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  1. I added a Zen37 wall remote. The nodes it created are...weird. I expected the 4 scene buttons to at least have some kind of status, and to have that status change momentarily when the button is pressed. As you can see from the attached images, those nodes are empty. And why are the scene control nodes numbered 2,3,6-9? Maybe it's because direct associations are supported, but only for 1-tap actions? See the 4th image to understand why I made this guess. However... I created a program with "If ZW002 Scene Button 1 is switched On" trigger, and it worked when I pushed the top button. So I guess everything is OK? -Tom
  2. That was happening to me a few days ago, but it's working correctly now. Always using Edge. -Tom
  3. I don't have any original RemoteLincs to test with anymore, but the last time I tried to link them my experience was exactly like Brian H described. I had to go out to the courtyard of my condo about 50-100ft from the PLM. I recommend trying to link/update far away from the PLM's wireless reach, at the perimeter of the entire wireless range reachable by your dualband devices. -Tom
  4. I have to say, though, that I find it weird that press and hold and fast on work exactly like they should. You'd think that if there was something wrong with the On button they'd be messed up, too. That's what makes me wonder if it isn't programmed incorrectly somehow, or associated with a rogue scene or program, and if it is, a replacement KPL will have the same problem if I restore to it. The other weird thing is that I discovered this behavior because this KPL is in a scene that gets turned off when I double click (fast off) a switch at the top of the stairs, and it wasn't turning off. It did turn off, though, if the status was something other than Off; that is, if I queried it, or changed it through the AC, etc., and then did the double click of the stairs switch. But since my reset and restore, it's turning off when it should. Since that was the motivation for the whole investigation and search for a fix, I might just leave it as is. -Tom
  5. @IndyMikeIt acts just like it did before, only the status when queried is 70%, and the first ST message in the log is 179. But the AC flashed 70% and then went to Off like before. And I can turn it on and off in the AC and in that case the status is always correct. It looks like pushing the On button always sends two messages, and the second one tells the PLM that the level is 1/255. Time to remove/reset/readd, and if that doesn't work, replace. -Tom
  6. I think the next step is remove, reset, reinstall. Thanks for the pointers on how to do that, @dbwarner5. -Tom
  7. @IndyMike Thanks for having a look! I don't understand all these messages, so I dropped down to level 2 for the stuff I posted earlier. Here's the level 3 traffic for a single press of On: Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [INST-SRX ] 02 50 1D.FB.44 00.00.01 CF 11 00 LTONRR (00) Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [Std-Group ] 1D.FB.44-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] DON 0 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [ST] [168] uom=100 prec=0 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] ST 168 (uom=100 prec=0) Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [INST-SRX ] 02 50 1D.FB.44 00.01.01 CF 11 01 LTONRR (01) Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [Std-Group ] 1D.FB.44-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] DON 1 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [ST] [1] uom=100 prec=0 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] ST 1 (uom=100 prec=0) Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [INST-SRX ] 02 50 1D.FB.44 11.00.01 CF 06 00 (00) Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [Std-Group ] 1D.FB.44-->11.00.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=3 Wed 05/01/2024 03:26:05 PM : [INST-INFO ] Previous message ignored. -Tom
  8. It's kinda old. And I do have spares that are newer. I'll try the remove/readd, then I'll just replace it if I need to. I just want to make sure I'm not overlooking any easy troubleshooting steps or root causes. I'd hate to go to the trouble of replacing it, and getting the same behavior because I had some bad links that get restored every time or something like that. It's new behavior, so either I misconfigured something accidentally recently, or the device has failed. Doesn't the Event Viewer suggest that it's sending an On message of 1/255 to the PLM right after it sends the On of 168? That sounds like a busted KPL to me. -Tom
  9. Tried resetting 3 times with long air gap, always the same behavior. And I was also able to verify that I can press and hold On and Off to dim to any level I want, ant the AC shows the correct status. But if I press On, status flashes 66% and then goes to Off. Fast On also works as it should. Just the single press of On is whack. If I remove and readd, will I need to readd it to any scenes it was in? It's been a while since I've done this. I've done a few replacements recently, and that's automatic, but can I replace this KPL with itself, essentially? -Tom
  10. That was my reset and restore, as documented in the first post. It did improve the behavior slightly - prior to that, it was always going on to 100%, rather than 66% then 100% with the two successive presses. But it didn't fix the spurious Off status issue. I'll try again. -Tom
  11. More info: if I turn it on in the AC, this is what Event Viewer shows: Tue 04/30/2024 02:31:38 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [ST] [168] uom=100 prec=0 Tue 04/30/2024 02:31:38 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] ST 168 (uom=100 prec=0) Status shows 66%. Seems like it's just the physical actuation of the On button that's weird. -Tom
  12. I have a KPL that's acting strangely. Its on level is 66%. When I press On, its status in the AC briefly flashes to 66%, then returns to Off. The light does turn on, at 66%, and it stays there. If I query it in the AC, the status becomes 66%. Here's what the Event Viewer shows when I press On: Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] DON 0 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [ST] [168] uom=100 prec=0 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] ST 168 (uom=100 prec=0) Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [DON] [1] uom=0 prec=-1 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] DON 1 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [1D FB 44 1] [ST] [1] uom=100 prec=0 Tue 04/30/2024 02:16:12 PM : [ 1D FB 44 1] ST 1 (uom=100 prec=0) Curiously, it also has the exact same series of messages if I press On again. The light goes to full on, as it should, but the same thing happens: status is shown to be 66% (168 in the message), and then the spurious return to Off. Does anyone know what's going on here? I've already reset and restored once. I guess I can try removal and reinstallation next. -Tom
  13. To clarify, I want to transfer one plugin that I purchased. There's another one that I trialed on the "old" Polisy that I don't want to transfer, and I definitely don't want an attempted transfer to break my purchased license and installation on the "new" Polisy. -Tom
  14. Never mind. I see "Migrate" under "Maintenance". One question remains, though, before I try it. I had a license for a trial version of a plugin, and since I bought it and installed it on the "new" Polisy. Will that license migrate too? Maybe it doesn't matter, because it's already expired. But I don't want to break something that's working. -Tom
  15. I read in another thread that it's possible to transfer a plugin license via the portal. I can't figure out how to do that. Can someone help me? -Tom details: I have two Polisy units registered in the portal. I want to move a plugin from the one I used to use to the one I want to use from now on. I don't need to restore nodes or anything, just need to be able to install fresh on the "new" Polisy and configure from scratch.
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