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Everything posted by steve-elves

  1. Thanks for sending these, Techman - they are going into my reference bin for sure! I think I confirmed that my issue was pretty much a self-inflicted wound - I had configured my Z-Wave device incorrectly, and it was trying to send a message containing the status of a binary input every 30 ms! Of course, that totally bogged down the network very quickly to the point that none of the other Z-Wave devices could communicate. Even worse, the power demand really ramped up the temperature of my EISY! Once I figured out what was happening, I deleted the bad actor (and some no-longer-existent devices as well), rebooted, and everything came up working as it should (whew!). I corrected my code, and now my little home-baked Z-Wave device is happily allowing me to do my own garden irrigation control!
  2. I have an EISY box with a Z-Matter Z-Wave/Zigbee dongle, on a home system with about 42 Z-Wave devices (no Zigbee, plus about 25 Insteon devices). I was attempting to create a microcontroller device to control my garden irrigation valve solenoids and measure actual water flow using a YF-S201 turbine flowmeter; the device I was programming is a Z-Uno microcontroller. I've used them before with no particular issues - they hooked up to my ISY/EISY and have performed reliably. This time, however, the EISY Z-Wave control started to become flakey and then pretty much quit entirely. Even with the new device disconnected and removed from the configuration, now all my existing devices won't respond to commands (either manual or programmatic) and statuses are all either missing or static. I've rebooted the IoX and the EISY a couple of times, but I've been reluctant to factory reset the Z-Wave dongle. I noticed that the EISY box itself got very hot before I disconnected the new Z-Uno (over 56 °C!), now it's cooled down somewhat, but still my Z-Wave appears to be almost dead. When I click on some simple lights, they MAY turn on - sometimes after 5 minutes! There's a similar wait to turn them off if they go on. I think something is seriously broken, but I'm not sure about the best way to start troubleshooting. The long delay to respond could be a symptom of excess Z-Wave network traffic, so I'm hoping there is a diagnostic already built-in that could shed some light on it. The Z-Wave network speed was set at 10; I reverted it to the default of 15 with no noticeable improvement. Any suggestions would be gratefully received! I'm loath to purchase a new dongle without knowing that it is the culprit, as they're $175 here in Canada!
  3. Thanks a lot! I'll give it a go.
  4. Does anyone have any recommendations for data logging hardware or software that can pull and archive data from the EISY? I'd like to keep track of things like electricity usage, irrigation tank level, irrigation water flow readings, and weather data. It would be nice to be able to pull the information and display it graphically or use for further analysis. I've got a couple of spare Raspberry Pi boxes sitting around that could be useful for data storage, especially if paired with an SSD. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I looked into solar for our house, but we're deep in the forest on the east side of a hill on an island off the West Coast of Canada. Given the size of our roof and the amount of sun we get, the best we could do is about a 25% replacement of our electric use, with a payback time of > 50 years if we had blackout coverage for 3 days. Not really worth it, I'm afraid.
  6. Hah - brilliant! Thanks a lot - I'm now getting the feeds that I want. I think the only difference from what I had was the "Port" setting - I had tried 80, but not 8080 as I didn't see that as a choice anywhere at hand. Much appreciated.
  7. Can you point me to some instructions as to how to configure the EISY to grab the information from the GEM? I have set up some State Variables in the EISY and I've identified the ones I want from the Dashbox. I set the parameters in the GEM to use some kind of ISY protocol (don't quite understand what that choice actually did...), but now I'm kind of stumped. I assume I have to tell the EISY that variables will be coming from the network, but beyond that I'm kind of lost. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. (BTW, Ben at Brultech recommended you as a good resource for this!)
  8. Thanks for the reply. I think I'll use the Dashbox, then. Out of curiosity, do you happen to know why the Zigbee on the Gem can't talk to the Zigbee on the EISY?
  9. I've replaced my old ISY with a new EISY and I am very happy with it. I have the Z-Wave/Zigbee module on the EISY, and I'm now installing a Brultech GEM that I've had gathering dust on my shelf for over 7 years. When I pull it out of the box, it looks like it has a Zigbee module w/antenna, and I'm wondering if anyone has been able to connect this box to an EISY without using the DashBox. Is it better to have the DashBox in any case, since it seems to have the data collection capability built in? I'd like to get a short recap of people's recommendations for connecting these devices.
  10. Hmm. Does it then simply replace/supplant the I/R remote control that came with the Friedrich? Kind of like one of those "Universal Remotes" that you can buy to replace your TV, PVR, & DVD remotes in one unit? I guess you have to locate it where it can point at the I/R receiver in the mini split head (line of sight, I would imagine)...
  11. Does the Sensibo not communicate with the Friedrich unit using S21?
  12. Thanks, I'll check it out. I presume it's in the Node Server store?
  13. It looks like the Sensibo Air Conditioner Controller is not completely integrated. Some of the reviews I read state that it doesn't sync with the Daikin remote control, so you can have two conflicting devices trying to control the indoor unit. Also, it apparently doesn't get power from the indoor unit - you have to have a separate AC socket nearby. That would be a deal breaker for me, I'm afraid, as there's none close by at all.
  14. Does anyone know if someone is working on a node server that could connect my EISY to the Daikin WiFi adapter made by Airzone? Apparently there is an open API available, and the Airzone supposedly talks to Alexa and others. It uses something called "DKN Cloud NA", but I have no experience with this sort of thing so I'm not really sure I'm even providing useful information. im-dknapi.pdf
  15. I'd be somewhat leery of using an "auto-unlock" feature over WiFi. Given how crooks have figured out how to hack the remote fobs for starting & unlocking cars, I don't doubt that unlocking houses will come sooner rather than later. My Wiser Z-Wave door locks will permit me to lock the house remotely through my EISY - even from across the country! - but I can't unlock the doors. That's a security choice made by Wiser, and I approve.
  16. I bet you could use a Z-Uno board & program it in the Arduino IDE to read a couple of plug-in temperature probes, which are likely to be simple thermocouple or RTD types. Could be powered by a Li rechargeable battery, and have a small LCD display - maybe in colour! It would be a cool little project.
  17. I've owned the ISY for about 8 years, and the Polisy for maybe 3. I just installed my new EISY and it does everything I need it to, so the other two are (I believe) redundant. I'm thinking of selling them both. They come with the original power supplies and a (refurbished) serial PLM & cable. The ISY supports Z-Wave and Insteon, of course! No hardware issues with either of them; I installed a capacitor replacement kit in the PLM. I would prefer to sell the pair, but I will entertain reasonable offers on either. You'd have to pay shipping from Vancouver, Canada.
  18. I bought a Z-Uno board, which is a small Arduino-like microprocessor with built-in Z-Wave capability. It programs with the Arduino IDE. I use it to drive a triplet of relays to energize three valves for my garden sprinklers, but it could certainly handle more. Since it's "native" Z-Wave, I can program my sprinklers with my ISY (and now my EISY), monitoring the local weather, temperature, etc. I'm also monitoring the level in my rainwater collection tanks with another Z-Uno, so I can keep from running the pump dry if we haven't had rain for a while.
  19. Thanks for the additional input - much appreciated! I just did my Polisy - exactly as you said. Upgraded with no issues.
  20. Thanks for confirming what I suspected! As an aside, have you migrated to an Eisy yet? If so, how was your experience?
  21. I am intending to replace my ISY944i with an Eisy in the near future. Presently I am using firmware release 5.3.4 with no issues; I have about a dozen Insteon devices, 30 Z-Wave devices, and 7 Node servers installed. I also have a Polisy at release 5.5.0; the Z-Wave version in my ISY is 6.82.01. Is there any pressing reason for upgrading the ISY to the latest firmware, provided it qualifies? I've read various bits of documentation and forum entries, and I'm not entirely clear whether release 5.5.3 is even usable in the ISY.
  22. Hmm. I'm located in Canada and I've had no issues buying from the UD store. Shipping costs can be stupid high, so I always check Aartech first.
  23. A bit of a side question - how in your experience does HA complement the ISY? Are there particular features or capabilities that HA provides that aren't available directly on the Polisy/ISY system?
  24. Should also point out that the NuHeat thermostats contain built-in GFCI breakers.
  25. I've been using the NuHeat electric underfloor heating system for several years now. There's a node server in Polisy that allows you to connect and control these units through the ISY. I really like these devices - it's wonderfully-even heat.
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