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  1. No, I didn't, but when I just went in to edit the current IoX configurations, I noticed that the address is set for the and the HTTP/S was set for HTTPS. I selected the HTTP and within a few seconds I was connected on both the admin console and the P3x. That worked. Thanks for the suggestion to look. I wouldn't have thought of it without your prompting to look. Thank you! I think that I am good now.
  2. Everything had been running smoothly until I went to add a pair of KASA modules. I noticed the packages needed updating so I did the update and two reboots, re-installed the node server(s) on the Polyglot (System - Reinstall) and noticed that the IoX was shown as disconnected now on Polyglot 3. The nodeserver was not online on the admin console. Re-booted a couple of times, powered it down twice, repeated the initial steps and I still don't have a connection. Also, is it normal for the IoX Launcher to locate the ISY and still have the Finder say "Not Found"? Helpful insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Just saw your note. I was getting ready to send you an update. I took a tip from Techman (Michael?) and powered the eisy off, then restarted. I am now running 5.6.2. Thanks to you both! RK
  4. Thanks, Dennis. I tried the update and I am still at 5.6.0. Any other thoughts? Randy
  5. For some reason, I have not been able to get the 'update packages' to update anything. I have tried repeatedly with both the reboot button and the power pulled. I am tempted to restore an earlier configuration and see if that will allow me to update. Do you have an other suggestions?
  6. As I started working with the Polyglot this afternoon, I noticed that my KASA node server was showing the IoX as disconnected. I have tried logging off and on, rebooting the eisy, rebooting the eisy with the power cord and numerous other groupings, but it is still not connected. Am I missing something else for my bag of tricks and tips? Thanks, RK
  7. I pulled the power and verified that I am 5.6 on both the UI and the eisy. I can now get into the Polyglot! Thank you for your help. I will add that to my bag of tricks. RK
  8. Yes, I have access to the devices and programs. The programs are running as expected. I rebooted the eisy and there was no change in the Polyglot login. Press the button and nothing happens. After reboot I confirmed that the devices are working normally, except for the KASA devices. I can turn bulbs on and off, but the information in the administrative console is empty. I truly appreciate the help and ideas. RK
  9. I need some new ideas. My old ones haven't worked. I replaced my router with a eero mesh system. My eisy has an IP reservation and I have no problems launching into it. I can access the ISY portal without issues. When I try to go into the Polyglot v3 from either the launcher or from the Administrative Console, the logon screen comes up, I enter my credentials, press the login button and nothing happens. I have tried the Incognito mode on Chrome and tried using Microsoft Edge without luck. Given that when I was using my old router there were no problems, I am wondering what is different with the eero router. Maybe the router isn't the problem. I am open to anything. I am probably just overlooked something. Any suggestions? Thanks. RK
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