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  1. johnjces's post in UDM Shows I Have Notifications But None Are Showing was marked as the answer   
    I stand corrected.. If I go to Home and change accounts there, the results are the same.
    When I go to notifications and change accounts I can see the notifications! And can delete them! Yea!!
    Is this now new normal behavior. One must change accounts to delete and see the notifications? I certainly liked being able to see notifications from any account/device no matter what account I'm in as some notifications from the account I am not in or viewing might be critical!
    Is this a new "feature"? I don't recall this behavior a couple weeks ago.
    If this is new please then add a View All and Delete All. This would lessen confusion for most users I might assume... Or go back to what it was some time ago to fewer steps and a little less code.
    I guess I'm the only one finding this annoying and not a fan. Oh well. I do wonder how and why things change and must have been from user feedback?
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