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Everything posted by AutomationNut
Paul, thanks for the reply. I solved this issue ---after spending considerable time looking for a solution. Turns out my daughter got up for a drink late at night and noticed the Keypadlinc button lit she was not accustom to seeing that lit and pressed it...thanks again for your reply!
Hello, hoping someone can explain or help me out with a keypadlinc problem. The keypadlinc is a 2486D 8 button v.40 There are 8 buttons A-H ---I'm using button F to initiate a 24 hour watering delay for my sprinklers, basically I have the watering program check to see if button F is active and if it is then the watering program will not start. Then I have another program that turns off button F after 24 hours so that watering resumes at the next scheduled cycle, this program will also stop the watering if the sprinklers are currently running. This is the first year using EZRain/EzFlora v.28 to control my sprinklers and it has been pretty wet here in Colorado so I have been needing to delay watering a lot --giving me some good experience with this issue. When the button F is "active" or "on" it is lit, a lit button indicates that watering will be skipped. I notices a few days ago that the button was not lit but the prescribed 24 hours had not passed yet... I blamed my wife for pressing the button and turning it off, although she denied pressing the button. I just assumed it was probably a mistake and dismissed it. But to capture future similar mistakes I wrote a program to send an email if the button is "on" and pressed to turn it "off" here it is: "Sprinkler Rain Cancel notification" If Status 'Family Room Keypad.F' is Off Then Send Notification to 'Me' content 'Sprinkler Set to ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Last night I received this email at midnight (and read it when I awoke) I know the wife was not near the button at midnight-- the sprinkler program calls to water on Sunday unless Button F is on, so when I arose this morning they were running. I looked in the log and see several events around midnight---including "Button F" IRLinc Button A Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:36 AM System Log AV Closet Fan Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:36 AM System Log Family Room Subwoofer Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:36 AM System Log Family Room Keypad.F Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:58 AM System Log Family Room Sconces Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:59 AM System Log Fam Floor Light Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:59 AM System Log Family Room Keypad.B Status 0% Sun 2015/05/03 12:00:59 AM System Log Here is the program to run sprinklers "Sprinkler Program" If On Sun, Tue, Fri Time is 5:00:00AM And Status 'Family Room Keypad.F' is Off Then Set 'Sprinkler Zone.01' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.02' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.03' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.04' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.05' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.06' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.07' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Sprinkler Zone.07' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') And here is the program to delay the sprinklers for 24 hours "Sprinkler Rain Delay" If Control 'Family Room Keypad.F' is switched On Then Stop program 'Sprinkler Program' Set 'Sprinkler Zone.01' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.02' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.03' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.04' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.05' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.06' Off Set 'Sprinkler Zone.07' Off Send Notification to 'Me' content 'Sprinkler Set to Off' Wait 24 hours Set Scene 'Sprinkler Rain Delay' Off Send Notification to 'Me' content 'Sprinkler Set to ON' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Any assistance to help me understand why Button F on the keypadlinc turned itself off at 12 midnight would be helpful. By the way query all is running at 3:00 am Many thanks
Michel, Steve has resolved my problem with the keypad, it was in fact my error in a program causing the problem. Steve, much thanks to you and your keen insight to figure out my error.
Hey folks, I'm still having problems with this keypad . This arrangement used to work several months ago so I assumed it was a bad Keypad, but the new keypad has the same behavior. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Insteon_UD994 v.4.1.2 (23014-01-13-23:20:00)
I did play with trying to manually set the backlight level, involves tapping the C and F buttons and holing the A (or on button). I can set them locally but have the same issue. Wondering if the scene assigned to be toggled by button B has anything to do with this issue? the Button assigned to Scene B turns on two room lights at 24%. I'm stuck, any help appreciated.
LeeG, thanks for your quick response. I did set the KPL to 7/15 using the admin console and in the OFF state all the buttons were lit. I pressed the "Movie Scene" which is on button B a couple of times and all the KPL buttons turned off and stayed off. Returning to the Admin Console I found that the LED Brightness was back to 0/0. I then reset it to 7/15 using the admin console and again found all buttons lit. I repeatedly pressed the "A" button (100% floor light on) and all the buttons stayed lit. I then pressed the "B" button and all the buttons went dark, returning to the admin console I found the LED Brightness in the Admin Console to be reset to 0/0. I don't understand what is resetting the LED brightness and why the brightness will not hold in the KPL, any ideas?
I recently replaced a 8 button Inseton keypad 2486 with the new Insteon 8 button keypad 2334-222 because the LED's would not illuminate despite setting the LED brightness level to 15 in the ISY admin console. I have since spent some time searching the forum and investigating the symptoms of this problem. The interesting part is that button A is assigned as a controller for a floor light which is set at a "on level" of 98% (to reduce voltage to light and save the bulb a bit). When I set the LED brightness for the keypad in the admin console to 15 and operate button A the LED comes on when pressed and goes off when pressed again, just as is should. I operated it multiple times and the LED comes on and off just as it should. Now Button B is assigned as a controller for a scene called "Movie Scene" the "Movie Scene" turns on two lights, both at 24% when I FIRST press button B after changing the brightness level in the admin console the LED backlight and the "Movie Scene" is activated, a second press turns off the "Movie Scene", the two lights and the LED backlight...now pressing it a third time activates the "Movie Scene" and the two lights but the LED backlight for Button B does NOT illuminate. Furthermore, when I return to the Admin Console to check the LED brightness it has reset to 0 for all buttons. I have done this several times (reset in Admin Console, press B button three times, LED Brightness resets to 0). I'm stuck, this functionality used to work with my old 8 button 2486 but when the 2486 quit working I replaced it with the new 2334-222 and the problem persists. What has changed? anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance for the help!
I recently purchased a new Venstar thermostat with the internal insteon module. I cannot seem to keep the ISY-99i updated with the current temperture. I have this in the ISY as a 2441V Insteon Thermostat Adapter v.00 since there is no option for a 2491 in the drop down list in the ISY (running v2.8.16 on the ISY). Also notice that the Fan State always shows "ON" even when the fan is off and thermostat is in "FAN Auto" if I toggle the Fan to auto then back to "ON" the fan comes on but when I log back into the ISY console later in the day I find the fan shown in the "on" state in the console again even though the fan is still off. Also, I get a Humidty reading that varies from time to time even though there is no humidty module (don't think the 2491 can take that option since the internal insteon takes up space where it would plug into the board). If I query the t-stat in the console it updates to the current tempature value but the fan state does not change unless it is manually toggled in the console. I thought the Thermostat would always report to the ISY the current temp without having to query from the console. The T-Stat is only a few feet from an access point. Did I do something wrong when I linked it? or does the t-stat not report temp changes? Thanks in Advance for any help with this one.
Lee G, thank you very much, performing a "Restore Device" that corrected the problem, working free from flaws once again! Happy New Year!
does not seem to matter if I use "control" or "status" the ISY sees neither and thus never starts the timer and the fan continues to run until I manually turn it off. I also note that other device status are wrong in the ISY until I do a query. I find in unlikely that it is communication related as all else works flawlessly. Is it possible to have flawless communicaiton FROM the ISY to responders and the ISY not see status changes intiated from the responders? Is there a way to have the ISY be a responder for a wall switch? This continues to be perplexing... thanks for any ideas / help!
I will try control again, I tried control a few weeks ago with the same result. I will report back once I have had some time to test control (as opposed to Status). Thanks!
Yep I have a 2412S now, just what I need another power supply to suck the signal! Dang that puppy is expensive $80 plus the cost of a power supply. Why did they eliminate the power option via the serial connection? Did they offer an upgrade option when the 2413 was released?
they make a dual band PLM? I will investigate that option. What is really madding is that everything else works with no issues. The issue seems to be the status in the ISY, I recently noticed that when I log in there are several devices which I turned on with a remotelinc that were showing the wrong state but all commands that orginate from the ISY are being received (have several programs to turn on lights at dusk etc.) Thanks for the help... I will look into a dual band PLM.
No, the PLM is on a circuit that has a router and switch but no computer or surge suppressor. What is strange is that everything else works flawless except status of some of the devices in the ISY. Perhaps the issue is the ISY receiving status for the devices, controls actions from the ISY are flawless. I will move my access points around and see if that helps. Any other ideas would be appreciated. thanks
I searched the forum and could not locate the answer to my problem. I have a ISY-99i (1020) v2.8.16 . I have also installed a Insteon 2466S ToggleLinc Relay v.3A (Insteon toggle switch) on a bathroom fan. My idea is to have the ISY intitate an event that would turn off the fan after a predetermined amount of time and give me the capability of turning on the fan remotely with my iPad when my daughter fails to do so. Here is the program that I wrote in the ISY If Status 'Main Floor Bath Fan' is On Then Wait 5 minutes set 'Main Floor Bath Fan' Off Else - No Actions My problem is that the ISY does not always see the status change so the timer does not start and the fan runs until I manually turn it off. There are times when it does turn off though. I thought it might be a communication weakness but I do not have any other problems in the home with 8 other modules and two access points (2443) installed. When it has failed to turn off I log into the ISY and the ISY reports the status as off (until queried). I have also tried "Control 'Main Floor Bath Fan' is On with the same results. Question, is there a feasable way to ensure the ISY sees the status change without having to query every few minutes? thanks
OK, it has been awhile since I upgraded my ISY (on ver 2.7.6) but I want to eliminate the clock reset issue previously documented in other threads. However, my pea sized brain cannot recall where to find the downloads for the new firmware. Where might I find the 2.7.7 firmware links on this site? thanks for the assistance.
Was wondering if someone could help me understand the string dump for the ISY (Level 3) Event Viewer? Thanks in advance--- here is the string from one command to turn on a lamp module (11.31.DB) using a IRLinc 2411R (0F.3E.B6) 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.3E.B6 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [standard-Group][0F.3E.B6-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [ F 3E B6 1] DON 0 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [ F 3E B6 1] ST 255 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.3E.B6 0F.D8.79 41 11 01 LTONRR (01) 2009/08/24 15:24:12 : [standard-Cleanup][0F.3E.B6-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Thanks for the reply, you guys are great. I did program the Harmony by learning the IR codes from the Smarthome credit card remote that came with the 2411R (IR to Insteon). It works great. However when I use the 2411R to control the lights I see funny codes in the ISY Event Viewer (tools, diagnostics, event viewer) that do not belong to any of my switches or lampLincs. I suppose they are codes that belong to the 2411R that are linked to the switches and LampLincs? The code looks like this in the Event Viewer for turning one of my devices on 2009/08/04 17:47:55 : [ F 3E B6 1] DON 0 and like this for turning the same device off 2009/08/04 17:47:55 : [ F 3E B6 1] ST 255 and like this for turing another (different) device on 2009/08/04 17:48:01 : [ F 3E B6 1] DOF 0 and like this for turning that device off 2009/08/04 17:48:01 : [ F 3E B6 1] ST 0 I'm not familiar with the strings but I assume that the F 3E B6 1 is the device (in this case the 2411R device) identifier and the number value 255 or 0 is the dim level but I'm not sure what the DOF and DON is? Any light you can shed to help me better understand would be great. And any suggestions on where I can seek additional information would be of great help. I suppose I should have purchased the ISY with IR...however, I wanted to locate the ISY close to my network connections which was not close to my AV equipment and I would have been faced with tring to run a RJ45 to the ISY. Sorry for the rambling. THANKS
I’m a bit confused on the best way to integrate my new Insteon devices. So far I have the following equipment 1 – ISY 99I (still V2.7.0) 2 – ToggleLinc Dimmers (2466D) 1 – ToggleLinc Relay (2466S) 1 – Lamp Dimmer (2456D) And 1 – Insteon IRLinc Receiver (2411R) And a bunch of X10 stuff I’m directly controlling some wall sconces from one of the ToggleLinc Dimmers and can control the sconces from the ISY. I have successfully linked one of the ToggleLinc Dimmers to control the Lamp Dimmer which controls a halogen floor lamp and I can control the floor lamp from the ISY. I have a Harmony 890 and would like to use it to control the sconces and floor lamp through the 2411R. So I went into the Logitech software for the Harmony and added the 2411R device and created an activity for the 2411R. The codes that show up in the Logitech Harmony software make no sense (i.e. 1, 2, 3 …etc). How do you associate On / OFF Dim, Bright with the Harmony (on/bright and off/dim?) And what are the 1, 2, 3 intended to control? If I link 1 to a light will 1 only turn on / bright, how would I dim? I have the credit card remote working for the IRLinc so I could have the Harmony “learn the IR Codes from the credit card†up and down for each button pair, but I’m uncertain if this is the best option. Would it be better to have the ISY issue the on/off dim/bright commands? If I used the ISY to issue the on/off bright/dim commands would there be a noticeable time delay? I’m really lost and can use any help you experts can convey.
What's in the next release (2.8.16)
AutomationNut replied to Chris Jahn's topic in Previous Releases
Is there an update on the status of 2.7.6? The ISY is great and I can't stop playing with it ! -
Venstar Thermostat 7 day programable or 1 day?
AutomationNut replied to AutomationNut's topic in ISY994
Thanks, that is the best reason yet that I have come across to spend the extra $. -
I will wait for 2.7.6 thanks
I'm considering a Venstar thermostat to add to my Insteon / ISY automation project. I'm trying to decide if I should spend the extra $ for a 7 day programmable. I have searched the Forum and found posts that lead me to belive that the 7 day is not needed if you have an ISY as the ISY will perform what ever programming you can dream. The only reason I found on the Forum in support of the 7 day is in the rare instance that the ISY fails you can then program the thermostat locally. I'm I missing any other reasons that a 7 day might be benefical in this application (with ISY?). thanks -- by the way the ISY is awesome.
Same issue here. When will the fix be released?