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About Tony-D

  • Birthday October 10

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  • Location
    South West Florida
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  1. Geddy Thank you very much. I ended up installing windows on an old laptop and adding java. I was very happy when it let me in! And the system is working fine. I could not have gotten there with out your help and I am very grateful!. Best regards. Tony
  2. Ok here is my problem, I have switched internet providers, and need to change the Ip address on my 944. I do not have a windows pc I am running on a raspberry pi 5 using bookworm. I still have my old ISP online as i am moving to star link. I can access my isy but when i try to install the admin console my browser just goes nuts. I have tried Chrome with does nothing I cant get in to the isy at all. Fire fox will let me in but just seems to keep loading the "start.jnlp" over and over. I did try ms edge on a friends laptop but that says that the isy is refusing the connection. I don't think I can load internet explorer on the pi. What can I do? Thank you all in advance. this has me pulling my hair out. Thanks again. Tony
  3. Thank you that worked and yes it has been a few years. I was able to add my device and I can controle it frome the ISY panel. Thank you ver much.
  4. Well its been a a while but I can not seem to access my ISY admin console. I can bring up the isy when I click on admin console the pop up window opens and says please leave this window open. but the i get nothing. I have tried firfox, MS edge, and Chrom all with the same resultes. The window says i need java 2+ i have ver 8 build 1.8 when I try and update i am told I have the latest ver. I'm running windows 10. Thanks
  5. Hi Guys, I had to replace My ISY & PlM this week, and I am having a hard time getting back to where I Was. I am not very good at this, but I am trying to learn. I seem to have everything working ok now, with the exception of my programs via the echo. I can turn devices of and on via the echo. And my stand alone programs I/E pool timer and night lights run or but I had a few programs I ran via the echo and now I just get “program name” isn’t responding. I have added the program in my.isy.io and given it a spoken. These used to work fine. Very frustrating. TY Tony Never MIND! I just had to re run discovery! It has been a long week.!
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