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Everything posted by Jon_W

  1. I agree with Lee. I have (2) KPL's and both tend to lock up every so often.. often with short power failures... A simple reset usually takes care of it.
  2. Hi, I completely agree with Mike's post above. UDI (Michel in particular) provide a level of customer service second to none... and I work for a very large tech service company. They are always helpful, polite and supportive, even with folks who are not very technical. I wish our company behaved like UDI. Thanks guys!
  3. Hi, I have a wine room cooler (120V/12A) that I would like to monitor, and if it is running, to start an Insteon controlled room exhuast fan. I'm looking for something that (maybe?) the cooler plugs into to monitor current and sends an Instean or X10 command to my ISY26. Any suggestions?
  4. Geez.. I love this forum!! Hi Rand- Although I recall reading about that 'feature' awhile back... no, I had not ever used it before.. so I just did, and wow, it is now linked! Thank you! Jon
  5. Ok, so I understand that the full funtionality of the EZIO2x4 is not available yet... but based on these prior posts, it seems it will link with at least the outputs working.. is that correct? I have an older EZIO2x4 (f/m v1.3) and 2.7.0 on my ISY 26, but I can't seem to get it to link at all.... nothing, nada, zippo. All I need right now is to control one relay output based on a time-of-day schedule I do not need to use any of the inputs at this time. Any suggestions?
  6. Michel, Ditto to gary's comment. you need to get a life (but thank you!) Just a clarification: So for ISY-26 users, even if we are on 2.6.8 now, you want us to backdate to 2.6.0, then update to 2.6.11? Thanks again,
  7. Is there a trick to getting Switchlincs to accept new ramp rates? I've gone through and set specific ramp rates for many Switchlincs on the ISY and when I operate the swicth, the ramp is still the factory default of fast.... But some switches seem to take the new ramp rate, so it is intermittent. Any suggestions? I'm running 2.4.12
  8. Ok, thanks - that helps a lot. So.. what is the workaround? Will using a trigger work? e.g. Press KPL Button "A" -> trigger -> Movie scene -> Load on button #1 of same KPL? Any chance this 'feature' will change in a future release?? Thanks again, Jon
  9. Thanks Michel, What is confusing is.. I would have thought that since the "A" button is a diff Insteon address (isn't it?) than the "on" button which is tied to the load, that it would function independently from the "on" button.. or, does the KPL only have a single address for all of the buttons? Jon
  10. Hi- I'm new to insteon technology.. can you please re-verify what I think I read in the posts above (great posts for newbies btw)... I have a single KPL with button "A" configured as a controller for Scene "Movie"; the load on this KPL is in the Movie scene along with a SwitchLinc.. is this an incorrect configuration? -The result I get is that the level/ramp setting for the KPL load won't accept different settings from the root device configuration. if so, that seems like a major limitation for KPL's. What is the work around? Thanks in advance.
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