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  1. Hi sorry to enter a new insteon device on the admin console , choice is to enter an address ( the insteon address) , that is what I am trying to find . However I believe although my switches are not syncing they are working when I use the admin console or my phone , which I believe is telling me that my light switches are working , they just don’t sync in the admin console ( communication failed) not sure if I explained that correctly? john
  2. Hi i will try that. just to mention, I can control my lighting directly from the admin console and also on my UD access on my phone when I enter the isy IP address. Does that not mean the insteon light switches are otherwise working? thanks john
  3. Hi is there a way to know the insteon address of my light switches directly from the isy console. I would like to enter the device manually as the other way is not working for me see photo thanks to all john
  4. No but I will try tonight. am I just unplugging the power to the ISY device then Re plugging back in.? thanks john
  5. Hi my name is john . I am getting a parse error when I go to my universal devices page and check my lighting and Elk setup. I have made no changes at home and it was working up until a couple of weeks ago. One feature that made me suspicious of a problem is when I open the front door which would automatically turn on the hall lights , now doesn’t anymore??
  6. Hi Michel it is isy 99i 256 john
  7. Hi DennisC yes I am using elk -m1xep. I did check DHCP, but not sure how to assign in router.
  8. Hi i am very new to this isy99 and elk m1 gold setup. I have had it for a while with no issues but lately I can not set up properly . After doing some changes on the elkrp setup I eventually connect but my alarm and lighting do not work. It seems like the IP address that the elk rp setup finds , changes . Would like to know if any Elk/ isy experts out there ,wouldn’t mind remotely logging in to my computer ( maybe via team viewer ) to check out my parameters . I know it is probably something small as it all was working a short time ago. thank you john
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