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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×


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  1. Update successful. Took 11 minutes on eisy. Haven’t found any issues yet.
  2. Got 14 put on during a recent support session but not 5.9.1.
  3. Prob dumb question but I already have 14.1 OS, okay to upgrade?
  4. “All in jest and satire - sort of - but also pointing out that the LA area is particularly affected by recent natural and unnatural phenomena, so cut them some slack.” No shit. Cut them some slack
  5. Of course it’s okay to put in next update. Thanks again
  6. YoLink_1-19-2025_94125_AM.zip
  7. Updated and works great (Battery still shows -1 while doorbell state shows 99) 😃 Thanks
  8. Great
  9. Sorry not a developer so not sure what has to go through Amazon cloud. I just assume when I see the correct update number shown that it’s available…Waited a while and not seeing any 1.3.23
  10. So I wait a while to try install again? Not sure I understand what’s going on with “it may take a while to propagate” thx
  11. Reinstalled in same slot no change. New install to new slot no change. Says already running, no log, non functioning.
  12. updated to 1.3.22 Dashboard shows "disconnected" If I try and start plugin a green pop up says "already running" No log is showing
  13. Here is the log with me pressing the doorbell a couple of times. Not sure who would use the doorbell its very hard to see the symbol on the keypad. YoLinkTest_1-14-2025_122453_PM.zip
  14. YoLinkTest_1-14-2025_112114_AM.zip
  15. Nice! Works as it should. AC status updated when changed manually or by Yolink app. Can control from AC. Shows online and connected. (Nitpick, battery shows -1) Appreciate your efforts
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