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Everything posted by MJsan

  1. I see it but it’s not a setting - it just shows whether local network is online or offline. I get this message when I tap it. many of my lights change from showing local network online or offline. I’ve got a mesh WiFi with 4 access points and everyone shows great signal at the router, everyone is on the same network, and magichome app can 100% control all of the lights. I’m not getting why the MH poly isn’t able to control when the MH app can?
  2. How do I enable that? It’s not apparent on the MagicHome setup? You’re right those 5 show local network offline, cloud online. thanks for helping!!!
  3. After the latest update posted... I now have 5 "bad actors" out of 23. They are fully accessible and work with MagicHome app... but just will not play with the UD portal. I deleted everything on EISY- re-added MagicHome Node Server, and discovered nodes. Only 18 were showing up. I manually added the 5 that didn't show up, but they just won't work with UD Mobile or UD Portal. They are fine with Magichome app. Any ideas?
  4. I can capture the bulb settings with this Node Server ... and change them... from the console and UDI app. I just can't figure out a way to do it via a scene. It might require scripting or doing it via programs...
  5. I'm looking at our LED accent lights - right now there are about 21 lights and they are set up for holidays, some green, some red. They work perfectly, coming back on to the last color setting when they were turned off. At different holidays, we change these (orange/purple for Haloween, blue for other seasons, green normally). I have these colors set-up in the MagicHome app and it's relatively easy to change them. I'm wondering if there's a way through this Node Server and scenes to have "Christmas" or "Haloween" or "Blue" as a command that sets each light to the color I want? I'm looking at the list of devices and I can set RGB values, but I am stumped how to set each one up with different colors ... unless I add each one multiple times at different color settings? Thanks in advance for the help!
  6. I'm afraid to say this for fear of jinxing things ... but we've now had 4 days of trouble-free operation!
  7. @bpwweroh how true. @Michel Kohanimhas been in my system a few times working through some of them.
  8. These are the continual errors that shows in the logs until Insteon controllers are turned on. 2023-01-01 15:07:16,465 Thread-1466 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:07:18,081 Thread-1471 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:07:18,125 Thread-1466 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:07:46,503 Thread-1482 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:07:48,109 Thread-1482 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:08:16,617 Thread-1508 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:08:16,617 Thread-1513 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:08:18,226 Thread-1508 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:09:16,689 Thread-1550 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:09:16,689 Thread-1555 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:09:18,340 Thread-1555 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:09:18,340 Thread-1550 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:09:46,703 Thread-1566 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:09:48,306 Thread-1566 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:10:16,732 Thread-1597 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:10:16,732 Thread-1592 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:10:18,334 Thread-1592 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:10:18,334 Thread-1597 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:10:46,677 Thread-1608 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:10:48,336 Thread-1608 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:11:16,714 Thread-1639 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:11:16,773 Thread-1634 udi_interface INFO rgbled:start: Attempting connection on port 6668 2023-01-01 15:11:18,331 Thread-1639 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * * 2023-01-01 15:11:18,375 Thread-1634 udi_interface ERROR rgbled:start: bulb: IP: socket connect failed * * * * *
  9. Greetings! I finished migrating ISY994 to EISY (with a lot of help from Michel, we found some weirdness, he was able to fix things) and then went on to the next step - migrate MH lights off of insteon controllers and control directly with EISY and this Node Server. I had 21 various LED bulbs and strips all behind Insteon controllers... ISY would turn them on/off, and if I ever needed to adjust colors, I'd do it with the MagicHome app. I've now eliminated the insteon controllers and plugged the MH lights in directly for almost all of them (I have to have 3 remain insteon controlled for another month - too difficult to get to the controllers to remove them). I see in the logs that those three generate errors (since insteon is off, makes sense). I'm wondering if those errors popping up every few minutes are causing other issues? I've had to reinstall the MH Node Server several times - it will just stop working, sometimes show "disconnected" in the PG3 dashboard. I've tried restarting EISY no change, but reinstalling seems to do the trick. Right now I have a hybrid system with 23 MH nodes and 35 (ish) insteon controllers, keypadlincs, and remotelincs. When it's working, it's pretty cool - a keypadlinc or remotelinc button turns on a scene that has both MH and insteon controlled lights ... that was the goal When it's not working, the insteon stuff remain working but I have to go to the MagicHome app to control those lights so getting some grief from the other person in the house who just wants things to work (common problem many of us have, I think!). @bpwwer is there anything I should be doing - capturing logs, ?? It seems like the system is a little "flaky" requiring a lot of manual tending to to keep it going- hopefully this is just early adopter bugs.
  10. MJsan

    eisy setup issues

    After some major work by @Michel Kohanim my system is 100% functional - PLM and Insteon side as well as MagicHome node servers on the PG3 side. Everything y'all have said about how awesome UD support is ... absolutely true.
  11. I completely agree- I tested a few devices as a "new install" and it was flawless (ish). When I migrated my 50+ insteon ISY backup I completely hosed it. @Michel Kohanimworked late into the night on my system and ironed out whatever bugs / kinks and I'm now thrilled to have my existing scenes now control a mix of Insteon and MagicHome lights. This is the holy grail for me - I am now able to really integrate with other home automation devices beyond the insteon world!!!
  12. MJsan

    eisy setup issues

    Yup... cannot launch PG3. Just sits at Login tried clearing cache, Safari, Chrome, and Edge.
  13. MJsan

    Polyglot on new EISY

    Previously - was working. Right now I've got no PG3 running so no log to view. Waiting on Michel for next step.
  14. MJsan

    eisy setup issues

    @Michel Kohanimprobably too busy fixing things to write on here -- there was a bug that blew up certs after a restore, been online with him most of the afternoon. We went from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 since noon I completely understand what folks have said about how great the support is !!!
  15. MJsan

    Polyglot on new EISY

    Before I got my PLM serial cable and restored, I had to play with Magic home ... 23 nodes and it worked!!!!!! I actually purchased it. I did have to go through a few reinstalls to get it to actually be online vs. disconnected, but I can attest to it worked at one point. Sent the developer mad props and praise for it too! I'm working on a slew of other issues with Michel right now - after restoring my ISY994 backup I completely hosed the system - I'm one of the reasons for 5.5.0 now being 5.5.2 (and I suspect that number will tick up a few more times as we all do our install and some of the other bugs come up). My goal is to migrate 23 lights from Insteon to MagicHome but have it act like one system - app, voice, keypadlincs driving lights on/off regardless of what they are plugged into. Will see how well I can make it all work
  16. Howdy! This thread is a little old, but it's new to me just now installing an EISY to replace my ISY994. Bob @bpwwer I really want to thank you for this little gem of a node. I have over 25 LED accent lights all over the house (ambient), each one behind an Insteon controller. The new set-up will eliminate all of those (aging, some over 12 years old) Insteon on/off modules and give me single-app control of both on/off and color. WOO HOO. I had to move off of Insteon as the modules have started reaching EOL. Luckily I haven't had any break apart or melt as some have... but I am losing about 1 every other month lately, and my supply of extras was exhausted (and given Insteon's lack of supply and survival not totally guaranteed, it was the kick I needed to move to a more open multivendor HA platform. I had to install your Node Server a few times to get it to move from "disconnected" to "connected" (and had to restart PG3) but once it worked, it was amazingly fast. So, THANK YOU. My journey continues ... but this was the most important first step!
  17. MJsan

    EISY shipping info?

    Thanks for responding Michel- I did get a reply this AM and will drop the duplicate EISY off at the post office tomorrow first thing. Don't know what's going on with email - I am on Google Workspace and here's every communication since October (searched all folders, including junk)... it might be on your end? I will definitely use support tickets in the future since that is a little more trackable. Much appreciate all the hard work you & the team have made on this. I've already excited a few friends about what EISY should accomplish for my home system, will start the migration this weekend
  18. MJsan

    EISY shipping info?

    Fair enough … I’ve only had to deal with customer support a few times and it’s 50% so far. Still a believer and looking forward to a successful ISY migration to EISY.
  19. MJsan

    EISY shipping info?

    Shawn- what I'm bitching about (publicly) is that I've emailed them several times since December 12 regarding the cable - not one single response. So today I get not one but two EISYs delivered, so yay? I've ordered the customizable pinout DB9 + USB adapter from Amazon which I'll get Wednesday. Probably before I hear back from UD about (a) the cable I originally asked about and (b) what to do with the extra EISY. So... UD definitely has some process issues to work on - timely customer contact replies and accurate shipping. -mj
  20. MJsan

    EISY shipping info?

    Yeah... fabulous. I sent a few emails to sales@universal-devices to try to get the PLM serial cable shipped in the same box, no replies, so will have to chase down that piece of it. I'm a little frustrated with UD - no shipping confirmation, no replies to email ... I know they are busy, but this is basic customer service 101. Hopefully the migration will be so awesome and I will finally end up with a perfect way to migrate from insteon to relatively seamless multi-solution automated home that I won't stay frustrated
  21. MJsan

    What is the EISY?

    @lilyoyo1Thanks for updating the link- but that still takes me to the same Amazon DB9-USB adapter. I guess I need to get the RJ45-DB9 StarTech customizable (you can wire the pins) that was mentioned in another thread... to 2 things. Got it!!
  22. MJsan

    What is the EISY?

    Thanks Geddy - that would get me from RJ45 to DB9... but the EISY only has USB so still need to get one more adapter. I've reached out to UD sales ... I can preorder the EISY but it won't let me add the $29 cable ... would have to order that AND pay another $10 shipping so hoping they can combine and save a little.
  23. MJsan

    What is the EISY?

    @lilyoyo1 What adapter are you mentioning? I've seen some posts talking about an RJ45 to USB (like the ones to enable console on some routers) but am hesitant on ordering anything that isn't vetted by someone smarter here
  24. MJsan

    What is the EISY?

    I have a 2413S PLM with the RJ45 interface cable that plugs into my ISY. The EISY doesn't have that port... how will I connect it? There's no info on the EISY page and it's not clear that the serial cable shown on the "additional info" screen will work. Is that what folks have used to connect PLM to policy? I'll be running a hybrid Insteon + WIFI (Lifx modules) for a while until I migrate completely away from Insteon (years). Thanks!!!
  25. As I've always felt on this forum- this is the place to go for answers and ideas. Thanks everyone! I'm now going to just make the migration one weekend late in the summer - let my Mobilinc subscription run out and them do it. In the interim I'll start playing with the FLUX led idea and see how well "other" plugs work on Polisy by building a mini non-Insteon system as my sandbox. Then I'll add the ISY and PLM migration. Cheers!!
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