Hey Michel,
Sorry I did not respond sooner on this, I thought I would have time to mess with it during the holidays but never had enough time to actually sit down and test different settings. I finally made some time. Unfortunately the new code and the URL in your post above are not resolving the problem.
I am seeing the new options with the URL you gave me and yes they are easier to follow, thanks. Below is what I'm seeing with my unit. I have tried all 4 combinations of the Momentary C setting with Relay follows input on and off and Trigger reverse on and off. I ignored the other options (x10, local lockout, etc.) as they do not apply to this scenario. It does not matter how I have these options set I get the same behavior from the ISY/io link with each.
Sending an 'on' command from the ISY opens or closes the door no matter what state either the io input or output is in.
An off command does not trigger the door no matter what. The only change I can see when issuing an 'off' command from the ISY is that it will change the state of the io link input from 'on' to 'off' if it's currently set to on.
The state of the io link output (door opener) never changes state in the ISY gui unless you either use the query command or when sending an off command when it's set to on.
The state of the sensor (io link input) does not change in the ISY unless you issue the query command. Opening and closing the door does NOT change it's state in the ISY.
I am currently using an ISY99i running 2.7.7 code and the io link (2450) is running .36 code. Any other ideas on this?