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Everything posted by NJBILLT


    Internet access

    Same as Homeseer then, and yes I do use strong UN/PW and yes, attempts do show up in the log once in a while. But Homeseer also has IP hack blocking. I've always felt secure with it, even seeing attempts, I know they're just trying a brute force attack by the UN/PW combos they try. Usually from Chinese or Russian IPs by the way. Enable IP Hack Blocking: YesNo Time to block triggered IP addresses (minutes): Invalid access 'hits' before block imposed: Time between 'hits' to count toward block being imposed (seconds):
  2. Upgrading from Homeseer currently using 2, RCS serial communicating thermostats. Looking for suggestions to replace them. A color touch screen and more elegant appearance then the RSC is desired. Thanks for any ideas. Bill
  3. Amazon delivered the 2413S this morning and I can confirm it is version 2.4 1017. Now all I need is my ISY

    Internet access

    I'll probably subscribe but it's important to note that even with my HS, I only open the port when I go on vacation and might need remote access to check on things. I automate, not remotely control. I rarely touch a light switch at home, why would I want to from afar? Anyway, I see log-in attempts in the HS log all the time from Chinese and Russian IP addresses. They always fail.

    Internet access

    Thanks. I just ordered a ISY994i and a 2413S. I'll decide later about remote access, but I have a free DNS service too from my Asus router, and it's been bulletproof for 3 years, and I use it regularly with my security cams and Homeseer. I do appreciate the help here for this newbie to ISY. Been running Homeseer since version 1.5. I think the transition will be easy. Thanks again.
  6. Thanks. I ordered a ISY994i from UD and a 2413S from Amazon fulfilled by Smarthome. It says it will be version 2.3. I'll report back but should I not accept anything earlier than that? Thanks for your input BTW. This forum is very responsive.
  7. I've had amazing luck with my 2413U. It's been at least 5 years. I did notice on their Amazon listing: "New revision (2.3) addresses issues with hardware longevity"
  8. I actually have access to a spare 2413U from my brother-in-law, so my plan was to keep both running, (if I can adapt to the 2413U) register all the devices on ISY and migrate several events at a time. A cursory look at my HS shows about 25 Insteon devices registered, and about 20 X-10 addresses in use. Of course, and one of the reasons I've been reluctant to switch is I also have dozens of virtual X-10 addresses being used by some of Jon's HS plug-ins. Frankly, his plug-ins give more function to HS than the app itself, but I digress. I'll have to find another way to fill that void. I did use a serial to USB adapter for my RCS RS485 thermostats with HS, and that worked flawlessly for years. They aren't that expensive. I may just roll the dice and try it.
  9. I asked a question yesterday and got a lot of good advice, so I'm hoping someone can offer some expertise here. I am switching from Homeseer 2 with a basic ISY Insteon and X-10 only box. I currently have a 2413U PLM. Is there a way to use that so I don't have to buy the 2413S. I'm thinking a RS232 adapter with FTDI chipset? Any advise appreciated.

    Internet access

    Thank you Paul. Your answer is what I was looking for. I'm not expecting an elegant interface, and it sounds like I'll be able to do at least what I can with HS2 remotely. I plan on switching soon. I'm sure you realize since I didn't upgrade to HS3, I have so much vested in it, it wasn't worth it as I'm not happy with HS anyway. Been using it since version 1.5 BTW. The only thing I may lose is interaction with my RS485 serial thermostats, but they're old tech anyway. Thanks again for the reply. I'm not afraid to open a port on my router for free access once in a while when I'm on vacation or traveling.

    Internet access

    If you don't recommend it then you're as much as saying their server is not secure even with a PW. If it's not secure with a PW then it's not secure at all.

    Internet access

    I am not using HS3 for one, I'm still on HS2 but I find it hard to believe they took away access direct thru my IP. That's what I'm asking about. I don't pay anything to HS nor do I use their bandwidth. I connect directly to my IP

    Internet access

    Thank you. I don't need anything fancy but I want to at least see status and be able to trigger events if I want to

    Internet access

    Do I understand that in order to access my home from outside my home I need to pay a fee? Or buy an app? I am currently using Homeseer and wanting to make a change, but this is a deal breaker if true. There's no reason this can't have dynamic web pages served right from the box like HS.
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