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About keepersg

  • Birthday 11/20/1950

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Medicine, Home Automation, Electronics, Martial Arts, Mountain Climbing
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Community Answers

  1. Thank you for the point about 'aggressive water' Didn't know about the water in SW Ontario or for that matter here in Portland. Portland's water comes off of Mt. Hood and is chlorinated and then pH adjusted with ammonia (forming chloramine) to a pH of about 8.5-8.8. Then it's treated with sodium carbonate and carbon dioxide which reduces/eliminates corrosion of vulnerable plumbing components. This is an important point. Untreated chlorinated water with a pH above 8.3 (alkaline) will dissolve the zinc out of brass fittings (and dissolve lead). So will significantly acidic water that is not chlorinated. I've thought about getting a tankless water heater but did not know about this potential complication.
  2. Interesting. I have multiple devices that have had successful simultaneous (shared) connections on port 2101 to the Elk from the ISY994, HS3, HS4, and the Automation Bridge. It is true that running Elk RP will block those connections. It connects securely on port 2610 and apparently requires dedicated access. So, I disconnected all of the devices that have had access through port 2101 to the Elk M1G. The Elk NS then connected and correctly created the nodes for my system. I then reconnected the ISY994, HS3, and HS4 successfully and all the devices and the Elk NS are able to share port 2101 successfully. M1 Firmware 5.3.10 MXEP firmware 2.0.44. non-secure access is enabled. It would be a serious limitation if the Elk M1G couldn't connect to multiple devices since that would prohibit the utilizing it for home automation if you had it connected to an external service for monitoring.
  3. The Elk NS is essential to my ability to migrate to eisy and my efforts to get it to connect with my Elk have not been successful. Perhaps something I'm just missing. I've tried to follow the directions carefully. My settings are copied below. These settings work for my HS3 and HS4 Elk M1G plugins with no problem. Those two plugins and my ISY-994 Elk module are all connected and receiving data but I cannot get the Elk NS to connect. I have tried to get a NS log while starting the NS. Nothing shows up. I have stopped other NS, stopped the Elk NS and restarted it to try to get a log specific to the Elk NS. I have attached the PG3 log from that event as a text file. I have deleted and reinstalled the NS without any changes. Any help appreciated and let me know what additional information I can provide. Elk NS start.txt
  4. Upgrade from 5.6.4 on eisy went without a hitch. Didn't require a reboot. Definitely improved i3 integration with the paddle switch and the keypad but there are still a few problems. I have no idea what the new screen for both of them labeled keypad flags is supposed to do. The settings on it don't seem to do anything and aren't reflected in the status boxes. Some of the settings like dim level for the LEDs appear to work now and the status of the switches are accurately reflected in the AC. The AC controls the switches correctly including dimming now. There are LED settings on the paddle switch for red, green, and blue colors that don't do anything. Progress for sure but still some things that need to be fixed. I probably could install thes switches now with adequate control to make them part of my home system.
  5. Yes, I see the same behavior. I don't think it is fully supported yet. I also have an i3 4 button keypad that is not yet fully supported.
  6. Received my i3 4 button keypad today and installed it in my test setup. It adds to 5.6.4 correctly as an i3 keypad. Everything works except you can't set the ramp rate of button 1 from the AC. It stays at 9 minutes. A double press on the key has the same effect as a fast on from the AC. Very nice look and feel. Able to create a scene with the i3 rotary dimmer that works as expected from one of the buttons with dimming control.
  7. Same experience with the paddle dimmers. No change with 5.6.4. I did delete the one in my test setup and add it back after the update to 5.6.4. I have a i3 keypad on the way to test.
  8. Just 0% and 100%. There's no control of dimming from the AC.
  9. Yes, I see the dimmer value in the status box
  10. Got my i3 paddle today and manually configured it as a dimmer. It adds to 5.6.3 and the dimmer values set at the switch are correctly reflected in the AC. No dimmer control in the AC so still a way to go before its fully integrated. Nice looking switch with a good tactile feel. Absence of dimmer status lights will make it difficult to use in remote location where you can't see the light it is controlling.
  11. Sorry, I misread you post. I did mean the i3 Dial. The Insteon site says the Paddle is not yet supported on eisy. I ordered one of the i3 paddles just now to fiddle with.
  12. Mine configured as a dimmer. Some non-intuitive steps for changing settings. See this thread.
  13. I have one and everything works on it. See the discussion in this thread
  14. "When you try to set these options you might need to click the button to the left rather than "Write Changes" at the bottom of the window. If you are just changing the setting then pressing "write changes" it's a UI issue/bug/annoyance since the start of 5.x firmware (commented on here often)" @Geddy--Thanks! that worked. I didn't think the label would be an active button 🙂
  15. Interesting. I can't get the AC to write to the device at all. I've deleted it and added it back a couple of times without any changes in behavior. It is recognized as a i3 dimmer 0.54 when its added.
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