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  1. I'm having the same issue with UD Mobile on two different ISY boxes, getting: ERROR:Connection Type: oAuthPortal, Error coce 404 Also noticed that MobiLinc is not working. I am able to log into both ISY boxes via the my.iso.io. I'm able to go into the settings->system->{isy box} and then it connects and I can synchronize, however when I go to the main page I get the 404 error again. Also the "test connection" works, but still get the error from main page.
  2. Will the i3 products be supported on the ISY boxes?
  3. Does anybody know how to reset the Intrusion Alarm that shows up when the lock is tampered with? This went off a few days ago, and I turned off the alarm at the lock, but it still shows up as ON in the status.
  4. Both admin console and web interface. No changes to my network or av software. Sometimes I would get a "page not found" going to my.isy.io which does suggest a DNS error, although I could reach the forums.
  5. So a few days ago I am no longer able to log into a remote ISY box using the remote URL. It the one that looks like this: https://my.isy.io/isy/45b892c...... It just says "Not Found" I just when into the portal on line and looked at the URL and its the same one I have saved. This was working fine a few days ago. Has something changed with the remote URLs? Thanks.
  6. One of the reasons I went with HA over using UD mobile is that I just wanted a simple buttton to turn a state variable on and off (just like a switch). I could never figure out a way to do it using UD mobile. Since then I've been able to integrate other disparate technologies into my HA setup so I'm happy with it for that. Every couple of months I re-visit UD mobile to see how the progress is doing and I think it's moving in the right direction, but it still falls behind what you can do with HA for dashboarding.
  7. Did you un-plug the ISY box from the internet but keep it running? This would rule out any outside interference as mentioned above.
  8. I have a three-way setup with those same switches. My HA system shows the correct status when I turn either one of the switches on/off. I have both switches setup in a scene, which also includes a button on a keypad. The scene is what I have displayed in HA. So for me its working fine.
  9. OK, must be something on my end. I'll try re-booting my cable modem.
  10. Is anybody else having this issue: Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from universal-devices.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
  11. I've used the Aeotec sensors and they work well with the ISY
  12. You can check out Home Assistant, but the app requires that you have a hub running their software somewhere in your house. I've been doing it for about 6 months so far and I'm very happy with the results.
  13. That looks like the correct procedure. Have you tried to restore from a backup?
  14. For mine I programmed an Insteon four button KPL and I have the various buttons turn on different colors. Here is an example for turning on the violet mode, it turns on the strips and then ramps them up over 3 seconds. (The variable is used for my Home Assistant dashboard)
  15. I recently installed some Fibaro RGBW switches and they had the same nodes. For mine the Color Switch sets the various color channels. The multilvel switch turns them off and on in various ways. The energy meter nodes show you how much energy is being used. On the Fibaro switches, they have inputs that control the switch in various ways. You can attached a thermometer and have it change color based on temp etc. Also you can have manual switches attached that turn various things on and off. I believe that the other nodes are for those purposes. For mine I just put them all into an "ignore" folder. The 'Color' and the 'Multilevel' nodes are the only ones you need for programming it with your ISY.
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