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Everything posted by chris.com

  1. I just migrated from isy994i to eisy tonight. It went well for the most part. I decided to dip my toe into Polyglot 3x. I have a Honeywell TotalConnect alarm system in my home. I installed the node and I believe I successfully connected to my totalconnect account. Now, in my eisy admin console, I have a new item which is the name of my alarm system. Under that it lists all of the dorrs and windows for which there are alarm sensors. Neat! So far so good. What has my scratching my head is that when I select the alarm system heading itself or any of those sensors on the list, their status is always, "Locked." I do have one window open, but it still just says "locked" like all the others. I would think it would show the status of the alarm (armed away, armed stay, disarmed, etc.) and I would think it would show whether any of the senors were "open." I'm super new to this so I suppose it's something I screwed up. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. :-)
  2. @Michel Kohanim That's very exciting news and a Herculean undertaking, I'm sure. Thanks for that update. It's particularly encouraging since you have a first rate fella like @Javiworking on it too. 👍🏻
  3. Sorry for not being clear. Yes, it was on the M1. I can't reliably arrange icons on the iOS, but when I do manage to move them, it looks like they stick. On the M1, I can open the window large enough to reliably move icons, but they don't stick. (Answer pertaining to M1 since favorites remember their place seems to be an M1 problem) ---- Yes, edit mode was stopped before relaunch. (M1 answer again) --- Yes. Edit mode is off and favorite are in their desire position until the app is quit and re-launched. Perhaps it's been this way all along and I never noticed it. That would make sense since I haven't been trying to arrange favorites on the M1 until now. Before, I was only restoring from a backup made on iOS. I think the answer to your question is no, not really. I would agree that the problem happens only when moving and scrolling at the same time. I think the problem is that the moment I try to move items in the middle, scrolling occurs whether I want it to or not. The only items I can start to move without having runaway scrolling occur are the favorites at the very top and at the very bottom. If I try to move something in the middle, that's when the uncontrolled scrolling occurs. If you long press on a favorite, after a moment, you'll feel the haptic feedback letting you know you can drag and move it; it's at that moment it will zoom to the top or bottom of the list. Will do.
  4. Rather than having someone write an application, I'm referring to the ubiquitous VNC remote desktop protocol. It looks like having VNC running on XFCE is possible. I would be curious to know if this is something UD has thought of and what its possibilities are.
  5. In 2016, I moved into a new home, installed Insteon into every wall switch (except the garbage disposal, of course, because that's a really really bad idea.) I purchased the "ISY994i ZW/IR PRO Z-Wave + INSTEON + X10." Everything has been going great. The worst part is my one non-Insteon device: a Z-wave Schlage deadbolt for the front door. It works, but when it goes out to lunch is a hassle beat it back into submission. In 2020, I upgraded to the Z-Wave 500 series board which allowed me to run the latest firmware fo rthe isy994i and this did make Z-wave behave better. The second worst part is having to install and maintain Java to fully access and configure the ISY994i. I'm reading that the eisy will have monitor ports which allow direct access using a "light weight windowing system based on XFCE." How delightful it would be to simply VNC into the eisy and operate its light weight windowing system remotely rather than installing a local java-based client on each machine that needs to connect and configure the eisy. Might this be possible or will I still have to run Java in perpetuity with the eisy?
  6. Confirmed. Version 1.0.2. As always, thank you so much for all your continued hard work. If it would be helpful, I'm happy to send you any of my config files or backup files. Just let me know.
  7. Currently using 1.0.2 on iOS and MacOS. In the process of adding a few more favorites, I went to rearrange their position relative to the other favorites and had a very strange experience. The UI exhibited the following problematic behaviors: Long pressing a favorite clicks it into 'move around' mode. Once that happens, the scrolling of the list will either very quickly shoot up to the top or shoot down to the bottom, making it almost impossible to position the favorite in the desired spot. While it's very rapidly and uncontrollably scrolling, if I let go and drop the favorite, that favorite can actually become superimposed on top of another favorite so that two favorites occupy the same position. I managed to move some items into their desired location by very carefully positioning the favorite I'm moving in the middle of the screen and moving up or down just one line at a time, making repeated moves to get it to where it needs to be. After all of this, I find that once quitting the application and relaunching, the changes I made are reverted. I was able to use the app on my M1 Mac, make the app window large, and set the Favorites span to 5. Then, I was able to see all of the favorites on the screen at once. Moving them around seemed to work fine after that because no scrolling is necessary. (Until, of course, I get so many favorites that even this larger view will not accommodate them all.) However, it seems the previous experience may have corrupted my configuration. Even after successfully positioning the favorites, their revised positions do not survive a quit/relaunch. My next plan is to restore from a backup, but that will involve some work since I will have to recreate the new favorites all over again. On a lark, I tried opening the backup file in a text editor hoping that i might see XML that I could beat into submission, but alas the file contains binary data. I will report back after restoring from the backup. In the meantime, I wanted to make you aware of the behavior in case you wanted to try to reproduce it. If it's helpful, I can take some video of it while it's occurring. TIA for any advice/consultation. And Happy Holidays to everyone BTW.
  8. Same here. Screenshot and Echo audio attached. FWIW, the iOS app is also broken unless, of course, you're using it to connect to your isy via your LAN. echo error.m4a
  9. @Javi I know that you know that you fixed it, but I just wanted to give you confirmation. :-) I just installed 0.8.2 on both my iPhone SE3 and M1 MacBookPro. My iPhone was set to start on the Favorites tab. I exported its configuration to the files app, AirDropped it to my Mac, restored the Mac app from that configuration file, restarted the App on the Mac, and voila! I was a little worried that a slash in the file name might be a problem, but apparently it's not. Everything worked beautifully! Thanks again for all your hard work. And thanks for your engagement on this forum. It's a real privilege to have access to the actual developer of an app you use every day. I'm grateful for that and I promise not to abuse it. :-)
  10. Thank you @Javi. Being able to run UD Mobile on my M1 Macbook Pro has been absolutely wonderful. I know that developers do have the option of preventing desktop machines from installing their mobile apps. And I can appreciate that fielding bug-reports on a platform that isn't officially supported can be burdensome. So it would be quite understandable if you decided to block it on the desktop. I just wanted to say thank you for allowing it. It has been a real boon to have this on the laptop and continuously comes in handy. I am grateful. And thank you for the continuously active development and the many improvements. ??
  11. Thank you Javi! The app works, which is wonderful. Thank you for elucidating the limitations/admonitions. Having this up and running on my laptop provides a great deal of utility. I'm assuming that running the app on the desktop OS isn't officially supported; the fact that it works at all is great and I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Having said that, is it likely that these limitations might be addressed in some future update? Just curious.
  12. I was delighted to discover that I can download UD Mobile from the App Store and run it on my M1Pro MacBookPro. The app launches and I can configure it to sync with my ISY. That is wonderful!!! I have a very extensive set of favorites that I have configured on my phone. I was successful in using UD Mobile's backup and restore functionality to copy all these favorites to my wife's phone and to a family iPad. When I attempt to do the same thing while running UD Mobile on the Mac there are problems. The configuration file seems to import and I get the dialog which tells me to restart the application. But when I do, the application crashes. Any attempts to launch the app after that results in the app crashing. If I delete its config files, I can launch the app but it's (naturally) in an unconfigured state. I realize that I'm probably trying to do something that's unsupported, but if it were possible to make it work without a tremendous amount of effort, it would be a real boon. Javi, if you're interested, I can open a ticket and send you the crash log. I'm super-grateful for all the work you're doing on UD Mobile. It continues to get better and better! Thank you!
  13. A huge thank you to everyone who responded in this thread. It has helped me understand the nomenclature and I hope it has helped others to as well. I am running 5.3.0. Based on the information in this thread, I now feel confident about installing 5.3.4 and future "test builds" by letting a satisfactory amount of time transpire after their release. I will continue to opt out of alpha and beta releases.
  14. I just wanted to offer my thoughts regarding my experience trying to figure out what software I should be running. I apologize in advance for my ignorance on the topic; I am not a super-passionate power user and and I don't tend to stay extremely up-to-date on the latest UD goings-on. I'm a conservative user. I don't have a desire to be experimenting with alpha / beta software or test builds. If I'm going to install software updates on my isy994i, I want to be certain that I'm installing an official release that is fully supported. In my opinion, trying to figure out what version of the software is the latest official release isn't easy. The official Universal Devices Wiki simply has a link to the Current Release, Betas, and Bug Reports forum. Once in the forum, there doesn't seem to be a thread that clearly states what version is the latest official version. Am I understanding correctly that 5.3.0 is still the latest official release? I do see a thread for 5.3.4 at the top, but it clearly states that's a test build. I would like to suggest to the forum moderators that there be a sticky post that officially states what the official, fully-supported versions are and provide download links. I'm happy to read the threads on the alpha, betas, and test builds, but I would like to wait until a version has UD's official blessing before I take the plunge.
  15. A followup: I opened a ticket and a problem was identified. On the UD Mobile app, under Settings --> Systems --> [system name] --> Advance Settings --> Local IP Address.... The URL entered in this field ended with a slash. Removing the slash fixed the problem.
  16. I have have opened a ticket as per your recommendation. Thanks again for your time and assistance.
  17. Thanks for the lead. I followed the instructions listed in the github document you sent: https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc/UD-Mobile-iOS#missing-data The XML for both Insteon and Z-wave returned by my ISY are identical to the XML in the github document. I checked it visually, but because I lack confidence in my 50-year-old eyeballs and brain, I also did a compare using BBEdit and it reported that they were identical. So I believe I can say with confidence that they are. If that's the case, is there any benefit to reinstalling the firmware or does this mean the problem likely lies elsewhere?
  18. The firmware was upgraded to 5.3.0 in October of last year. This was in conjunction with the installation of the Z-Wave 500 Series Module into my device. For what it's worth, I have never had alpha, beta, or even release candidate firmware installed on this device. I have only installed and upgraded from and to official releases. The 5.3.0 install has been the most stable since I've purchased the ISY five years ago. The Java interface works perfectly. The 'my.isy.io' functions works perfectly and I regularly use Amazon Echos throughout my house to control devices, scenes, and programs. Also, the MobiLinc app functions without any issues. So, at this point, I don't have any indicators that there was any problem with the firmware install. This is the first error or glitch I have encountered so far. I rebooted the ISY and tried several times over a 20-minute period after the reboot without success. I get the same error as in the screenshot above. I'm using version 0.6.1 of the app. Thanks again for your help.
  19. Thanks for the reply. After syncing, I received this dialog box:
  20. I have used MobiLinc Pro for years but recently saw UD's "UD Mobile" app and decided to experiment with it. This is my ISY config: I have one Z-wave device on my network which is the Schlage Z-Wave deadbolt. When I attempt to interact with this device using UD Mobile, I get an error message which says, "ERROR Node object does not have nodeDefObject" It may be worth noting that interacting with this device did work for a few minutes, but once that error message came up, it never worked again. While it was working, I added this device to Favorites. I switched screens, came back to favorites and it was no longer there. When I tried to interact directly with the device, drilling down to it on the Home section, that's when I saw the error. For what it's worth, MobiLinc Pro does not have any issue controlling the device nor does the Java-based ISY client. So, I guess I'm not so much seeking a solution because I can get the job done; I mainly wanted to contribute this event to the forum so that the developers and other users might be aware that it exists. Thanks in advance for any advice / consultation. And happy new year!
  21. Question: If one has 5.3.0 installed and since 5.30 is not an alpha, beta, or release candidate, does this mean that future official v5 releases can be installed directly from the ISY's interface without the need to download the firmware file and manually install? Thank you.
  22. Thank you for that. If I replicated the steps, I am able to get the 5.0.16C UI, but getting there takes more steps than it used to. Thank you for pointing me to the thread on this exact topic. I shall pore over that thread and post further questions there.
  23. Please forgive what may be a silly question. I installed 5.0.16C. (No problems so far.) I reinstalled the admin tool and then checked versions. While I have 5.0.16C firmware, the UI is still at 5.0.16. (No 'C.') Is it just the firmware that was updated, or should I have a 'C' on the UI version as well? Thank you. :-)
  24. I have read the section in the manual about device links... I'm a very conceptual learner so sometimes I have trouble really understanding something with the cursory and technical explanations often found in manuals. Many thanks to everyone in here who put their own spin on it. I totally get this now. The combination of everyone's explanation got it through my thick skull! You have my gratitude!! -Chris
  25. I find your idea quite interesting. I poked around, looking for options similar to what you're describing. I'm assuming you mean device->diagnostics->show device links table When I do that on a device, I get a list of hexadecimal codes. (No friendly names unfortunately,) I see the "compare" button. When I do this to any of my devices, they almost always have at least one "[Record mismatch]." But I don't know if this is cause for alarm and, if it was, I wouldn't know what to do about it. If you have a few minutes and wouldn't mind elaborating, I'd be very interested in knowing what sort of information is to be gleaned from this and what to do with said information. If it's too long and complicated to explain, don't feel obligated. Thanks so much, -Chris
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