I am having a similar issue:
I have tried to connect many times to my ISY remotely and the screen keeps getting stuck on Syncing with ISY Parsing Address: 46 37 48 1
I have to do a hard shutdown of the app and reboot it. When I get back into it I don't have the status of any of my insteon devices. However, I can turn on and off my devices if I go individually in them but the status does not show the current status. It just stays blank.
I have already tried to reinstall the app without success. Following are my settings:
Host Type ISY User name (my user name) Password (my password) Local http://no-ip(my host name).zapto.org:85 Local Port: 85 Secure https://440 Secure Port: (blank) Connect Method Auto(Http) UUID of ISY 00:xx:ss....
Auto Sync over wifi checked Auto Sync over cell checked
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.