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Keypad showing status of lights


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I have a few keypads that have the lights of the keys on or off without referencing the actual status of the light that it is controlling. How do I link the keypad lights to also show the status of the lights they control? I remember doing this manually by linking both ways (holding down the buttons on both devices)... I don't know how to accomplish this with the ISY.

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I have a question that I think is related to this. I have a RemoteLinc (6 scenes, separate ON/OFF buttons for each scene) and a RemoteLinc2 (8 scene) in toggle mode where I am trying to use one press to turn on or off the controlled device based on it's current state (ie. go to the opposite). I am trying to get each RemoteLinc to reflect the associated state of the other switch. No matter what I seem to do the state of the two controllers does not seem to track. I have tried the following:


- place both RemoteLincs (as controllers) in the same scene with the device being controlled. They show independent states. Try copying Scene attributes - still independent states.


- place both RemoteLincs in the same scene (virtual two way, I guess) and have device being controlled in a separate scene. Still no luck with any variation of copying scenes.


The reason I think this is related is LeeG's statement "The ISY will automatically cross-link the devices so they are in sync with each other". I am not seeing the state of the on/off RemoteLinc track the state of the toggle RemoteLinc2 or vice versa. One will say OFF while the other will say ON. Neither seem to be linked to the actual state of the device being controlled (an OutletLinc).


I am currently running FW 4.0.1 (UI 3.3.9) but this is a problem I have been struggling with through previous FW versions as well.


I could solve this programmatically in the toggle switch logic but unless I am totally misunderstanding things here (which is quite likely), I shouldn't have to.


Not trying to hi-jack the thread - let me know if you want me to re-post as a separate issue.




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I understand that, to save power, battery-operated devices do no listen for commands and do not respond to scene commands from other linked devices. A remotelink cannot 'reflect' the status of another device.


I expect what you desire to achieve is doable with a program, but you may have to depend on factors other than remotelinc status to get it done.

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A RemoteLinc and RemoteLinc2 are Controller ONLY devices. They have no actual On/Off Status and have NO Responder capability. The ISY simply sets Current State to the last command received from the respective button. Unlike a KeypadLinc that is both a Controller and Responder where a KPL button LED can be turned On/Off by another Controller, neither the RemoteLinc nor RemoteLinc2 have on board state indicators (what makes them Controller Only devices). Plus as oberkc mentioned, the RemoteLinc2 is a battery device which sleeps making it impossible to change what the RemoteLinc2 button will do next.


It is not possible to achieve what you are looking for with the devices themselves.

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Thanks very much for the prompt response folks!! I am new to the Insteon/ISY world (from X10 and misterhouse) so still trying to understand the various advantages/limitations and (some) quirks of the various types of devices/controllers/etc. The explanation makes perfect sense to me and I know what to watch for in similar situations now. Off to solve it by programming ....


redsfancfp - my apologies for jumping in on your question with something unrelated. I hope you find or have found the solution to your issue.


Thanks again,


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The KeypadLinc button and the device it is controlling must be Controllers of the same ISY Scene. The ISY will automatically cross-link the devices so they are in sync with each other.



OK so I tried this but have royally messed everything up so either I don't understand what to do or I didn't give you enough info....


I have 3 different lights in my kitchen. One over the bar, one over the table, and one I call main. I have a keypad that has All ON on the top...All off on the bottom....and each light has its own seperate control button on the keypad. It has worked really good and easy for years...until I got the ISY and tried to link everything through it.


After doing what was suggested above I now can turn on all of my lights from any of the swithces. That is not what I wanted to do. I wanted each light to control itself and the keypad ALL ON/OFF to control all of them. I also wanted each individual button on the Keypad to show status or be able to control its assigned light.


I put Keypad Link 1 along with all of the swithces into a Scene and did them all as controllers....I'm thinking that was not the right thing to do now... Anyone have any ideas?

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Multiple ISY Scenes are needed.


The first Scene has the KPL ON/OFF buttons as Controller with the three individual switches as Responders. The KPL ON/OFF buttons will turn On/Off together the three switches.


Scene 1


KPL 1 ON/OFF buttons as Controller – only ON button assigned to Scene

Switch 1 is Responder

Switch 2 is Responder

Switch 3 is Responder


Three more Scenes are needed for each of the Secondary KPL buttons to control their respective Switch and show if that Switch has been operated manually to control its load.


Scene 2 – cross links KPL button A and Switch 1


KPL 1 button A as Controller

Switch 1 as Controller


Scene 3 - cross links KPL button B and Switch 2


KPL 1 button B as Controller

Switch 2 as Controller


Scene 4 – cross links KPL button C and Switch 3


KPL 1 button C as Controller

Switch 3 as Controller


These Scenes have only one KPL in the picture. If there are multiple KPLs in the picture add the same buttons from each KPL into each Scene


Scene 1


KPL 1 ON/OFF buttons as Controller – only ON button assigned to Scene

KPL 2 ON/OFF buttons as Controller - only ON button assigned to Scene

Switch 1 is Responder

Switch 2 is Responder

Switch 3 is Responder



Scene 2 – cross links KPL button A and Switch 1


KPL 1 button A as Controller

KPL 2 button A as Controller

Switch 1 as Controller


Scene 3 - cross links KPL button B and Switch 2


KPL 1 button B as Controller

KPL 2 button B as Controller

Switch 2 as Controller


Scene 4 – cross links KPL button C and Switch 3


KPL 1 button C as Controller

KPL 2 button C as Controller

Switch 3 as Controller

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KPL 1 ON/OFF buttons as Controller – only ON button assigned to Scene


Can I ask why only the ON button is assigned to the scene and not the OFF button? I assume this is handling the ALL ON key from the KeypadLinc. Why does the ALL OFF case not have to be handled? I don't own any KeypadLincs currently so I can't try this out to see what is going on - just trying to understand.




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With KeypadLincs, each button uses a unique Scene number. In the case of a 6 button KeypadLinc the ON and OFF buttons use the same Scene number. From an application perspective the ON and OFF buttons appear as a single button because they share the same Scene number.

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