X-10 ding dong was ok, except you grew to hate the melody it played. Could use a doorbell, but that would confuse the dog. A musical doorbell would be ok, but waking up to Hail, Hail, The Gangs All Here defeats the seriousness of the alarm. Something more 'Senior friendly.'
  3. 3 of 4 Leak Sensors now working. Interface with Insteon 2635-222 On/Off Module switching 12VDC to a piezio sounder. Placement through house and coverage underway. Steady On operation of sounder, even though I time it thru ISY, is a screamer. Would like to find 1 sec on, 1 sec off circuit to build or buy. Trying to get this implemented while considering the WAF. Thanks to all.
  4. Thanks. It's all Greek to me.
  5. cccccccccccccccMon 02/08/2016 02:20:25 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 36.AE.14 00.00.02 C7 11 02 LTONRR (02) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:25 PM : [std-Group ] 36.AE.14-->Group=2, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:25 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [36 AE 14 2] [DON] [2] uom=0 prec=-1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:25 PM : [ 36 AE 14 2] DON 2 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:25 PM : [D2D-CMP 0033] CTL [36 AE 14 2] DON op=1 Event(val=2 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 36.AE.14 00.00.02 C7 11 02 LTONRR (02) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [std-Group ] 36.AE.14-->Group=2, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored. Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0F 68 63 0F 11 FF Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [36 AE 14 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [ 36 AE 14 2] ST 255 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.68.63 0F 11 FF 06 LTONRR (FF) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [36 AE 14 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:26 PM : [ 36 AE 14 1] ST 0 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:27 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.68.63 0F.D5.0F 2B 11 FF LTONRR (FF) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:27 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0F.68.63-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:27 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [F 68 63 1] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:27 PM : [ F 68 63 1] ST 255 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 36.AE.14 11.01.02 C7 06 00 (00) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [std-Group ] 36.AE.14-->11.01.02, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored. Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 36.AE.14 11.01.02 C7 06 00 (00) Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [std-Group ] 36.AE.14-->11.01.02, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:20:28 PM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored. Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 0F 68 63 0F 13 00 Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.68.63 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00) Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.68.63 0F.D5.0F 2B 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 0F.68.63-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [F 68 63 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Mon 02/08/2016 02:21:56 PM : [ F 68 63 1] ST 0 Per request.
  6. The DON code always appeared but only when the button was pressed, in or out of water. This indicated ISY could see unit with button press. Failure occurred when trying to replace button press with electrical path between contacts on bottom of Leak Detector through conducting medium, mineral containing water.
  7. Wouldn't have expected this. Went over to the Smarthome Forum, where I should have gone first. Our friend EVIL Teken (sp) said the mineral content of the water was important. I have been testing with bottled water. When I switched to tap water, circuit works. My household water has high mineral content. May not be my only problem, but I am on my way. Much thanks to EVIL, and all.
  8. Leak Sensor is tested sitting in shallow puddle of water,deep enough to immerse contacts. All sensors common to same program. Others are not in convenient location for access. ISY is working fine with other Insteon devices with very few failures. Believe my problem deals with how program is written, or step by step implementation. These units do not seem to be as compatible with ISY as others I have dealt with.
  9. Admin Console Event Viewer receives DON from Leak Sensor when pressed. No change of state at Wet / Dry listing of Leak Sensor equipment. Placing sensor in wet environment results in no reports. Sensor has been factory reset several times. Battery is good. Is there a step by step Wiki explaining procedure for turning up a Leak Sensor for use with an ISY? Basic operation is all thats required.
  10. Leak Alert - [iD 0033][Parent 0001] If Control 'Leak Sensor # 4-Wet' is switched On Then Set 'Test' On Wait 1 minute and 30 seconds Set 'Test' Off Wait 1 minute and 30 seconds Set Scene 'All On Bright' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Monitors four Leak Sensors in house - under Kitchen Sink, behind Washer in Laundry Room, above Washer in access space between floors behind removable panel in ceiling in Laundry Room, in Garage behind Water Heater. Test is LampLinc module 2456D3.
  11. Thats the way its written, but it doesn't work. Is DON a valid message for ISY to respond to?
  12. I have 4 2852-222 Rev 2.3 Leak Sensors on my system, Ver 4.2.30.All report to Admin Console as DON when button on unit is pressed. Activity on powerline is present. I am unable to write a basic event i.e If Leak Sensor # X is switched on, then Insteon device On. Believe this was operational before. Do not require elaborate event, just "If This, Then That". Thanks.
  13. Of my four Leak Sensors, none report Heartbeat to the ISY log. Although Wet, Dry, And Heartbeat status appear on Admin Console. I would prefer to have the periodic status report appear on the log, which I check daily. These 2852-222 Sensors identify as Ver. 00, although upon physical inspection they may be otherwise. Is there a remove / reinstall proceedure that would give their apearance in the log?
  14. If the Leak Sensor Heartbeat report is sent out periodically by the sensor, is it detected by ISY and logged?
  15. So if a device is going from On to Off, Off to On, Bright to Dim, etc. it is "Responding" ?
  16. Recent installation of four 2852-222 4314REV2.3 Leak Sensors report changes in Wet/Dry conditions to Log and Admin Console properly, reset properly, but Heartbeat is not logged (24 hr. period) and Current State is always On. How do I know if Heartbeat function is operating?
  17. Power to my Motion Sensor is supplied over small guage - doorbell wire - run inside wall and upstairs to a receptical under desk in office. Maybe 30 feet. Enters wall directly behind sensor, not visable unless under close inspection. Sensor and wiring painted to match wall mounted on. Power is turned on during night and off during day, preventing unnecessary traffic on powerline. Switched by Insteon ApplianceLinc. Works fine, lasts a long time.
  18. I use a Insteon motion sensor powered by a plug in 9VDC wall wart.No battery. Don't understand the problem.
  19. I guess if it works for us, and we are comfortable with it, thats enough...
  20. OK, fourteenth combination of characters and numerals yielded results, thanks. Some of us need a little more help.
  21. Have tried all possible combinations of these URLs with no luck on Chrome and IE . Could you give a more detailed description with all alphanumeric charictures required for those of us more computer challenged?
  22. My Open/Close Sensor reported its first Heartbeat report, Status 0%. Is that good or bad? Sensor reports on/off conditions properly. I removed and replaced sensor in Rev. 4.2.21. Sticker inside says 3914 rev.1.9. 2843-222.
  23. Ticket submitted today. Davonavo.
  24. With Heartbeat Interval set at 20 hours, no reporting of Status in over 48. Admin Console shows current state Off. FYI. Thanks to all.
  25. My On/Off Sensor is on a mailbox door to detect opening at night or other unusual time when I suspect nefarious activities. I haven't decided what will take place yet, probably house lights on, alarm, camera operation, etc. I suspect a Super Soaker fired from inside the mailbox would be carrying things too far.
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