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Everything posted by chuckl

  1. So this morning I'm awakened by the ISY like any other typical morning looking forward to the long weekend. While getting ready for work, I noticed it getting light out and then glanced at the clock. It was about an hour later than what it should have been. Had to stay an hour over to make up for coming in late. Grrr... After getting home, I checked my HomeSeer setup and PC and they had the correct time. I then viewed the time on the ISY via the Admin console and it was running exactly one hour behind. I remember reading Mark's previous post on time issues and recovered the same way. "Synchronize Now" to reset time. This worked fine. System time is correct, as are "next run" times in program summary. Also as in the previous post, I have my ntp server configured to pool.ntp.org, and syncs every 12 hours. Next, I downloaded the log and saw the following: - first entry line in the log is Friday 08/14/2009 6:05AM - everything ok until Thurs 09/03/2009 06:03AM - next entry is Sat 8/16/1941 02:25AM - 1941 entries continue listing until Sat 8/16/1941 02:01PM - next entry is Thurs 09/03/209 05:07PM (should have been 6:07) From above, it looks like my ISY visited 1941 for 12 hours between time syncs. Apparently, it started right before/after a time sync yesterday morning and ended yesterday afternoon just before/after a time sync. I'm guessing this by the first line entry in the log which lists 6:05AM which is the first log entry after a reboot and then time syncing every 12 hours. Unlike Mark in the previous post, I have no strange log entries or odd Program Summary time entries. I have saved my log with the 1941 entries and is available upon request. At first I thought Mark's post was about a fluke behavior but judging by my experience, both our ISY's visited 1941 on Saturday, August 16th! That's a really big coincidence given the vastness of the space/time continuum. I'm in California. Where are you located Mark? Chuck
  2. Will the ISY support more than one network serial expander simultaneously? I have both 310MHz and 433MHz versions of the W800 presently connected through HomeSeer via the AC-RF2 plug-in to support a mix of US and Euro X10 wireless devices. For me, the wireless X10 interface for X10 is the last major hurdle to overcome in HomeSeer migration. In any event, if it only can support one, then "16 to go", else "15 to go!"
  3. Hi, I can't figure out how to use the Flex Your Power Feature. I enabled it via the Configuration > Electricity > Main > Flex Alert Settings. In Program Details, now I see for Add To Program > Conditions: Module - Flex Alert - Status - is/is not - active/not active In Program Details, now I see for Add To Program > Actions: System - Electricty Demand/Price Alert / Maximum Electricty Alert Any advice? Thanks, Chuck PS: I tried the Wiki but I could not understand the explanation.
  4. Agreed! Don't cut the wall for a double-gang box. KeypadLinc/Inline devices is the best combo to go with. Tell your wife the KeypadLinc is "only temporary" and you're waiting for this to be released: http://forums.homeseer.com/showthread.php?p=873116
  5. Exactly! It is two-way. That's the scenario I was trying to convey in my post above. Use HomeSeer event structures and keep it all wireless to the HomeSeer side. Then, have HS events fire when X10 wireless actions are detected via the AC-RF2 plug-in setting HS devices (which are really ISY "variables") since these can be made known to HomeSeer via Bob's ISY plug-in. The advantage to this method is no X10 gets or needs to be transmitted on the powerline. The disadvantage is setting up a lot of events to handle the X10 wireless traffic diverted from the powerline.
  6. Apologies IndyMike if I was in error in my last response to Rich. I've got a big mix of X10 items from both Europe and the US. I checked and my security modules aren't DS10's but instead DS90's purchased from Marmitek in Belgium. I also have some MS90 motion sensors and GB90 glass break sensors. The devices look very similar to the US counterparts. I did purchase the second W800 433Mhz RF sensor to get these devices working with HomeSeer. I use the AC-RF2 plug-in to map (and shadow) these devices to standard X10 addresses. The AC-RF2 plug-in handles the extended bytes in the response payload of the security devices. Once you train the plug-in to recognize them, you use the created HomeSeer devices in HomeSeer events. So to answer your question Rich, I'm getting the X10 addresses on the powerline as IndyMike has outlined. I agree it's a step backwards but if you want to put X10 on the powerline, that's the way it will have to be for now. Another option is devising some HomeSeer event structures and keeping it all wireless on the HomeSeer side. Have HS events fire when wireless actions are detected via the AC-RF2 plug-in and set HS devices which are really ISY "variables" since these can be made known to HomeSeer via Bob's ISY plug-in. No X10 gets or needs to be transmitted on the powerline but you're setting up a lot of events to handle the wireless traffic. Chuck
  7. Is there a way to send the security housecodes onto the powerline? YES! X10 Security codes are in the 433MHz range. If you have a W800, you know they come in 2 flavors: the 310MHz for USA, and the 433MHz for Europe. You need to get a second W800 @ the 433MHz frequency. I've got two and the ACRF2 plug-in can handle up to 4 receivers. Now I can get any X10 signal including the older Stanley Lightmaker Wireless garage door sensors which are on the security frequency. The X10 housecodes seem to be working. I just made simple program that says if G11 is heard, send an email (just for testing). Great news! When reading your past posts, I didn't see any mention of the 2nd powerline device connected to the PC just for X10. So, how can I tell if the X10 portion is going to cause an issue for me? Meaning, I hear that Insteon & X10 dont mix well on the powerline. My PLM/ISY are plugged into the same port as the PLC in the wall. I've been running X10 & Insteon for years (literally). I did follow the advice early on that the PLC and PLM have poor X10 capabilities and remained on my old 1132CU for transmitting X10 signals. Yes, I did have the PLC (& later the PLM) and the 1132CU connected to the same HomeSeer PC with no adverse effects. I switched to Insteon long ago because I had too many X10 devices and they were making my RCS TX-15B X10 thermostat unreliable and other devices were intermittent. It's been good so far. The ISY does make Insteon network management easier! Chuck
  8. Rich, When you set it up the PC/PLC combo, be sure to: - go to the HomeSeer/Setup/Interfaces tab and be sure the older "Insteon" (NOT "ISY INSTEON") plug-in is disabled (if you ever loaded and used it in the past). - go to the HomeSeer/Setup/Interfaces tab and config the PLC for X10 communications and disable it for Irfrared and Other (Insteon) - go to the HomeSeer/Plug-ins/AC-RF2 Processor/Housecodes tab and check "retransmit" column boxes under X10 Powerline Options of the House Codes you want on the powerline. This should work. Chuck
  9. The data CAN get to the power line if you configure Homeseer and the AC-RF2 Processor plug-in to retransmit it back through the power line interface connected to the PC. Open the plug-in and navigate to the Housecodes tab. Click the X10 Powerline Option to retransmit for each of the housecodes you need. Your ISY will then see the traffic. Sure it's not a direct connection to the ISY but you have the capability through Homeseer and the AC-RF2 plug-in for right now until a serial direct connection to the ISY is devised. The important item to remember is that you need a separate powerline interface for the ISY and one for the PC running Homeseer. Since Homeseer doesn't monitor Insteon any longer in my setup, I moved my PLM from the PC over to the ISY and now use a 1132CU X10 interface for the PC for retransmitting X10 signals through the powerline. Remember to reconfigure your powerline interface configuration though the Homeseer/Interfaces tab to delete the PLM and to add an X10 specific interface (even another PLM, PLC, CM11A, etc. will do but you need TWO separate interfaces).
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