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Everything posted by matt.york

  1. I am not having com problems with anything else. I did indeed delete it from ISY. The switch is not dead because it operates via a mini remote keypad or a wall keypad. I am trying to avoid a factory reset on it and relinking so I figured someone may have some ideas. Thanks for your advice!
  2. I am trying to re-link an on/off outlet v.44 that has been in use for many years but lost a connection to the ISY. When I use New Insteon Device and try auto discover or when I select the Insteon [2.39] [2663-222] , 41.8D.21 I get Failed to add device, reason 3. I am using UI and firmware 5.1.0 The PLM is not plugged into a power strip. Sun 05/01/2022 05:23:57 PM : [41 8D 21 ] Added to list of devices to link to ISY Sun 05/01/2022 05:24:04 PM : [ ZW002_1] CLITEMP 942 (uom=17 prec=1) Sun 05/01/2022 05:24:19 PM : [41 8D 21 0 ] Failed to add device, reason 3
  3. I also got this Subscriber didn't reply to event 1 [36] I am trying to install a recently purchased Portal Module but I am not being " prompted to install your purchased module", perhaps because the climate module is interfering.
  4. I have been unable to uninstall the climate module Would you like to proceed with the following module actions? Climate Module [21020]--To Be Uninstalled Yes No I click yes I get Subscriber didn't reply to event 1 [33] or I get request failed
  5. Is Autelis the only entity that has reverse engineered the Pentair Products? https://www.autelis.com/ Autelis seems to be out f business. I am thinking of getting rid of my Pentair pump and buying a simple one speed pump that can be controlled via an Insteon switch.
  6. Thanks for the quick reply MrBill!! No I do not have have any control system. cpamario did not mention it in this post. Is that required? If so, which do you recommend? easytouch , suntouch orintellitouch
  7. Has anyone succeeded in controlling a Pentair Superflo Variable Speed Pool Pump via Insteon/ISY?
  8. matt.york


    I am thinking about ditching my ISY in favor of Polisy. Can Agave control a Polisy?
  9. I would also like to connect a Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave thermostat (TH6320ZW) to my ISY 994i. Did you succeed?
  10. jfai, Thanks you your advice. Is Foyer / Coat closet multi-sensor' a device?
  11. Thanks for your feedback so quickly! Mr. Bill - Are these 3 things Devices? or variables? $Fireplace.down.cycle '#1704 / Downstairs Fireplace' Temperature '$Fireplace.down.setpoint Fahrenheit'Is
  12. For a few years, I have been trying to replicate the function of an adjustable thermostat to control my attic fan using Multi-senor 6. Can anyone suggest an improvement for this program?
  13. We are using a smartenit ezio4o to control a relay to control a window opener which requires a momentary contact, the relays should only be on for a second or so. How is duration controlled? The attachment shows the options available for the ISY to hold the relay on. There are no entries in http://wiki.universal-devices.com which describe the option for Beep Duration but we have tested a few and it did not help.
  14. Thanks Larry and Stu! We have lots of devices listed. Each of my 4 AEOTEC MultiSnesors contributes 4 lines (Temperature, Binary, motion and tamper) totaling 16 lines just for the sensors. We also have fans, irrigation and light fixtures We have several users who will access the ISY via the Web User interface and we need to to simplify their experience. As I mentioned in my original post, I found an unusual way to reorder this list on the universal Devices Administrative Console.. create a folder add a device to that folder remove it from the folder which then moves it back to the bottom of the original ISY list. However this does not manifest on the Web user interface. Is there anyway to change the order on the Web user interface?
  15. Dear Friends, I like the ISY very much! How is the order of the items listed determined? For example in this menu we can see the first 2 entries http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Node BdRm 1-1 Fan Light BdRm 1-A SW I want to move BdRm 1-A SW to the top of the list I found an unusual way to reorder this list. create folder add device to folder remove it from the folder which then moves it to the bottom of the list. Is there an easier to move devices to show up at the top? How can this be changed in the Web UI? Matt
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