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Everything posted by davidn70

  1. Hello, Has anyone been able to successfully proxy their ISY-994 through an apache web server? I have other systems and devices that I have been able to make work. Basically I want to b able to do something like: http://myApacheWebServer/isy and have it proxy to: http://myIsy994 I can get the initial page to display but it does not function correctly. Thanks in advance! David
  2. davidn70

    ISY problems

    Sorry - I meant 3.3.10. I have it pretty much fixed now. I did a "restore devices" and everything seems happy for the most part. A little tweaking and I should be all the way back to 100%. Thanks for your help and patience, David
  3. davidn70

    ISY problems

    I don't think that's the case. I have turned off Avast and the windows firewall - still having issues. I also tried running from my Mac - same issues. I have deleted the scene and re-created it. The wall switch modules all behave as they should. I am unable to get the lamplync dimmers to work in the scene, however. This was working until my dimmer died and smarthome replaced the rev 1.0 with the new rev 4 of the lamplync. Is there anything else I should try? Could the SD card in my isy be corrupted? The first time I tried updating the firmware, it was unsuccessful and took a number of tries to restore my backup. Thanks, David
  4. davidn70

    ISY problems

    Hello, I am replacing a couple of LampLinc modules in my setup. For some reason I am not able to add them to a scene and have them turn on and off. The ISY-99i pro that I have can turn them on and off. I had not updated my firmware for quite some time and thought it might be due to that. I recently updated to 3.3.1. I was at 2.8.3. The problem persists. Also, anytime I look at a module, it says that the ramp time is 9 minutes. It will not allow me to update it. When I control the modules remotely, it I have to do a fast on and fast off (maybe that's the issue with the scene? I haven't stuck around for 9 minutes to check. The GUI also has major problems refreshing - new scenes do not show up right away. I often have to exit and come back in. Any ideas? My system was rock solid for a long time but I have not had much time to do anything extra with it until one of my lamplinc modules went bad. I have cleared my browser cache and am running Java 1.7.25. Thanks/HELP! David
  5. This is the second time now my ISY has become non-responsive after using the HTTPS REST interface. It appears to still run programs (but further investigation is needed), however, it loses all network connectivity - it will not respond to HTTP/HTTPS or pings. The "solution" is to unplug it from the PLM, wait 15 seconds or so and plug it back in. This last time I let it run for a couple of hours before power-cycling it and it did not recover. Any suggestions? Is there something special I need to do in order to make this more reliable? I am running firmware 2.7.5. Thanks! David
  6. Man you guys are fast. Thank you again! David
  7. Thank you for the quick reply. I'm parsing the XML document returned by /rest/nodes to build a list of devices and scenes that my app can control. Do you know of a reliable way I could detect secondary buttons and filter them out of my list? is searching for .3 and higher a good way to do it or is there something better? Thanks! David
  8. Hello, Using the rest interface, if I go to: (legit IP is in place of IP OF MY ISY) http://IP OF MY ISY/rest/nodes It shows the addresses of KeyPadLincs as (legit data/address is in place of X.X.X) X.X.X.1 X.X.X.3 X.X.X.4 X.X.X.5 X.X.X.6 I get it that .1 is the ON/OFF on the 6 button (i.e. the load). I can't seem to do anything with the other addresses. I would expect the LED to light up if I try to use the REST interface to turn the switch on. I know not to expect any devices to turn on. When I hit the link: (legit IP is in place of IP OF MY ISY) (legit data/address is in place of XX XX XX) http://IP OF MY ISY/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DON I get an expected response. If I replace the 1 with 3, 4, 5, or 6 I get the following message back: 404 Is this expected behavior? Please enlighten me. Everything else in the app I have written that uses REST works fine except the 4 small buttons on the KeyPadLincs. Thanks in advance! David
  9. Hello, I received 5 of these last night. I have them working with my ISY99 but they show up as Unsupported Device. http://www.smarthome.com/2457D2/LampLin ... Pin/p.aspx I presume that is due to the firmware in the ISY not having the name of the device when it does whatever magic lookup it does. They seem to be working fine. I am pretty happy with them. I was able to use the ISY to put them into scenes etc. Here's my question - is the Unsupported Device message something to worry about? Thanks! David
  10. davidn70


    Glad you got it working. I actually found that port number on a Google support page (don't remember where). I believe there are a couple of different flavors of secure SMTP so they are running different instances on different ports - not 100% sure though....
  11. Thank you very much.
  12. Hi, I have 3 questions about notifications: 1. Where do you set the default SMTP server? I was unable to find that. I had to uncheck Use Default and then enter the information. 2. Is there a way to change the format of the emails that get get sent as notifications? 3. Is there a way to get notifications for every Insteon action other than creating a program and "notify all" in it? Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving! David
  13. davidn70


    I got GMAIL to work yesterday for my ISY as the SMTP server. What worked for me is port 587. Make sure you check Use TLS and have your username and password in there - works like a charm on my end. Happy Thanksgiving! David
  14. davidn70

    Tux Droid?

    I have combined my replies into one... You can actually run it under Windows - the documentation is VERY sketchy in places. You can download windows software from the site. You need to have a computer running all of the time as it has no autonomous mode. I agree on the picture frame... that would be really coolll
  15. davidn70

    Tux Droid?

    I am just curious if anyone else is using a "Tux Droid" with their ISY-99? I got my Tux Droid yesterday. It was very easy to connect it as a network resource as it has a REST interface. I plan on using it for notifications as well as using the text to speech to help my kids memorize things. If anyone else is using one, what are you using it for? http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/rc/9df0/ Regards, David
  16. What about getting an FM Transmitter (inside your house) and a cheap FM Radio for outside. I run an FM Transmitter during the Christmas season and have lights synchronized to music. Last year was my first year so I'm not super elaborate yet but it was a lot of fun (and work) getting everything ready. Not sure if I'm taking this year off or not. You can get FM Transmitters as well as kits to build them on Ebay. I bought an assembled kit that works very well.
  17. It ended up being my Java cache. Once I cleared that all is well....
  18. Hello, I have purchased the network module and have set up a network resource. I can click on the Test button and things work as expected. I am unable to figure out how to use it in a program. I looked at the example in the forums of how to control a Panasonic Camera. It appears I should be able to use "Resource" as an action in the Then clause of my program. I have no option do to so... Please advise.... Thanks! David
  19. I think I figured out the problem but don't have time to do a lot of troubleshooting right now. I originally had both of my KPLs and both of my OutletLinks configured using X10. Now they are all in an insteon scene, however I never removed the X10 addresses. I presume what is happening is that the outlets are receiving multiple ON commands and multiple OFF commands, one via the scene and one via X10 when the KPLs turn on. Does that make sense? I've got to get the ladder out sometime and climb up to the garage ceiling to remove the X10 addresses from the outletlinks - unless someone knows an easier way to do it. Thanks again! David
  20. So am I correct in understanding that the ISY basically checks the IF conditions when something changes (time, status, control etc.) to see if it should run? I added some OR clauses and I believe you are right about the ISY missing the status change. Now, when I turn the outlet off, the outside lights go off, start their ON sequence again and then turn off for a final time. Better than before but gives me something to go on. Thanks! David
  21. I'd buy some too.... I've been dabbling in home automation for a long time and always trying to use what I have laying around to accomplish something "strange and wonderful". If you have a multi media cell phone like iPhone or Blackberry you could have the ISY send email to a special address for each type of alert and then have the phone play a sound in response to the email. I do that with my blackberry and my homebrew home automation server. No reason you couldn't do it with just the ISY as it can send mail... It's a bit of a hack because you need to set up a specific email address for each alert but it works anytime you're in the coverage area.... It's also basically free for people who already have an ISY and a smartphone.
  22. Michel, Thank you for the reply. The multiple off commands are actually in the program that turns the lights ON - so those aren't the problem - turning them ON works great - it's the OFF that has problems. I dim some of my outside lights and the off commands make sure they are in a known state so they don't get too dim if the program runs twice. The program that is supposed to turn them off in response to the status does an all units off on the housecode so it's just one command. I know the lights are not causing interference because I can turn them off with the ISY using the REST interface. Being a former X10 junkie I used to use Heyu on Linux with a CM11A. I have a shell script that mimics heyu with the ISY by hitting REST URLs - works pretty well. When I use that or the admin interface to turn the lights off, they turn off immediately. Any other suggestions? I think it's something in the programming that I don't quite get yet being an insteon noob. Thanks! David
  23. Just a thought, if you have a computer running all the time, you can accomplish the same thing using VLC (www.videolan.org). You will have to download an older version of it (0.8.4 0r 0.8.6). They let you enable a web interface. You can then make hit the appropriate url and play mp3s etc...
  24. I use some insteon outlets to control power to my garage door openers. I have two of them that are in a scene with 2 keypad links. This is a teeny extra bit of security (every house I've lived in has had the garage door open by chance with someone else's opener - just call me lucky, ha ha). Anyway, this is also a good way for my ISY to know if I am home or expecting company. What I decided to to, is incorporate this into my program for my outside lights. I have a nighttime folder that allows programs to run between sunset and sunrise the following day. At sunset, I check to see if the garage door openers are on, if so, the outside lights come on.... I then have two programs in my nighttime folder that monitor the status of the outlet in the garage and turnn the outside lights on or off based on the status. My outside lights are X10 at this point. Basically, the outside lights turn ON when they are supposed to, but I have problems turning them off. Any hints? Here are my two programs - I've tried a lot of variations and nothing really works... When I activate the garage door opener power with the keypad link, the outside lights come on as expected. The problem is when I use the keypad link to turn them off. Also - could you please clarify the difference between Status and Control and when I should be using which one? Thanks! David ************* Turn Outside Lights Off - I have them all on the "O" Housecode If Status 'GDO Outlet Vehicle' is Off Then Send X10 'O1/All Units Off (13)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ***************** Turn Outside Lights On - I have some of them dimmed ************** If Status 'GDO Outlet Vehicle' is On Then Run Program 'Outside Lights On' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ******************* Here is the program Outside Lights On ************************* If Time is Sunset And Status 'GDO Outlet Vehicle' is On Then Send X10 'O1/Off (11)' Send X10 'O3/Off (11)' Send X10 'O4/Off (11)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O1/Dim (15)' Send X10 'O3/On (3)' Send X10 'O4/On (3)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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