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  1. For all those waiting for news with baited breath, here it is: There is light at the end of the tunnel.....and it's not a BNSF locomotive. Ha ha. I changed out the original PLM with another that I have been rotating in and out. I restored everything except programs. I was able to link two of the original ApplianceLinc modules. One issue I discovered was that my power line phase bridge must have checked out. One of the recovered modules that works on the power strip does not work at the location it is supposed to live. So, I am guessing cascade failure. Lightening? Power surge? Maybe. But any way things are looking up and I thank you all for your support. I guess that new PLM is going on my list, along with a new line coupler. George
  2. The thing I keep coming back to is this is all new for a previously working system. No hardware has been added or changed. It's all the same devices in the same locations for months to years. I'm going to try replacing the PLM. I know it's not a newer one with the USB interface, but it's something to try.
  3. Yes, that is exactly what I did. I figured there was no question about phase if everything else linked ok on the same power strip. There was the question of the indicator light blinking fast 4x before settling in to the slow linking blink, though. This after a factory reset. I guess the other peculiar thing is that all the LampLinc modules worked correctly and all the ApplianceLinc modules did not. Everything was the same on the powerstrip, except for the modules I had to pull to make room.
  4. Unfortunately, there is little joy in Mudville tonight. Apparently The system was not as ready as I expected. I thought I had deleted all the programs, but they mysteriously showed up when I started adding back the devices. I factory reset both EISY and PLM again. This time, I believe it took. Now when adding back the ApplianceLincs, they don't want to be found. Everything is within 10 feet of the EISY and PLM - and all the other devices linked fine on the same power strip. Another issue: has anybody seen the ApplianceLinc blink fast 4x, then start the normal linking slow blink. I have 4 of those doing the same thing. Two of them were never used - fresh out of the box. Thanks for any suggestions.
  5. I think I am ready to start. I've gathered all the prepared devices and double checked the EISY and link status. When the devices are added, I can check their performance there before moving them to their desired location. One question, though. Must ALL battery devices be put in link mode when each one is added, or just the one device I am adding? That one has always confused me, as some of them are a little hard to reach when installed.
  6. Ok, so far so good. All devices removed from the program. All devices factory reset, including the PLM. EISY power cycled. Baby steps, I only want to do this once. The finder got me to the Admin console, and here's the picture. Look right?
  7. Thanks for that. I don't have any programs at this point that I trust. None of them were very complicated anyway- sensor > light> time> on/off. You get the point. I do have some old X10 hardware- Powerhouse remote controllers HR12A, which I really like for manual control. I won't get on a soap box about the Insteon remotes, but I have nothing good to say about them. Thanks again for clear instructions. I'll let you know either way.
  8. Yes, Paul, I did. But in my flailing about, I can't remember exactly what happened. To the best of my knowledge, I seem to remember the results being that the device I was trying to link ignored me. I want to test each module and make sure it works where I need it to. It might be an advantage to use a range extender, but there wasn't any need for one before. I don't see any new ones for sale, and I don't want to buy a used one and end up with more trouble. But then I've been at this for over two weeks intermittently and I am afraid I need to get serious and zero everything out to start fresh. I could use some suggestions to that end. I've seen suggestions to put things in "Test mode", Use a range extender (which I do not have), remove links (for which there are no clear instructions). Simply: How can I make sure ALL the links are disabled/ deleted to start clean?
  9. All good information, of course. I am still confused about the 2456S3, which all of my on/off modules are, not being dual band. The pdf file sent by Brian says the module uses the A.C. line and RF communication. Is this not Dual Band? I have never heard of the 4 tap test, and I never heard of an Insteon range extender. So I do not have one. What I do have is a phase coupler sold to bridge X10 signals on my split phase system. My home is a small 850 sq ft ranch with a basement. I don't have any new devices with chokes to kill the X10 powerline signals. In my efforts, I deleted devices and programs that were ineffective, left those that functioned. I saw no correlation with phase or distance from the PLM. I did encounter warnings to remove links from those removed devices. Exactly how does one accomplish that. I never saw anything mentioned about the how to, just the warning. Other than a factory reset (holding the set button while powering on the PLM) was the only sure way I knew to clear out the PLM links. I never saw an official procedure for replacing a PLM. Is there a way to do it piecemeal? And how about the EISY? It took 3 tries just to reset it (the press the multifunction button 10x). The devices I have are: 3 Appliance Linc 2456S3, 4 Lamplinc 2844-222 (which are not in service), 1 2457 D2, 1 2634-222 outdoor , 2 2842-2 motion detectors, 1 2844-222 motion detector. Most of this stuff has been around a while, and once set up, has worked reliably. Until now. I can honestly say i never had trouble like this until I upgraded to the EISY.
  10. According to the Insteon manual for the ApplianceLinc, it is a dual band device, using powerline and RF to communicate. I didn't mention before that I started with an X-10 system and do indeed have a powerline bridge for my two phases. With the Insteon modules replacing X-10 modules, I figured that issue was resolved, but alas.... I decided to start from scratch, factory resetting the PLM and EISY. I believe the (decidedly old) PLM did what it should and is now devoid of links. The EISY, however did not respond as expected. When the multifunction button was pressed 10x (starting when it was on), and held for some 20 seconds, it came back with a red light. Waiting the obligatory 10 minutes, it was still on and red Pressing the button once restored the light to blue. When the console ran, it found the ISY still had a program. I only work with these things when they break, so not a lot of troubleshooting experience. SO when I follow directions and get conflicting results, it's beyond aggravating. What's up with it this time, please?
  11. Ok, continuing my epic journey, now another ApplianceLinc that HAD been working went the route of the other two - cannot determine Insteon engine. I'm thinking there's no hope and ready to abandon ship. I never had this issue with the ISY-994. Yes, other problems - but this may be the end of the story for UD. I see no other avenue except for a total rebuild, factory reseting everything. Failing that HomeAssistant may be worth a try. Suggestions? Comments? I'm wide open.
  12. Guys, I have reconstructed some of my system, but I am stuck on getting 2 ApplianceLinc modules - #2456S3 to communicate. I tried the usual factory reset - holding the Set button while powering the module. Then relinking, both with removing existing links and finding and adding them. Same result - they're not talking. When I try to link on either problem module, the status light blinks 4 fast blinks before going to the normal slow link mode blink. I never noticed that before. When trying to link, I get the standard Cannot determine Insteon engine. Any ideas?
  13. Guys, I have another PLM, and its' date code is 1123. Actually it looks newer than the current one. I have been alternating them, seeing as they just seem to go nuts on their own. After I factory reset and sitting on the shelf a while, they seem to work fine again....until they don't. Right now, I have a sensor and light module working and I am rebuilding. I'll keep plugging away at it. Thanks.
  14. Techman, Here is the PLM backplate. Maybe you can make out the date code- 1222? I have already started factory resetting the battery devices. I have a variety of saved files, so I can try. I'll let you know. Thanks.
  15. Gentlemen, I had a reasonably reliable system until recently. The first issue was a power outage that caused my HUE equipment to not be seen by the EISY. Next, in trying to recover, I found an Insteon Appliance linc wasn't recognized. Well, from bad to worse, and I want to wipe the system and start rebuilding from scratch. My question: Is there a sure way to clean up the devices and start fresh? I have an older PLM, Insteon 2842-2 motion sensors, motion sensor II's, Remote linc 2440's, mini remote 2342-2, lamp linc's, and of course, the HUE bridge and lights. I am guessing I need to clear out any old links on the PLM and EISY, and factory reset all the components. I've already tried restoring the PLM and EISY with no success. Thanks for suggestions.
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