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  1. Thank you! that worked somewhat well
  2. Good morning all, I am hoping someone can help me with exporting all my devices and scenes. I am trying to create a list of the 85 devices that I have. I am also trying to create a list of the scenes (and what devices are attached to each scene). I would think this is possible, but I don't see anything on the top menu bar that is letting me do that in the Admin Console. If there is some sort of script that I need to run, are there moderately detailed instructions on how to do that?
  3. Thank you both for your suggestions. While I don't know much, I definitely don't know the "integer variable" stuff yet! Will need to read up on it. I'll try out your suggestion Bill, that makes sense to me on how to get this to work. Seems easy enough path to follow and can use it on some of my other ideas
  4. I am trying to set up a program that is based on the action of another action. I have a scene set up to turn lights on at a certain time and then turn off several hours later. There are times when I don't want this scene to run when I just turned off this light slightly before the set time. Here is what I am trying to do: If the Family room status changed to "off" within the last 30 minutes, then program "evening lights on" shouldn't start. Right now, I have the program set as "If time is sunset & family room status is off, then set evening lights as on Yes, i know being upstairs by 8:45 is lame, but we get tired and feel like relaxing in bed after putting the toddler to bed! When we go upstairs, we hit the 1st floor off button which can happen before Sunset. The issue is that once sunset hits, the lights will turn back on downstairs. I'd like to stop this. If I put in the programing, that when we hit 1st floor off, the program "evening lights on" is deactivated for 24 hours, this could cause other problems. We will sometimes hit the 1st floor off in the middle of the day, so we may not want it deactivated that night. Also, as we get into winter, sunset is around 530 ish, so I'd like the lights to automatically turn on as we may be coming home at that time or slightly after. Having a program to be based on the timing of when a previous action was last done seems to be my best action. I see a "last run" option in the schedule, but not sure how to best program that
  5. Thanks MrBill, that worked and what I was looking for. I figured there had to be a quick way to do this, i just forgot the method
  6. I'm not positive what you mean by that. I saw it saying "writing" which I assume means it was updated
  7. Sorry, maybe i wasn't clear. I have a scene called lower floors off which will turn off the basement and 1st floor. I originally had my 1st floor all set up to turn off, and then added in all my basement devices to that scene. When I hit a button on a keypad (there are 5 keypad buttons in total that are part that scene), the intended effect is that all lights will turn off. Currently, if I hit the button, the 1st floor will turn, but basement lights will stay on. Is there a quick way to do, if "1st floor off" is triggered, then turn off all devices attached to that scene?
  8. I haven't touched my scenes in a long time (probably 1.5 years), but I remember it was very easy to turn off all the lights in the scene. When I go into the program through 5.3.0, the view looks very different from before. From reading other posts, it appears it is this way to incorporate other devices into ISY. When I want to turn off all the lights in the scene, is this the best method: - Go to the scene name - Go to each device, then at the "on level", click off -Click Update - Move to the next device? I have about 90 devices in one scene, so this is a huge pain. I was trying to read old posts, but couldn't find one that answered the question. Is there a way to mass select all devices and set the action from all of them? Is there a better way to accomplish this vs going through each device and clicking off? I have about 6 scenes that I want to do a big mass off for various parts of the house. Seems like this will take me over 3 hours to do what should be like a 5 minute item would be.
  9. Thanks for the advice. I power cycled the devices and that appeared to work. I didn’t need to do the factory reset. Just had to go out and buy a small needle nose plyer, they sure don’t make it easy to pull out the set pin
  10. Okay, thanks for the advice. I was able to get it working by doing the restore. Another issue came up in the meantime from a power outage which affected around 40 devices. I had to manually pull out the set button to cycle the power.
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. How do you go about doing all that (Power cycle, factory reset, and restore?). For restore, I've typically right clicked on the device and then hit restore. I just didn't know if I factory reset it how to restore it.
  12. I lost power today and now a bunch of my light switches are acting up when you actually press them. On many of my 2477D (Switchlinc Dimmers), when I hit the actual switch, nothing happens. I see a light at the bottom of the switch as if it is off, but when I hit the on bottom, nothing happens. Sometimes, it will turn on, but the LED's will all fast blink for like 3 seconds. Typically, it looked like a ramp where when you hit the on bottom, the LED's will slowly go from the bottom to the top one at a time. What is odd is that when I use my mobile app to control the light switch, or the light is part of a scene, then the light will turn on. If i hit the actual switch, then nothing happens. When I hit the mobile app, the light will turn on like i mentioned before, all the LED's on the switch will fast blink vs look like it ramping on. Did all my switches just go bad from a storm?
  13. Thank you hart, have a link on how to do that?
  14. I have found an odd qwirk in my lighting system and having trouble to find a solution. For my basement, I have a keypad switch at the top of the steps where it will turn on the steps (through a load). I have another toggle switch in the basement that turns on the hallway light in the basement. When I hit the actual basement toggle switch, it will also turn on the step lights along with the hallway light. If I hit the basement toggle switch through my mobilinc, then only the hallway light turns on (basement stair light does not turn on). I looked through my programs and there is no mention of the basement toggle switch. When i looked at the membership level, it is only a member to two scenes (all off, and basement dim). I cant figure out why this is causing my stair lights to turn on / off when the actual hallway switch is pressed. everything works as expected when pressed through an app. Anyone have suggestions on what to troubleshoot?
  15. Thanks Lilyoyo1, you are all over this message board! That makes sense. So i created a program to say "if motion sensor is on, then turn on this light" , and then a 2nd program that says if motion sensor is off & last run time for Program 1 was 1 minute ago, then turn off lights. The idea being that if the motion sensor does not detect motion and the last time it detected motion was 1 minute ago, then the lights should turn off. Is that the basic gist of it?
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