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Everything posted by nwchicago

  1. I like the idea of checking temperature and humidity in attacks and crawl spaces. I've hear freezers and refrigerators too. I suppose some basements may be in order too if they are not a separate HVAC Zone but maybe some of the remote thermostats are better for that need. I am looking at putting tags in the mailbox and on my gates. Might. It be a bad idea to consider tags for an outdoor shed or treehouse too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Any comparison between eKeypad and mobilink. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I'm really confused by the different versions of mobilink. How do I know what is right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi, I'm relatively new to ISY and miss my iPhone client when I am remote. I subscribe to the UD Portal Service to enable Alexa access already. Can anyone recommend which mobile client to get? I have isy994i zw. Use Alexa for voice. Have mostly insteon install with some zwave. And I have the UD portal subscription. Which is the right tool to get? Mobilink seems popular - but even then there are multiple versions. Thanks! Chicago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hahaha. Now that would be convenient! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I just ordered two tags and the controller. Can't wait for them to come. One is a Reed controller - want to put it on a gate and the other is a temp / humidity / motion detector I want to try with a wooden mailbox - if it doesn't work I'll put it in a fridge or freezer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I am still a bit uncertain how I can integrate it into UDI, but I'll tackle that in stride. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. smoke, Which mobilinc product do you recommend to another ISY user? Which are you using? I am looking for a more advanced mobile solution - i have iPhones, iPads and ISY 9941zw Thanks, chicago
  7. OK. I got it working. So ctrlHome is designed to provide a simple iPhone interface to your ISY. The normal settings allow you to do it from within your home network by specifying your ISY's IP address, however, you can also connect to it through the ISY Portal. This is how I fixed it: 1. Launch ctrlHome 2. Go to settings 3. Host enter "https://my.isy.io"please note you need to manually edit the prefill text to be https 4. slide the selector for Allow Self Sign SSL Cert to green (on) 5. User name - enter your portal user name 6. Password - enter our portal password This was done using ctrlHome version 1.3 You can find it at the iPhone appStore.
  8. Hi, I have the portal up and running to communicate with amazon echo "alexa" and it's going pretty well. Ever since I migrated from my pure Insteon setup to ISY, I've been missing remote access via iPhone. I've heard that it's possible to connect to my ISY remotely using ctrl home and the portal, however when I enter my credentials for the portal into ctrl home, it doesn't work. Does anyone have advice or recommendations? Thanks. Chicago
  9. She's probably mad because someone forgot to install a keypad / button to turn the lights on Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hahaha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Taken, silly question - but I'm still new. How do you reboot the controller? Do you need to backup the configuration first? Any additional work? Thanks. Chicago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Stu, it's a friend of a friend. Linked in is a professional social network and organizes people by who they know at what company. A first degree connection is a friend you are directly connected to. You can see their updates, job changes etc - great way to keep in touch with co-workers especially when you change jobs. 2nd degree is someone your friend knows that you could be introduced to by asking them. 3rd degree is a friend of a friend and so on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. OK - i was able to add my Insteon mini remote 4 scene model 2342-232. v2.0S 1631 It was very difficult. 1. I manually linked the device to another insteon device - a pluggable light dimmer. 2. I then checked that the insteon mini remote was in the insteon link table - it was - i could see it's address in the table. 3. I then deleted the insteon pluggable light dimmer from my insteon device. 4. i re-added the insteon device with the add connected devices 5. The insteon pluggable light dimmer added without a problem. 6. the insteon mini remote 4 scene was found identified and added 7. I can now assign scenes to each of the mini remotes 4 buttons So far so good!! But I do feel awful that the normal process didn't work. What's broken?
  14. I am also having similar problems and it's very frustrating. I installted the insteon fan controller software and want to using a 4 scene 2342-232 to invoke the control scenes but can't until I can get my isy 9941 zw to recognize the controller. Any advice?
  15. Do I need to install the tag manager as well (https://wirelesstags...net-tag-manager). Thanks.
  16. Hi everyone, this is a very exciting topic. I'm a bit confused however on the architecture of how this works. As I understand it, you buy the tags, which have sensors built in and the reed sensor seems to be an open/close door sensor. You also need to buy a tag manager. The Kumo manager is: https://wirelesstags.myshopify.com/products/ethernet-tag-manager My question is how do you integrate these tags into your ISY environment? It seems a closed system. Do you have to use ITTT via the portal extension for ISY? Is there a native means by which tag messages can be directly captured? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Is it safe to leave the Yubikey nano in a desktop at home if you believe your home environment is secure? Also, can you check gmail using the gmail app on your phone or does a second factor need to authenticate it? Thanks. Nwchicago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Any recommendations as to which Yubikey to buy? $18 Fido u2f or $40 Yubikey 4 or the nano? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Michael, this is a great idea. I've never heard of Yubikey - is it a USB hardware token to authenticate gmail? So this is a quick summary: 1. Set up a notification only email account with 2FA. 2. Do not set up any recovery email. 3. Implement 2FA on Primary email account 4. Buy 2-3 Yubikeys and link to primary email account as backup 5. Store extra yubikeys in protected location. 6. Configure isy admin for notification email account Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Thanks. I guess I'll use two form identification. I'm always a bit concerned if my phone is missing when I need to check email. What about setting up a dummy notification account with gmail that is only used for alerts. Is there any security Risk to the recipients of the account were hijacked by bad guys? Thanks. Chicago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Is there a way to use gmail without disabling the "deny access to less secure apps" setting in gmail account security?
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